The Fireblocks Solana Web3 Connection Adapter facilitates interactions between the Fireblocks API and the Solana blockchain, simplifying the process of sending transactions through Fireblocks by handling complex authentication and transaction signing procedures.
The Solana Web3 Connection Adapter utilizes Fireblocks Program Call API to process and sign all transactions, providing a seamless integration with the Solana blockchain.
Note: This Web3 Connection Adapter is currently in Beta. We welcome your feedback and pull requests to help improve the package!
Important: The Program Call API is currently in Early Availability. Please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to enable this feature for your workspace.
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone
cd solana-web3-provider
npm install -g typescript ts-node
npm install
Configure the adapter with your Fireblocks API credentials and Solana connection details (See .env.example for reference):
import { FireblocksConnectionAdapter } from './path_to_adapter';
const config = {
apiKey: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY,
apiSecretPath: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_SECRET_KEY_PATH,
vaultAccountId: process.env.FIREBLOCKS_VAULT_ACCOUNT_ID
const solanaEndpoint = ''; // Use appropriate Solana RPC endpoint
Creating an Adapter Instance:
const connection = await FireblocksConnectionAdapter.create(solanaEndpoint, config);
Sending a Transaction:
const { Transaction, SystemProgram, sendAndConfirmTransaction} = require('@solana/web3.js');
const fromMyAccount = new PublicKey(connection.getAccount());
let transaction = new Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: fromMyAccount,
toPubkey: new PublicKey('destination_address'),
lamports: 1000
const txHash = await connection.sendTransaction(transaction);
// OR
const txHash = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, []);
console.log('Transaction sent with hash:', txHash);
See the examples directory in this repository for more detailed examples.
apiKey: string - Your Fireblocks API Key
apiSecretPath: string - Path to your Fireblocks API Secret Key
apiBaseUrl?: ApiBaseUrl | string - Base URL for the Fireblocks API (optional, defaults to US production environment)
vaultAccountId: string | number - The ID of the vault account to use for transactions
devnet?: boolean - Whether to use the Devnet environment (optional, defaults to false)
pollingInterval?: number - Fireblocks API polling interval for tx status updates
feeLevel?: FeeLevel - Fee level to use for transactions (optional, defaults to MEDIUM)
silent?: boolean - Whether to suppress logging (optional, defaults to false)
Fireblocks Solana Web3 Connection Adapter introduces a few extended methods for better user experience:
Set a transaction note:
connection.setTxNote(txNote: string)
Set an external transaction identifier:
connection.setExternalTxId(externalTxId: string | null)
Get the address of the current account (the address of the SOL/SOL_TEST wallet in the configured vault account):