This project is intended to help testing IS services in an automated manner. Therefore it contains mean to mock services and an API for farsightwm/testing-jbehave (or other 3rd party tools) to run test-cases with mocked services.
This is still work in progress!
Currently tested only with webMethods IntegrationServer 10.5
Copy the IS package from src/is into your Integration Server
Build the (jar) libraries
- farsightwm/utils
- farsightwm/testing-utils
- farsightwm/testing-core
and place them into the code/jars directory of the package.
Download Apache Commons Jexl 3.1 jar and place it into code/jars (e.g. from Maven Central Repository)
Activate the package and run the service farsightwm.testing.verify:checkFrameworkCorrectlyConfigured and confirm that the message reports the framework as operational.
(optional) Install farsightwm/testing-jbehave into your Designer (or another Eclipse installation) and use it to create test-stories.