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If you haven't generated this project you'll need to run npm install.

Running the project

npm run dev

Current Components:

  • Cover.svelte If you want to use the cover component, you need to pass the following data, easiest way is to do it through the slide-content.js file:
export const slideContent = [
    slideType: Cover,
    transition: "fade", // zoom, fade, slide, convex, concave, zoom-in, zoom-out, none
    data: {
      classes: "large-heading", // choose large-, or medium-heading if presentation name is too long
      sprintNr: {
        content: `{Sprint nummer}`,
      presentationName: {
        content: `{presentatie naam}`,
      type: {
        content: "{les type, bijv. workshop}",
      emojis: {
        content: ["🚀", "💪", "="],
export const slideContent = [
    slideType: PhotoCollage,
    transition: "fade",
    data: {
      customGrid: false, // optional, Number of columns
      objectFit: "cover", 
      gap: false, // optional, default is false
      padding: false, // optional, default is false
      background: false, // optional, default is false (use a css variable here)
      customPill: { // optional
        text: "{Custom Pill}", 
        color: "var(--c-text)",
        background: "var(--c-highlight)",
        position: "top left",
      images: [
          type: "image",
          src: "{src}", // add images to the static folder and link like this: ./img.jpg
          alt: "{alt}",
      caption: "{caption}", // optional
      captionPosition: "right center",
  • Planning.svelte If you want to use the planning component, you need to pass the following data, easiest way is to do it through the slide-content.js file:
export const slideContent = [
    slideType: Planning,
    transition: "fade",
    data: {
      customPill: { // optional
        text: "{Custom Pill}",
        color: "var(--c-text)",
        background: "var(--c-highlight)",
        position: "top left",
      title: {
        content: "{Title}",
        level: 1,
        classes: "xlarge-heading",
      progress: 0, // 0 is the first item, strikes through items before this number
      list: ["{Item}", "{Item}"],
  • Quote.svelte If you want to use the quote component, you need to pass the following data, easiest way is to do it through the slide-content.js file:
export const slideContent = [
    slideType: Quote,
    transition: "fade",
    data: {
      quote: {
        content: "{Quote}",
        classes: "large-heading",
      author: {
        content: "{Author}",
        classes: "small-heading",
export const slideContent = [
    slideType: TextColumns,
    transition: "fade",
    data: {
      customPill: {
        text: "{Custom Pill}",
        color: "var(--c-text)",
        background: "var(--c-highlight)",
        position: "top left",
      columns: [
          pointer: {
            text: "{Pointer}",  
            color: "var(--c-text)",
            background: "var(--c-highlight)",
            position: "top right",
          title: {
            content: "{Title}",
            level: 2,
            classes: "medium-heading",
          text: {
            content: "{Content}",
            classes: "small-heading",

Building the project

Create a new repo on FDND's github organization and push the project to it.

Make sure that GitHub Pages is activated in the repository settings and the source is set to GitHub Actions, every push to main will trigger a build and deploy the project to GitHub Pages.