A simple PHP client for SMART on FHIR, the standard API for integrating applications with any modern healthcare system.
$ composer require faulkj/fhirclient
On initial load:
//Assumining this is the URL loaded by the EMR: https://my.website.com/launch/?iss=https://my.fhirserver.com/FHIRProxy/api/FHIR/R4&launch=abc123
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$iss = parse_url($_GET["iss"]);
$_SESSION["fhirParams"] = [
"redirectURI" => "https://my.website.com"
$fhir = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
This will first get an Conformance Statement/SMART Configuration from my.fhirserver.com/FHIRProxy/api/FHIR/R4 to retrieve the authorization and token endpoints. It will then request an authorization code from the authorization endpoint, triggering a redirect to my.website.com.
On my.website.com when redirected:
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$fc = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
//You are now authenticated and may query the FHIR server
$obs = $fc->query("Observation?patient=12345678&code=12345-6");
if($obs->code == 200) echo $obs->body;
On subsequent page loads or AJAX calls, the FHIRClient will need to be reinstanciated before yoy can send a query:
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$fc = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
$pat = $fc->query("Patient/12345678");
if($pat->code == 200) echo $pat->body;
On initial load:
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$iss = parse_url($_GET["iss"]);
$_SESSION["fhirParams"] = [
"state" => base64_encode(rand()),
"redirectURI" => "https://my.website.com",
"authURI" => "FHIRProxy/oauth2/authorize",
"tokenURI" => "FHIRProxy/oauth2/token"
$fc = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
This example includes a randomly generated state parameter and will request an authorization code from my.fhirserver.com/FHIRProxy/oauth2/authorize, triggering a redirect to my.website.com.
On my.website.com when redirected:
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$fc = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
//You are now authenticated and may query the FHIR server
$obs = $fc->query("Observation?patient=12345678&code=12345-6");
if($obs->code == 200) echo $obs->body;
On subsequent page loads or AJAX calls, the FHIRClient will need to be reinstanciated before yoy can send a query:
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$fc = new FHIRClient(...$_SESSION["fhirParams"]);
$pat = $fc->query("Patient/12345678");
if($pat->code == 200) echo $pat->body;
use FaulkJ\FHIRClient;
$fc = (new FHIRClient(
"signingKey" => "D:\\privatekey.pem",
"tokenURI" => "FHIRProxy/oauth2/token"
$response = $fc->query("FHIRProxy/path/to/api/");
if($response->code == 200) echo $response->body;