Musnify is a simple script written in python that provides notification support for Music Player Daemon using libnotify_0.7. It can also display the album covers loaded from in the notification status or load it from the user local music library.
To use musnify-mpd you will need to install the following python dependencies:
# pip install requests mpd
To install musnify-mpd simple clone this repository into your machine:
$ git clone
And so run the script inside the cloned directory.
$ cd musnify-mpd
# ./
If you are a Arch Linux user, you can also install it directly from AUR:
$ yay -S musnify-mpd
After installation you may want to configure your mpd host and port, to do this copy the .example file into ~/.config/musnify-mpd
$ mkdir ~/.config/musnify-mpd
$ cp /usr/share/doc/musnify-mpd/musnify-mpdconfig.example ~/.config/musnify-mpd/musnify-mpd.config
There is a sample conf:
host = localhost
port = 6600
musiclibrary = ~/Music
You always can just specify your MPD host and port:
$ musnify-mpd -h MPD_HOST -p MPD_PORT
Just remember to run the script "musnify-mpd" every time you start your WM by putting it on your autostart or rc.d file and enjoy it. 😄
Felipe Marinho
If you have any suggestions please fell free to contact-me.