DIQL (the Data-Intensive Query Language) is a query language for DISC (Data-Intensive Scalable Computing) systems, that is deeply embedded in Scala. The DIQL compiler optimizes DIQL queries and translates them to Java byte code at compile-time. DIQL is designed to support multiple Scala-based APIs for distributed processing by abstracting their distributed data collections as a DataBag, which is a bag distributed across the worker nodes of a computer cluster. Currently, DIQL supports three Big Data platforms that provide different APIs and performance characteristics: Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Twitter Cascading/Scalding, Scala's Parallel Collection library. Unlike other query languages for DISC systems, DIQL can uniformly work on both distributed and in-memory collections using the same syntax. DIQL allows seamless mixing of native Scala code, which may contain UDF calls, with SQL-like query syntax, thus combining the flexibility of general-purpose programming languages with the declarativeness of database query languages. DIQL queries may use any Scala pattern, may access any Scala variable, and may embed any Scala code without any marshaling. More importantly, DIQL queries can use the core Scala libraries and tools as well as user-defined classes without having to add any special declaration. This tight integration with Scala minimizes impedance mismatch, reduces program development time, and increases productivity, since it finds syntax and type errors at compile-time. DIQL supports nested collections and hierarchical data, and allows query nesting at any place in a query. The query optimizer can find any possible join, including joins hidden across deeply nested queries, thus unnesting any form of query nesting.
DIQL requires Scala 2.11. It runs on the following 3 DISC platforms: Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Twitter Cascading/Scalding. It can also run on Scala's Parallel Collection library.
To compile DIQL using scala 2.11.7 and Spark core 2.4.0, use:
mvn install
For different Scala/Spark versions, use for example:
mvn -Dscala.version=2.11.1 -Dspark.version=1.6.2 install
To test few DIQL queries on Spark:
export SPARK_HOME= ... path to Spark home ...
cd tests/spark
./build test.scala
To compile DIQL using scala 2.11.7 and Flink 1.6.2, use:
mvn -f pom-flink.xml install
For different Scala/Flink versions, use for example:
mvn -f pom-flink.xml -Dscala.version=2.11.1 -Dflink.version=1.1.0 install
To test few DIQL queries on Flink:
export FLINK_HOME= ... path to Flink home ...
cd tests/flink
./build test.scala
To compile DIQL using scala 2.11.7, Scalding 0.17.2, and Cascading 3.3.0, use:
mvn -f pom-scalding.xml install
To test few DIQL queries on Scalding:
export SCALDING_HOME= ... path to Scalding home ...
cd tests/scalding
./build test.scala
The results of run are stored in the directory results
To compile DIQL using scala 2.11.7 use:
mvn -f pom-parallel.xml install
To test few DIQL queries:
cd tests/parallel
./build test.scala
DIQL syntax | meaning |
explain(true) |
to get more information about optimization and compilation steps |
monoid("+",0) |
to define a new monoid for an infix operation |
q(""" ... """) |
compile a DIQL query to Scala code |
debug(""" ... """) |
compile a DIQL query to Scala code (with debugging) |
qs(""" ... """) |
compile many DIQL queries to code that returns List[Any] |
m(""" ... """) |
define macros (functions that are expanded at compile-time) |
DIQL queries can work on both distributed and regular Scala
collections using the same syntax. A distributed collection (called a DataBag)
is an immutable homogeneous collection of data distributed across the
worker nodes of a cluster. They are supported on various distributed
platforms under different names: RDDs in Spark, DataSets in Flink,
TypedPipes in Scalding, and ParIterable in Scala Parallel API. The generator and aggregation domains in
DIQL queries must conform to the types DataBag, Traversable, or Array,
where a DataBag is an RDD class in Spark, a DataSet class in Flink, or
a TypedPipe class in Scalding. That is, these domains must be
collections of type T that satisfies T <: DataBag[_]
T <: Traversable[_]
, or T <: Array[_]
A DIQL query is any functional Scala expression extended with the following query syntax:
e ::= any functional Scala expression (no blocks, no val/var declarations, no assignments)
| select [ distinct ] e (select-query)
from q,...,q
[ where e ]
[ group by p [ : e ]
[ from q,...,q [ where e ]
group by p [ : e ] ] (the right branch of a coGroup)
[ having e ] ]
[ order by e ]
| some q,...,q: e (existential quantification)
| all q,...,q: e (universal quantification)
| e member e (membership testing)
| e union e (bag union)
| e intersect e (bag intersection)
| e minus e (bag difference)
| let p = e, ..., p = e in e (let-binding)
| +/e (aggregation using the monoid +)
| repeat p = e step e
[ until e ] [ limit n ] (repetition)
| trace(e) (trace the evaluation of e)
p ::= any Scala pattern (including refutable patterns)
q ::= p <- e (generator over a DataBag or an Iterable sequence)
| p <-- e (like p <- e but for a small dataset)
| p = e (binding)
A macro is a function with a DIQL body that is expanded at query translation time. Macros must be defined inside m("""...""")
. Syntax:
def name ( v: type, ..., v: type ) = e
select (i/2.0,z._2,max/xs)
from (i,3,xs) <- S,
x <- xs,
z <- (select (i,+/j) from (i,j,_) <- S group by i)
where (some k <- xs: k>3) && i==z._1
order by avg/xs desc
case class Point ( X: Double, Y: Double )
def distance ( x: Point, y: Point ): Double
= Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x.X-y.X,2)+Math.pow(x.Y-y.Y,2))
q("""let points = sc.textFile("points.txt")
.map( _.split(",") )
.map( p => Point(p(0).toDouble,p(1).toDouble) )
in repeat centroids = Array( Point(0,0), Point(10,0), Point(0,10), Point(10,10) )
step select Point( avg/x, avg/y )
from p@Point(x,y) <- points
group by k: ( select c
from c <- centroids
order by distance(c,p) ).head
limit 10
case class GraphNode ( id: Long, rank: Double, adjacent: List[Long] )
case class PageRank ( id: Long, rank: Double )
val graph_size = 1000
val factor = 0.85
select PageRank( id = x.id, rank = x.rank )
from x <- ( repeat graph = select GraphNode( id = n.toLong,
rank = 0.5D,
adjacent = ns.map(_.toLong) )
from line <- sc.textFile("graph.txt"),
n::ns = line.split(",").toList
step select GraphNode( id = m.id, rank = n.rank, adjacent = m.adjacent )
from n <- (select PageRank( id = key,
rank = (1-factor)/graph_size
+factor*(+/select x.rank from x <- c) )
from c <- ( select PageRank( id = a,
rank = n.rank/(count/n.adjacent) )
from n <- graph,
a <- n.adjacent )
group by key: c.id),
m <- graph
where n.id == m.id
limit 10 )
order by (x.rank) desc
A compile-time translator of array-based loops to data parallel programs. It works on Spark and Scala's Parallel colections.
To compile DIABLO on Spark, just compile DIQL:
mvn install
To test on Spark:
export SPARK_HOME= ... path to Spark home ...
cd tests/diablo/spark
./build MatrixMultiplication.scala
./run m.txt n.txt 100
var M = sc.textFile(args(0))
.map( line => { val a = line.split(",")
((a(0).toLong,a(1).toLong),a(2).toDouble) } )
var N = sc.textFile(args(1))
.map( line => { val a = line.split(",")
((a(0).toLong,a(1).toLong),a(2).toDouble) } )
var R: matrix[Double] = matrix();
for i = 0, n-1 do
for j = 0, n-1 do {
R[i,j] := 0.0;
for k = 0, m-1 do
R[i,j] += M[i,k]*N[k,j];
var R = sc.textFile(args(0))
.map( line => { val a = line.split(",")
((a(0).toLong,a(1).toLong),a(2).toDouble) } )
var P: matrix[Double] = matrix();
var Q: matrix[Double] = matrix();
var pq: matrix[Double] = matrix();
var E: matrix[Double] = matrix();
var a: Double = 0.002;
var b: Double = 0.02;
for i = 0, n-1 do
for k = 0, l-1 do
P[i,k] := random();
for k = 0, l-1 do
for j = 0, m-1 do
Q[k,j] := random();
var steps: Int = 0;
while ( steps < 10 ) {
steps += 1;
for i = 0, n-1 do
for j = 0, m-1 do {
pq[i,j] := 0.0;
for k = 0, l-1 do
pq[i,j] += P[i,k]*Q[k,j];
E[i,j] := R[i,j]-pq[i,j];
for k = 0, l-1 do {
P[i,k] += a*(2*E[i,j]*Q[k,j]-b*P[i,k]);
Q[k,j] += a*(2*E[i,j]*P[i,k]-b*Q[k,j]);