An implementation of feltor's discontinuous Galerkin 'dg' library in python.
In order to analyse Feltor simulations python has turned out to be an invaluable tool. However, it is currently not possible to compute a dG derivative inside python once a field is loaded from a netCDF file. All diagnostics therefore have to be written by the simulation code and an extension involves writing the new diagnostics, re-compilation of code and a re-simulation of the result. This is a too costly interruption of the workflow for a simple task. The initial goal for this package is to provide the dG derivatives as they are used inside the dg library as well as other quality of life functions like weights, grids and the evaluate functions. In fact, since many numerical packages are available through python this enables many applications beyond simple simulations diagnostics. The only downside is of course that all functions are unparallelized in python.
As a second addition, now also Feltor's geometries extension is available in python.
However, the geometries functions and classes are not re-implemented in python, but
they are bound to python via the pybind11
library. As such the corresponding C++ binding code must be compiled in order
to generate the module dg.geo
You need python3 to install this module
The simplest way is to install from the python package index pypi via the package manager pip v23.0
python3 -m pip install pyfeltor
To install from github you have to clone the repository and then use the package manager pip v23.0
git clone
cd pyfeltor
python3 -m pip install -e . # editable installation of the module
# ... if asked, cancel all password prompts ...
cd tests
pytest-3 -s . # run all the unittests with output
Currently, the only way to install this module is via a local, editable install. Assuming that the pyfeltor.dg module was succesfully installed this way
- the first step is to also install feltor following the quick start guide for a base installation.
- Second, instead of jsoncpp we here use the
nlohmann/json parser available either as a
system package
. - Next, we follow the first steps guide on pybind11
and install it via
python3 -m pip install pybind11
. - Further, we install the 'python3-dev',
system packages for the corresponding C++ header files.
Finally, invoke the Makefile in this repository
export FELTOR_PATH=path/to/feltor
make -j 4
Replace path/to/feltor
with the path to the Feltor library relative to the current
directory. By default FELTOR_PATH=../feltor
That's it. With the editable install the pyfeltor.dg.geo
module is now automatically
imported together with pyfeltor.dg
You can test if it works by executing the test
cd tests
pytest -s test_geometries
Generally, pyfeltor is built to mimic the dg
library in feltor.
- pyfeltor uses 1d numpy arrays as its vector class
- there is only one grid class
that generalisesdg::Grid1d
- Grids don't hold boundary conditions, these need to be provided in each function
- the evaluate function generates 1d (flat) numpy arrays that can be
reshaped to 1d, 2d, 3d structure using
- the Grids do not name dimensions, only number them; the last/rightmost dimension is the one that varies fastest in memory (contrary to the C++ library where the first dimension (x) varies fastest).
- the equivalent of the
vector functions are just plain math operators with numpy arrays - the equivalent of
- the derivative matrices are generated as
matrices - the equivalent of
is thedot
method of scipy.sparse matrices - The elliptic operator is a sparse matrix in pyfeltor (in contrast to a class) and is created by a function
import numpy as np
# import dg library
from pyfeltor import dg
n, Nx = 3, 12
grid = dg.Grid(x0=1, x1=2, n=n, N=Nx)
weights = dg.create.weights(grid)
func = dg.evaluate(lambda x: np.exp(x), grid)
sol = np.exp(2) - np.exp(1)
# the equivalent of dg::blas1::dot
num = np.sum(weights * func)
print(f"Correct integral is {sol} while numerical is {num}")
import numpy as np
from pyfeltor import dg
# We choose x as the second dimension here to make it vary in memory fastest
n, Nx, Ny = 3, 12, 24
g2d = dg.Grid(x0=[0.1, 0], x1=[2 * np.pi + 0.1, np.pi], n=[n, n], N=[Ny, Nx])
w2d = dg.create.weights(g2d)
f2d = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: np.sin(x) * np.sin(y), g2d)
x2d = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: np.cos(x) * np.sin(y), g2d)
# the x dimension is the rightmost (index 1)
dx = dg.create.dx(1, g2d, dg.bc.DIR, dg.direction.forward)
# and the y dimension is the leftmost (index 0)
dy = dg.create.dx(0, g2d, dg.bc.PER, dg.direction.centered)
error = - x2d
norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(w2d * error ** 2)) / np.sqrt(w2d * x2d ** 2)
print(f"Relative error to true solution: {norm}")
You can equally name x as the first dimension, then the y dimension varies fastest in memory. Just keep it consistent.
from pyfeltor import dg
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import scipy.linalg
amp = 0.9
pol = lambda y, x: 1 + amp * np.sin(x) * np.sin(y)
rhs = (
lambda y, x: 2.0 * np.sin(x) * np.sin(y) * (amp * np.sin(x) * np.sin(y) + 1)
- amp * np.sin(x) * np.sin(x) * np.cos(y) * np.cos(y)
- amp * np.cos(x) * np.cos(x) * np.sin(y) * np.sin(y)
sol = lambda y, x: np.sin(x) * np.sin(y)
lx, ly = np.pi, 2 * np.pi
bcx, bcy = dg.bc.DIR, dg.bc.PER
n, Nx, Ny = 3, 64, 64
grid = dg.Grid([0, 0], [ly, lx], [n, n], [Ny, Nx])
x = np.zeros(grid.size())
b = dg.evaluate(rhs, grid)
chi = dg.evaluate(pol, grid)
solution = dg.evaluate(sol, grid)
# here we assemble the dg elliptic operator as a sparse matrix
pol_forward = dg.create.elliptic(
[bcy, bcx],
[dg.direction.forward, dg.direction.forward],
# use a direct solver to solve linear equation
x = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(pol_forward, b)
w2d = dg.create.weights(grid)
print("Distance to true solution is ", np.sqrt(np.sum(w2d * (x - solution) ** 2)))
from pyfeltor import dg
import numpy as np
n, Nx, Ny = 3, 32, 32
g = dg.Grid(x0=[-5 * np.pi, -np.pi], x1=[-4 * np.pi, 0], n=[n, n], N=[Ny, Nx])
equi = dg.Grid(
x0=[-5 * np.pi, -np.pi], x1=[-4 * np.pi, 0], n=[1, 1], N=[n * Ny, n * Nx]
y = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: y, equi)
x = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: x, equi)
interp = dg.create.interpolation([y, x], g, [dg.bc.DIR, dg.bc.DIR])
vec = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: np.sin(x) * np.sin(y), g)
inter =
interE = dg.evaluate(lambda y, x: np.sin(x) * np.sin(y), equi)
error = np.sum((inter - interE) ** 2) / np.sum(inter ** 2)
print(f"Error is {np.sqrt(error)} (should be small)!")
Currently the dg.geo
module binds all classes and functions available
in Modules 3 and 5 in the documentation.
Since the interface is now the same, the C++ documentation applies exactly to the python module as well.
Only a few caveats need to be considered:
- in all derivatives of
only the 2 dimensional version ofoperator()
is currently bound - in all derivatives of
is vectorized, i.e. can be called on a numpy array - function or member parameters that are of type
on the C++ code are simple python dictionaries on the python side (arrays need to be lists though) - functions or members with parameters from the original
library (e.g.dg::Grid2d
) are currently not bound (exceptdg::geo::createSheathRegion
). - python does not support non-const double reference arguments (e.g.
double& R
) see this FAQ entry on pybind11 In the cases when it occurs we append these variables as a tuple to the return value of the function (for example indg.geo.findOpoint
, see the examples below)
A first application is to generate a flux function and evaluating it like so
from pyfeltor import dg
params = {c = np.array( [1,2,3,4])
params = {"R_0" : 400, "inverseaspectratio" : 20, "elongation" : 1, "triangularity" : 1,
"PP" : 1, "PI" : 1, "description" : "standardX", "M" : 2, "N" : 2, "c" : c.tolist()}
pp = dg.geo.polynomial.Parameters(params)
psip = dg.geo.polynomial.Psip(pp)
grid = dg.Grid( x0 = (pp.R_0-pp.a, -pp.a), x1 = (pp.R_0+pp.a, pp.a), n=(3,3), N=(24, 24))
psi = dg.evaluate( psip, grid)
As an application in magneticfieldb you can see a polynomial flux function being fitted to an experimental field.
In this second example we look how we can use a json magnetic field file to generate the magnetic field for us:
from pyfeltor import dg
with open ("geometry_params_Xpoint.json", "r") as f:
magparams = json.load(f)
mag = dg.geo.createMagneticField( magparams)
RO,ZO = mag.R0(), 0
(point, RO, ZO) = dg.geo.findOpoint(mag.get_psip(), RO, ZO)
print( "O-point found at ", RO, ZO)
a = mag.params().a()
R0 = mag.R0()
grid = dg.Grid(x0=(R0-a, -a), x1=(R0+a, +a), n=(3, 3), N=(24, 24))
psi = dg.evaluate( mag.psip(), grid)
BR = dg.evaluate( dg.geo.BFieldR(mag), grid)
BZ = dg.evaluate( dg.geo.BFieldZ(mag), grid)
# ... the list of possible functions is large ...
# Since the functions can be evaluated using numpy arrays this also works
R = dg.evaluate( lambda R, Z: R, grid)
Z = dg.evaluate( lambda R, Z: Z, grid)
BP = dg.geo.BFieldP(mag)(R,Z)
# go on to plot with matplotlib ...
A common task is to generate a q-profile. This can be done like so:
with open ("enrx_tcv.json", "r") as f:
magparams = json.load(f)
mag = dg.geo.createMagneticField(magparams)
qfunctor = dg.geo.SafetyFactor(mag)
RO,ZO = mag.R0(), 0
(point, RO, ZO) = dg.geo.findOpoint(mag.get_psip(), RO, ZO)
print( "O-point found at ", RO, ZO)
psipO = mag.psip()(RO,ZO)
grid = dg.Grid( psipO, 0, 3, 64)
qprof = dg.evaluate( qfunctor, grid)
Contributions are welcome.
Matthias Wiesenberger