// About Fernando
const softwareEngineer = {
name: "Amoda Fernando",
role: "Software Engineer",
description: `
Passionate developer with a knack for solving complex problems through code.
Self-taught and driven by an unyielding curiosity to explore and
master new technologies.
skills: [
"Full-Stack Development",
"Algorithms & Data Structures",
"Clean Code Practices",
"Software Design & Architecture",
"Crafting Functional and Aesthetic User Interfaces"
philosophy: {
learning: "Constantly diving into new languages, frameworks, and tools.",
creativity: "Blending technical expertise with design for impactful solutions.",
projects: "Believes in hands-on learning; building real-world applications.",
problemSolving: "Enjoys cracking tough challenges and optimizing processes.",
curiosity: "Driven by a passion for innovation and continuous improvement."
connect: function() {
return "Collaboration is key. Let's create something extraordinary!";
// Let's Build Something Amazing Together
// Visit my portfolio: fernand3z.dev