Mturk-Tracker is a Django web application and is setup within python virtualenv and requires a working python envioroment and PostgreSQL database.
Mturk-Tracker requires base packages:
$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv subversion mercurial \ postgresql-8.4 postgresql-server-dev-8.4 python2.6-dev \ libevent-dev
To initialize project, virtualenv_ python package is required (you may also want to use virtualenvwrapper_ extension). First, create and activate new virtual python environment:
$ virtualenv mturk --no-site-packages $ cd mturk $ . bin/activate
$ mkvirtualenv mturk --no-site-packages $ workon mturk $ cd $VIRTUAL_ENV
if using virtualenvwrapper_.
After that, clone mturk code from repository and install all dependencies using pip_ (you have to install mercurial and subversion first):
$ git clone git:// src $ cd src $ git fetch $ git checkout -b virtualenv --track origin/virtualenv $ echo "mturk.settings.base" > DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Because pip
should take care of all libraries, use it to update already
existing configuration. Whenever new dependency appears, run pip -r
just to update.
By default mturk.settings.defaults
configuration module is being used. To add
custom variables you can add code to:
- project default variables visible for all other configuration files
You can also setup any other configuration module by setting
shell variable or file as given in example above.
Make sure that django app can connect to database, the best way to do that is to allow postgres to accept local connections by editing pg_hba.conf file. Check if you can connect to database:
$ psql -U postgres
In order to setup a clean db you have to create the database and populate it with tables:
$ createdb -U postgres mturk_tracker $ createlang plpgsql -U postgres -d mturk_tracker $ python syncdb $ python migrate
Nothing special, just type:
$ sudo python runserver
in django project directory. And then point your browser to http://localhost:8000/
You may launch initial crawl by:
$ python crawl --workers=6 --logconf=logging.conf
Logs will be saved in /tmp/crawler.log
. Because mturk requires
authentication for HITs listings pagination, use --mturk-email
flags to authenticate and crawl as mturk worker.
To generate data that will be displayed on graphs you need to launch scripts:
$ python db_refresh_mviews $ python db_update_agregates $ python db_calculate_daily_stats