This contract will run on the Ethereum blockchain and is a replacement for the staking auction contract that operated between the middle of 2019 to August 2020. The goals of the contract are to:
- To simplify the staking process and reduce the effort that is required by both and stakers.
- To lower costs.
- To facilitate participation in incentivized test-nets.
The logic of the smart contract is that users can bond or stake FET ERC-20 tokens at at any time, and are rewarded with a fixed interest rate for doing so. The staked tokens can be unbonded and after a fixed number of blocks are unlocked for transfers. The logic of the contract is shown in Figure 1, which shows a state diagram for FET tokens held in the staking contract.
Figure 1: State diagram for the staking contract. Fet ERC-20 tokens are in the “Unbonded” stake and can be transferred freely. The other states cannot be transferred freely.
A brief description of the public interface of the contract is given below:
addTokens: Transfer ERC20 tokens to contract so that they are in the unbonded state.
bindStake: Tokens are moved to the “Bonded” state. The block number is recorded to enable interest payments to be made.
unbindStake: FET tokens are moved from the "Bonded" state to the "Locked" state.
withdraw: Remove tokens from "unlocked" state to user's address.
changeInterestRate: Change interest rate from the current block onwards.
updateLockPeriod: Change lock-up period for subsequent unbondings.
withdrawRewards: Owner can withdraw rewards from the contract.
addRewards: Contract rewards can be added by external party.
unbondAll: return all tokens in the bondedstate to the unlocked state.