I'm Fabricio Siqueira, a passionate software development enthusiast with a deep love for coding. I'm currently studying Control and Automation Engineering at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, and I've recently started my journey as a software developer.
- 🔭 I’m working on the revival of the classic game Gunbound, collaborating with Inside Code Ltda. to bring this exciting project to life.
- 💼 Previously, I contributed to projects through Automic Jr., including one for UCJ (UFMG's junior company). I developed a script for data processing, reading data from Pipefy and generating comprehensive internal reports for the HR, Finance, Projects, and Marketing departments.
- 📱 Currently, I'm also involved in a project for SEEM (Semana de Estudos da Escola de Minas, in english: School of Mines Study Week), creating an Expo-based app for QR code scanning to track event attendance. This app includes features such as login, QR code generation for participants, and attendance reports with essential participant data.
- 📚 I’m currently learning Electron and Rust, to expand my skill set and bring more versatility to my development work.
- 📫 How to reach me fabricio.siqueira@aluno.ufop.edu.br