Graphs (also called networks) are composed of nodes (or vertices) that are related by edges (or links). A clique is a set of nodes in which each node is linked to every other node - you can think of it as a highly cohesive group.
Finding a clique cover of a graph means covering the graph with cliques, so that each node belongs to a clique. Finding a minimum clique cover means finding how to cover the graph with a minimum number of cliques. The Minimum Clique Cover problem is a NP-hard problem, that basically means the optimal solution can't be solved in a reasonable (polynomial) time. Here are some algorithms trying to solve this problem.
Naive algorithm, trying all the possible combinations of cliques. Is reaaaally slow.
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Improvement of the Brute Force algorithm, that is able to stop its exploration of the solution if it is sure that there won't be any viable & better solution with the given configuration. The number of configurations tested is way smaller. Is quicker.
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The heuristic used here is a greedy algorithm.
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