This is the week 5 project of the FAC software developer apprenticeship. A Nextjs full-stack application for collecting birds inspired by the game wingspan.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Cd into the repo
cd wingspan
- Install npm packages
npm install --force
- Seed the database
node database/seed.js
- Run the development server
npm run dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in the browser
As a user, I want to...
- land on a page with images of birds (name, image) so that I can get an idea of what birds are on offer
- filter the original view of the birds so I can narrow my decision making (filter by habitat)
- select a bird to view more data so that I can get more information about the birds
- select a quantity of birds so that I can add them to my birdcage
Wireframes were created using figma and can be found HERE.

- Deployment This is because Next.js's Vercel doesn't play nice with sqlite (a requirement of the project)
E2E tests were created with Cypress
To run the tests:
Make sure development server is running
npm run dev
Run the tests in the terminal
npx cypress run
Make sure development server is running
npm run dev
Open cypress application
npx cypress open
Select E2E Testing in the application
Select chrome as your browser
Select the spec you wish to run