This project is meant for internal JS-code at, but we have many public JS projects which also want to use the same code style. Feel free to use/fork, but it probably will become very FINN specific, so we don't expect it to be very useful for others.
From version 6.0.0-alpha.1 finn-js-code-style use ESLint under the hood instead of JSLint. So the .jshintrc file is not in use anymore. ESLint was chosen because of better ES2015-support and it's more extensible, while it seems like JSHint is less maintained at the moment.
git mv .jshintignore .eslintignore
git rm .jshintrc
Create a file named .eslintrc
"extends": "finn"
If the project use ES-modules, you have to add the sourceType
parser option:
"extends": "finn",
"parserOptions": {
"sourceType": "module"
Add a pull-request if you want to change something and we can discuss on the pull-request. One pull-request pr option change. Please include the description of the rule in the PR description :)
We will experiment with the rules and migth do "breaking" changes like increasing strictness, but after we have released 5.0.0 we should not make the rules more strict without bumping the major version.
ESLint also supports having multiple configurations in a config package, so if someone wants a set of React-specific rules or anything else, we can add that as a separate file in eslint-config-finn.
$ npm install --save-dev finn-js-code-style
This command will validate code style on the files you specify. In the future, it might do more code style checks on the same set of files.
$ finn-js-code-style [options] <file | dir>...
Usage info--config
Specify config instead of using the.eslintrc
default--max-warnings <number>
Exit when more warnings thanmax-warnings
--max-errors <number>
Exit when more errors thanmax-errors
Exit when warnings/errors are generated
Specify environment in .eslintrc
"extends": "finn",
"env": {
"node": true
If you have scritps for multiple environments and don't want to enable both at once, you can create a new config extending .eslintrc
or the "finn" config:
"extends": "./.eslintrc",
"env": {
"node": true
Then specify the other config with the --config
command-line argument:
finn-js-code-style --config .eslintrc-node lib/
See the Specifying Environments in the ESLint-docs for available environments.
It is possible to extend js-code-style with one or more project specific config(s), but we only allow a more strict set of rules or change the environment (node/browser). The project globals should also be defined here (if you have any), and will extend the parent´s globals (instead of overwriting).
Explicit rules are configured with .eslintrc
files. These configs should be in dot-files, instead of hard-coded in build scripts. That makes it possible for editor plugins to auto-detect the config.
List of all rules are available in ESLint rules docs. List of rules and settings used in eslint-config-finn.
You can have different configurations for tests or similar. An .eslintrc
-file in any project folder will automatically extend the project-root config:
"no-var": 2,
"object-shorthand": 2
"env": {
"mocha": true
"globals": {
"sinon": true
Predefined ESLint environments specified in env
are listed on in ESLint docs.
Use .eslintignore
to exclude files or folders.
$ npm install --save-dev grunt-exec
In Gruntfile.js
exec: {
finn_js_code_style: {
cmd: 'finn-js-code-style src'
See ESLint configuration docs and ESLint rules docs.
# patch version
$ npm run release:patch
# minor version
$ npm run release:minor
# major version
$ npm run release:major
# special versions (alpha/beta/etc) 1.2.3-beta.1
$ npm version <newversion>
$ NPM_CONFIG_TAG=<tag> npm run push-package-publish
See for what has changed since last release