A Java SDK for the Fire Business API
compile group: 'com.fire', name: 'fire-business-api-java', version: '0.1'
Configure the API client with your API Token credentials.
Credentials credentials = new Credentials()
FireBusinessAPI api = new FireBusinessAPI().initialise(credentials);
Optionally, you can configure the API to use a different endpoint:
HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
FireBusinessAPI api = new FireBusinessAPI(config).initialise(credentials);
List your accounts:
AccountListResponse accountList = api.send(new AccountListRequest());
Long accountId = accountList.getAccounts().get(0).getIcan();
AccountResponse account = api.send(new AccountRequest().setAccountId(accountId));
logger.info("Account details: {}, {} / {}", account.getName(), account.getCbic(), account.getCiban());
You can list all the transactions for an account:
AccountTransactionListResponse transactions = api.send(
new AccountTransactionListRequest()
logger.info("Transaction 0 details: {}", transactions.getTransactions().get(0).getType());
Or a single transaction by ID:
TransactionResponse transaction = api.send(new TransactionRequest().setTransactionId(203162l));
Or filter by date range, keyword or transaction type.
AccountTransactionListResponse transactions = null;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
try {
transactions = api.send(new AccountTransactionListRequest()
} catch (ParseException e) {
logger.info("Transaction 0 details: {}", transactions.getTransactions().get(0).getType());
List of your batches:
// All batches:
BatchListResponse batches = api.send(new BatchListRequest());
// Just the pending batches:
BatchListResponse batches = api.send( new BatchListRequest()
.setBatchStatuses(new BatchStatus[] { BatchStatus.PENDING_APPROVAL, BatchStatus.PENDING_PARENT_BATCH_APPROVAL })
logger.info("Batch 0 = {}", batches.getBatches().get(0).getBatchName());
Create a new batch, add an internal transfer and submit the batch:
// Create the Batch Object
Batch internalTransferBatch = new Batch()
.setBatchName("Java SDK test")
// Open this batch in fire.com
BatchNewRequest newBatchRequest = new BatchNewRequest().setBatch(internalTransferBatch);
BatchNewResponse newBatch = api.send(newBatchRequest);
logger.info("New batch ID = {}", newBatch.getBatchUuid());
// Get the batchUUID
String batchUuid = newBatch.getBatchUuid();
// Create the internal transfer objects
InternalTransfer internalTransfer = new InternalTransfer()
.setRef("Testing Java SDK");
// Add them to the batch
BatchAddItemResponse newItem = api.send(new BatchAddItemRequest()
// List the items in the batch if required
BatchListItemsResponse items = api.send(new BatchListItemsRequest()
logger.info("Batch Items: {}", items.getBatchItems());
// Submit the batch for processing. Internal Transfer are processed immediately.
api.send(new BatchSubmitRequest().setBatchUuid(batchUuid));
Create a new batch, add external transfers of various types and submit the batch:
// Create the Batch Object
Batch internalTransferBatch = new Batch()
.setBatchName("Java SDK test")
// Open this batch in fire.com
BatchNewRequest newBatchRequest = new BatchNewRequest().setBatch(internalTransferBatch);
BatchNewResponse newBatch = api.send(newBatchRequest);
logger.info("New batch ID = {}", newBatch.getBatchUuid());
// Get the batchUUID
String batchUuid = newBatch.getBatchUuid();
// Create the bank transfer objects (Using account details)
BankTransfer bankTransfer = new BankTransfer()
.setDestAccountHolderName("John Q. Doe")
// GBP Account number and sort code
.setMyRef("testing API")
.setYourRef("From API");
// Create the bank transfer objects (Using saved payee details)
BankTransfer bankTransfer = new BankTransfer()
.setMyRef("testing API")
.setYourRef("From API");
// Add them to the batch
BatchAddItemResponse newItem = api.send(new BatchAddItemRequest()
// List the items in the batch if required
BatchListItemsResponse items = api.send(new BatchListItemsRequest()
logger.info("Batch Items: {}", items.getBatchItems());
// Submit the batch for processing. Bank Transfers require approval before they are processed.
api.send(new BatchSubmitRequest().setBatchUuid(batchUuid));
To create a new release to the maven repository, ensure that the pom version is updated and not a SNAPSHOP, and use mvn deploy