- HTTP-to-code url mapping
- Bind an HTTP parameter to a code method parameter
- Hot reload(fix the bug and hit reload)
- Show error source code directly
- Simple stateless MVC
- Familiar templating engine
- Javascript FWT suppert
- Zero configuration
- Build-in localization
- Full-stack(ORM/Validate/Patchca...)
- slanWeb is core web service
- slanDemo is a web app template and demo
- slanRecord is very simple ORM tool
- slanUtil is some web utilitys
make file ./public/Hello.fan
like this:
using slanWeb
class Hello : SlanWeblet {
Str index() {
return "<html><h2>Hello Word</h2></html>"
start server:
fan slanWeb -resPath public/
see: http://localhost:8080/Hello
file ./public/Hello.fwt
using dom
using domkit
class Main : Box
new make()
label := Label { it.text="Hi" }
this {
Button { it.text="Press Me"; onAction { label.text = label.text+"!" } },
Void main() { Win.cur.doc.body.add(Main()) }
see: http://localhost:8080/Hello.fwt
using slanWeb
class Temp : SlanWeblet {
Void hi() {
stash("name", "Abc")
<h2>Hello @name</h2>
see: http://localhost:8080/Temp/hi
using slanRecord
class Person {
@Id Str? sid
Str? name
Int? age
//get connection
pool = ConnPool.make(...)
c = poo.openContext
//create table
//insert data
c.insert(Person{ sid = "abc"; name = "abc"; age = 20 })
//query data
list := c.list(Person{ age = 20 })
//select and update
one := c.one(Person{ id = "abc" })
one.age = 30
cd slanDemo
fan slanWeb -podName slanDemo -resPath public/
You should be able to hit http://localhost:8080/ with your browser!
- .fan script file
- .fwt fantom JS file
- .fsp standalone template page
- resPath .fan file
- resPath file
- pod file
- pod Class