To Do List application made with from scratches Symfony. My customer, a building company, asked me to create an application to help their works supervisors actually plan their work with whiteboards and sticky-notes, this way to organize their projects tasks works fine, but the compagny desire to save money and make it more ecological. My work is to create an intranet application for user to create their to do list easily.
- Project studied and ready to create documents,
- Syfony project folder deployed to hold doc folder,
- UseCase created and added to doc folder,
- Fonctional Tree created and added to doc folder,
- DataBase Diagram created and added to doc folder,
- Class Diagram created and added to doc forlder,
- Wireframes created and added to doc folder,
- KanBan done,
- Readme updated with docs liked to GHPage,
- Connected symfony to mySQL server,
- First controler ToDoListController created
- User entity created with make:entity command,
- Authentication created with make:Auth command,
- Sets login obligation by adding ToDoListController the IsGranted Method,
- Added properties to User entity,
- Created fixtures for User entity,
- Project entity created with make:entity
- Task entity created with make:entity,
- Foreign-key between Project and User done with make:entity,
- Foreign-key between Task and Project done with make:entity,
- Created fixtures for Project Entity,
- Created fixtures for Task Entity,
- Created Templates - Header, Nav, Footer and customized Home title and prim title,
- Created home page controller sending projects list,
- Created home page vue for projects list to display,
- Changing strategy, created ProjectController with make:crud to manage all aspects of Project uses,
- Single project page done,
- Update project page and form done,
- Delete project done,
- Project status added next to project name changing state depending if finished or not,
- New project page done,
- Created TaskControlle with make:crud,
- Linked show_task method to new show task in show_project tastks list page,
- Single task page done,
- Delete task done,
- Update task done,
- Create new task done,
- Task status, deadline added next to task name in single project changing state depending if finished or not,
- Added new user page,
- Added new user form (keeping only what's needed),
- Project list odered by deadline dates descendant.