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GitHub Trading Cards

Add and collect your favourite coders! 👩🏻‍💻👨🏾‍💻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Deployed version here

Screenshot 👀

Criteria 📝

✔️ Accept some user input (GitHub username)

✔️ Query an API (GitHub)

✔️ Populate the UI with API data (trading cards)

✔️ Have some form of persistent state and interactivity (star ratings ⭐️)

🙆‍♀️ Stretch

✔️ Add CSS 🎨

What we learned 📚 ⚛️

  • How to create React Components
  • How to use Vite as a bundler and for a dev server 🛠
  • How to deploy a React site to Netlify
  • How to use React to populate and update a UI
  • How to use fetch in React
  • How to use React Hooks (useEffect, useState)

Bugs 🐛

  • We had an issue where our fetch function was searching with the previous value in our input field (username).

    This was fixed by separating our useEffect functions so that they were not chained together.

  • We are using the GitHub API ID as our unique key prop 🔑 It's possible to add two cards with the same GitHub username (and therefore the same key). This is causing an issue with our delete function 🗑. To fix this we should generate a unique key for each card as it's added to the UI.

Future Improvements 🕰

  • Add a sort or filter function for card list
  • Add an album component for users to store their cards
  • Add local storage 📦
  • Modularise the code into further components
  • Add styled components 💅


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