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UIEH-1421 React v19: refactor away from default props for functional … #133

UIEH-1421 React v19: refactor away from default props for functional …

UIEH-1421 React v19: refactor away from default props for functional … #133

GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results succeeded Feb 27, 2025 in 0s

All 1 104 tests pass, 3 skipped in 4m 46s

    1 files  ±0    195 suites  ±0   4m 46s ⏱️ -1s
1 107 tests ±0  1 104 ✅ ±0  3 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 
1 115 runs  ±0  1 112 ✅ ±0  3 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit d8bc3a8. ± Comparison against earlier commit 339f230.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

3 skipped tests found

There are 3 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
Given Tags when removing a tag should call updateEntityTags ‑ Given Tags when removing a tag should call updateEntityTags
Given Toast should invoke onClose callback after 5000ms when initially rendered ‑ Given Toast should invoke onClose callback after 5000ms when initially rendered
Given Toaster should destroy toast after 5000ms ‑ Given Toaster should destroy toast after 5000ms

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1107 tests found (test 1 to 376)

There are 1107 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 376.
Raw output
(epic) getPackageTitles should handle errors ‑ (epic) getPackageTitles should handle errors
(epic) getPackageTitles should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) getPackageTitles should handle successful data fetching
(epic) getProviderPackages should handle errors ‑ (epic) getProviderPackages should handle errors
(epic) getProviderPackages should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) getProviderPackages should handle successful data fetching
(epic) getUcCredentials should handle errors ‑ (epic) getUcCredentials should handle errors
(epic) getUcCredentials should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) getUcCredentials should handle successful data fetching
(epic) getUcCredentialsClientId should handle errors ‑ (epic) getUcCredentialsClientId should handle errors
(epic) getUcCredentialsClientId should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) getUcCredentialsClientId should handle successful data fetching
(epic) getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle errors ‑ (epic) getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle errors
(epic) getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle successful data fetching
(epic) postKbCredentialsUser should handle errors ‑ (epic) postKbCredentialsUser should handle errors
(epic) postKbCredentialsUser should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) postKbCredentialsUser should handle successful data fetching
(epic) updatetUcCredentials should handle errors ‑ (epic) updatetUcCredentials should handle errors
(epic) updatetUcCredentials should handle successful data fetching ‑ (epic) updatetUcCredentials should handle successful data fetching
AccessTypesFilter should render access types filter ‑ AccessTypesFilter should render access types filter
AccessTypesFilter should render loading ‑ AccessTypesFilter should render loading
AccessTypesFilter when hitting the clear icon should call onStandaloneFilterChange ‑ AccessTypesFilter when hitting the clear icon should call onStandaloneFilterChange
AccessTypesFilter when searchByAccessTypesEnabled is false should disable filter ‑ AccessTypesFilter when searchByAccessTypesEnabled is false should disable filter
AccessTypesFilter when there are no access types should render nothing ‑ AccessTypesFilter when there are no access types should render nothing
ExportPackageResourcesModal utils formatExportFieldsPayload when all fields are defined in a constant should return correct mapped values ‑ ExportPackageResourcesModal utils formatExportFieldsPayload when all fields are defined in a constant should return correct mapped values
ExportPackageResourcesModal utils formatExportFieldsPayload when some fields are not defined in a constant should return correct mapped values ‑ ExportPackageResourcesModal utils formatExportFieldsPayload when some fields are not defined in a constant should return correct mapped values
Given Access Type Display when access type did not found should display selected access type ‑ Given Access Type Display when access type did not found should display selected access type
Given Access Type Display when access type presented should display correct access type label ‑ Given Access Type Display when access type presented should display correct access type label
Given Access Type Display when access type presented should display selected access type ‑ Given Access Type Display when access type presented should display selected access type
Given Access Type Display when access types were not set up should not display access type section ‑ Given Access Type Display when access types were not set up should not display access type section
Given AccessTypeEditSection when access status types are loading should show spinner ‑ Given AccessTypeEditSection when access status types are loading should show spinner
Given AccessTypeEditSection when access status types presented should show AccessTypeField ‑ Given AccessTypeEditSection when access status types presented should show AccessTypeField
Given AccessTypeEditSection when no any access status types should not show access type field ‑ Given AccessTypeEditSection when no any access status types should not show access type field
Given AccessTypeField when access status types presented should show AccessTypeField ‑ Given AccessTypeField when access status types presented should show AccessTypeField
Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when access types data is loading should show spinner ‑ Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when access types data is loading should show spinner
Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when access-type is array ‑ Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when access-type is array
Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when access-type is string ‑ Given AccessTypesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when access-type is string
Given AccordionListHeader when list type is package and result length is less then over count should show result length ‑ Given AccordionListHeader when list type is package and result length is less then over count should show result length
Given AccordionListHeader when list type is title should show custom label with value ‑ Given AccordionListHeader when list type is title should show custom label with value
Given AddTitleToPackage should render CustomUrlFields component ‑ Given AddTitleToPackage should render CustomUrlFields component
Given AddTitleToPackage should render PackageSelectField component ‑ Given AddTitleToPackage should render PackageSelectField component
Given AgreementsAccordion "Add" button should assign a ref to the buttonRef so that the "Add" button will be in focus after the plugin is closed ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion "Add" button should assign a ref to the buttonRef so that the "Add" button will be in focus after the plugin is closed
Given AgreementsAccordion "Add" button should have a tooltip ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion "Add" button should have a tooltip
Given AgreementsAccordion New button should have a tooltip ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion New button should have a tooltip
Given AgreementsAccordion should display "New" button ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion should display "New" button
Given AgreementsAccordion should display accordion label ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion should display accordion label
Given AgreementsAccordion should have correct props in the "New" button ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion should have correct props in the "New" button
Given AgreementsAccordion should not display badge with agreements quantity ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion should not display badge with agreements quantity
Given AgreementsAccordion should render agreements list ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion should render agreements list
Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking accordion header should call onToggle ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking accordion header should call onToggle
Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking on first agreement should redirect to agreement details page ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking on first agreement should redirect to agreement details page
Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking unassign button should show confirmation modal ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion when clicking unassign button should show confirmation modal
Given AgreementsAccordion when closed should display badge with agreements quantity equal to 1 ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion when closed should display badge with agreements quantity equal to 1
Given AgreementsAccordion when confirming unassign should call unassignAgreement ‑ Given AgreementsAccordion when confirming unassign should call unassignAgreement
Given AgreementsList when click on trash icon should handle onUnassignAgreement ‑ Given AgreementsList when click on trash icon should handle onUnassignAgreement
Given AgreementsList when record is on load should show spinner ‑ Given AgreementsList when record is on load should show spinner
Given ApiLimitExceededErrorScreen should show api limit exceeded message ‑ Given ApiLimitExceededErrorScreen should show api limit exceeded message
Given ApiLimitExceededErrorScreen should show unable to complite error message ‑ Given ApiLimitExceededErrorScreen should show unable to complite error message
Given ApplicationRoute when backend is not configured and there is more that 1 kb credential should render user not assigned to kb error message ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when backend is not configured and there is more that 1 kb credential should render user not assigned to kb error message
Given ApplicationRoute when backend is not configured and there is not more that 1 kb credential should render invalid backend error message ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when backend is not configured and there is not more that 1 kb credential should render invalid backend error message
Given ApplicationRoute when component is initialized should call kb credentials endpoint ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when component is initialized should call kb credentials endpoint
Given ApplicationRoute when eholdings interface is missing, status is finished and page is not settings should render no backend error ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when eholdings interface is missing, status is finished and page is not settings should render no backend error
Given ApplicationRoute when kb credentials and status are loading and page is not settings should render loading icon ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when kb credentials and status are loading and page is not settings should render loading icon
Given ApplicationRoute when kb credentials are now configured should render page content ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when kb credentials are now configured should render page content
Given ApplicationRoute when page is not settings should call status endpoint ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when page is not settings should call status endpoint
Given ApplicationRoute when page is settings should call status endpoint ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when page is settings should call status endpoint
Given ApplicationRoute when showing settings page and configuration is valid should render page ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when showing settings page and configuration is valid should render page
Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to api limit exceeded error and page is not settings should render api limit exceeded error message ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to api limit exceeded error and page is not settings should render api limit exceeded error message
Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to api limit exceeded error and page is settings should render page content ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to api limit exceeded error and page is settings should render page content
Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to other error and page is not settings should render api limit exceeded error message ‑ Given ApplicationRoute when status request is rejected due to other error and page is not settings should render api limit exceeded error message
Given ContributorField should display the `add a contributor` button ‑ Given ContributorField should display the `add a contributor` button
Given ContributorField should display the legend title ‑ Given ContributorField should display the legend title
Given ContributorField should render the ContributorField component ‑ Given ContributorField should render the ContributorField component
Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display correct dropdown options ‑ Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display correct dropdown options
Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display the contributor name input ‑ Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display the contributor name input
Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display the contributor type selection dropdown ‑ Given ContributorField when click on the `add a contributor` button should display the contributor type selection dropdown
Given ContributorField when contributor name input string has more than 250 characters should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given ContributorField when contributor name input string has more than 250 characters should show corresponding validation message
Given ContributorField when selected contributor name input but no value provided should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given ContributorField when selected contributor name input but no value provided should show corresponding validation message
Given ContributorsList when list is inline should display all inline list elements ‑ Given ContributorsList when list is inline should display all inline list elements
Given ContributorsList when list is inline should display limited number of inline list elements ‑ Given ContributorsList when list is inline should display limited number of inline list elements
Given ContributorsList when list is not inline should display all key-value list elements ‑ Given ContributorsList when list is not inline should display all key-value list elements
Given ContributorsList when list is not inline should render contributor type ‑ Given ContributorsList when list is not inline should render contributor type
Given CoverageDateList should display all coverage dates in descending order ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display all coverage dates in descending order
Given CoverageDateList should display all coverage years ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display all coverage years
Given CoverageDateList should display beginCoverage date and Present ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display beginCoverage date and Present
Given CoverageDateList should display coverage dates ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display coverage dates
Given CoverageDateList should display endCoverage date ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display endCoverage date
Given CoverageDateList should display only coverage years ‑ Given CoverageDateList should display only coverage years
Given CoverageDateList should render custom CoverageDateList component ‑ Given CoverageDateList should render custom CoverageDateList component
Given CoverageDateList should render managed CoverageDateList component ‑ Given CoverageDateList should render managed CoverageDateList component
Given CoverageFields should render coverage fields ‑ Given CoverageFields should render coverage fields
Given CoverageFields when clicking add range button should add a field ‑ Given CoverageFields when clicking add range button should add a field
Given CoverageFields when setting end coverage date before begin coverage should show validation error ‑ Given CoverageFields when setting end coverage date before begin coverage should show validation error
Given CoverageSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given CoverageSettings should render an accordion
Given CoverageSettings should render coverage statement ‑ Given CoverageSettings should render coverage statement
Given CoverageSettings when package does not have a coverage should display "coverage not set" message ‑ Given CoverageSettings when package does not have a coverage should display "coverage not set" message
Given CoverageSettings when package is not selected should display "package not selected" message ‑ Given CoverageSettings when package is not selected should display "package not selected" message
Given CoverageSettings when package only has begin and end coverage should show correctly formatted coverage ‑ Given CoverageSettings when package only has begin and end coverage should show correctly formatted coverage
Given CoverageSettings when package only has begin coverage should show correctly formatted coverage ‑ Given CoverageSettings when package only has begin coverage should show correctly formatted coverage
Given CoverageSettings when resource custom embargo should render custom embargo ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource custom embargo should render custom embargo
Given CoverageSettings when resource has custom coverages should render only custom coverages ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource has custom coverages should render only custom coverages
Given CoverageSettings when resource has only managed embargo should render only managed embargo ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource has only managed embargo should render only managed embargo
Given CoverageSettings when resource is not selected and does not have managed customizations should render not selected message ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource is not selected and does not have managed customizations should render not selected message
Given CoverageSettings when resource oes not have any customizations should render no customizations message ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource oes not have any customizations should render no customizations message
Given CoverageSettings when resource only has managed coverages should render only managed coverages ‑ Given CoverageSettings when resource only has managed coverages should render only managed coverages
Given CoverageStatementFields should display passed coverage dates ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields should display passed coverage dates
Given CoverageStatementFields should display the coverage statement radio button ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields should display the coverage statement radio button
Given CoverageStatementFields should display the coverage statement textarea ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields should display the coverage statement textarea
Given CoverageStatementFields should display the dates radio button ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields should display the dates radio button
Given CoverageStatementFields should render the CoverageStatementFields component ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields should render the CoverageStatementFields component
Given CoverageStatementFields when selected coverage statement but no input string provided should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields when selected coverage statement but no input string provided should show corresponding validation message
Given CoverageStatementFields when textarea input string has more then 350 characters should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given CoverageStatementFields when textarea input string has more then 350 characters should show corresponding validation message
Given CustomEmbargoFields when the user deleted the embargo period should see the "Add custom embargo period" button ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when the user deleted the embargo period should see the "Add custom embargo period" button
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods should render add custom embargo button ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods should render add custom embargo button
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when clicking on add custom embargo button should render custom embargo fields ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when clicking on add custom embargo button should render custom embargo fields
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not a number should show validation error ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not a number should show validation error
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not integer value should show validation error ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not integer value should show validation error
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not positive value should show validation error ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there are no embargo periods when filling in not positive value should show validation error
Given CustomEmbargoFields when there is a custom embargo period should render custom embargo period fields ‑ Given CustomEmbargoFields when there is a custom embargo period should render custom embargo period fields
Given CustomLabelField should render fields ‑ Given CustomLabelField should render fields
Given CustomLabelField when entering a displayLabel field value that is too long should show error message ‑ Given CustomLabelField when entering a displayLabel field value that is too long should show error message
Given CustomLabelField when entering empty displayLabel field value should show error message ‑ Given CustomLabelField when entering empty displayLabel field value should show error message
Given CustomLabelField when entering non-utf characters in displayLabel field should show error message ‑ Given CustomLabelField when entering non-utf characters in displayLabel field should show error message
Given CustomLabelField when entering valid displayLabel field value should not show any errors ‑ Given CustomLabelField when entering valid displayLabel field value should not show any errors
Given CustomLabelsAccordion should display accordion label ‑ Given CustomLabelsAccordion should display accordion label
Given CustomLabelsAccordion should render section component ‑ Given CustomLabelsAccordion should render section component
Given CustomLabelsAccordion when there are errors should show a toast notification ‑ Given CustomLabelsAccordion when there are errors should show a toast notification
Given CustomLabelsEditSection when input string has more then 500 characters should show validation message ‑ Given CustomLabelsEditSection when input string has more then 500 characters should show validation message
Given CustomLabelsRoute should call getCustomLabels with correct kbId ‑ Given CustomLabelsRoute should call getCustomLabels with correct kbId
Given CustomLabelsRoute should render page title ‑ Given CustomLabelsRoute should render page title
Given CustomLabelsRoute when customLabels are loading should render spinner ‑ Given CustomLabelsRoute when customLabels are loading should render spinner
Given CustomLabelsRoute when kbId changes should call getCustomLabels with new kbId ‑ Given CustomLabelsRoute when kbId changes should call getCustomLabels with new kbId
Given CustomLabelsShowSection should show custom label with value ‑ Given CustomLabelsShowSection should show custom label with value
Given CustomLabelsShowSection should show custom label without value ‑ Given CustomLabelsShowSection should show custom label without value
Given CustomPackageEdit when click "Delete package" in actions menu should display Selection Modal ‑ Given CustomPackageEdit when click "Delete package" in actions menu should display Selection Modal
Given CustomPackageEdit when model update isPending should display "Deleting..." button instead of "Yes, delete" on Selection Modal ‑ Given CustomPackageEdit when model update isPending should display "Deleting..." button instead of "Yes, delete" on Selection Modal
Given CustomPackageEdit when package is not selected should not show delete package button ‑ Given CustomPackageEdit when package is not selected should not show delete package button
Given CustomPackageEdit when some fields were edited should show navigation modal ‑ Given CustomPackageEdit when some fields were edited should show navigation modal
Given CustomUrlFields should render custom url fields ‑ Given CustomUrlFields should render custom url fields
Given CustomUrlFields when entering invalid url should show error message ‑ Given CustomUrlFields when entering invalid url should show error message
Given CustomUrlFields when entering too long url should show error message ‑ Given CustomUrlFields when entering too long url should show error message
Given DescriptionField should render description field ‑ Given DescriptionField should render description field
Given DescriptionField when fill input with more that 400 characters should show validation error ‑ Given DescriptionField when fill input with more that 400 characters should show validation error
Given DetailsView should display Name in the first menu pane and in the header ‑ Given DetailsView should display Name in the first menu pane and in the header
Given DetailsView should display body content ‑ Given DetailsView should display body content
Given DetailsView should display the first menu pane ‑ Given DetailsView should display the first menu pane
Given DetailsView should render DetailsView component ‑ Given DetailsView should render DetailsView component
Given DetailsView when click on the close icon in the first menu pane should call goBack ‑ Given DetailsView when click on the close icon in the first menu pane should call goBack
Given DetailsView when component is rendered when model is loaded should focus the heading ‑ Given DetailsView when component is rendered when model is loaded should focus the heading
Given DetailsView when component updates when model is loaded should focus the heading ‑ Given DetailsView when component updates when model is loaded should focus the heading
Given DetailsView when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should not display an error ‑ Given DetailsView when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should not display an error
Given DetailsView when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error ‑ Given DetailsView when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error
Given DetailsView when model was already loaded should not focus heading ‑ Given DetailsView when model was already loaded should not focus heading
Given DetailsView when paneSub is provided should display paneSub ‑ Given DetailsView when paneSub is provided should display paneSub
Given DetailsView when renderList is provided should display list type accordion ‑ Given DetailsView when renderList is provided should display list type accordion
Given DetailsView when renderList is provided when sections are provided should display collapse all button ‑ Given DetailsView when renderList is provided when sections are provided should display collapse all button
Given DetailsView when renderList is provided when sections are provided should handle renderList ‑ Given DetailsView when renderList is provided when sections are provided should handle renderList
Given EHoldings should show EholdingsAppContext ‑ Given EHoldings should show EholdingsAppContext
Given EditCoverageSettings should have no a11y issues ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings should have no a11y issues
Given EditCoverageSettings should render CoverageDateList ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings should render CoverageDateList
Given EditCoverageSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings should render an accordion
Given EditCoverageSettings when editing and saving coverage dates should call onSubmit ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings when editing and saving coverage dates should call onSubmit
Given EditCoverageSettings when package is not selected should render message ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings when package is not selected should render message
Given EditCoverageSettings when resource is not selected should render message ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings when resource is not selected should render message
Given EditCoverageSettings when setting incorrect coverage dates should show error message ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings when setting incorrect coverage dates should show error message
Given EditCoverageSettings when there are no coverage dates should not render coverage date list ‑ Given EditCoverageSettings when there are no coverage dates should not render coverage date list
Given EditPackageInformation should render an accordion ‑ Given EditPackageInformation should render an accordion
Given EditPackageInformation when package is not selected should render name and content type as text ‑ Given EditPackageInformation when package is not selected should render name and content type as text
Given EditPackageSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given EditPackageSettings should render an accordion
Given EditPackageSettings when package is not selected should render message ‑ Given EditPackageSettings when package is not selected should render message
Given EditionField should render edition field ‑ Given EditionField should render edition field
Given EditionField when fill input with more that 250 characters should show validation error ‑ Given EditionField when fill input with more that 250 characters should show validation error
Given EditionField when input value is empty should show validation error ‑ Given EditionField when input value is empty should show validation error
Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render EBSCO system status link ‑ Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render EBSCO system status link
Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render context eholdings app link ‑ Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render context eholdings app link
Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render keyboard shortcuts menu button ‑ Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render keyboard shortcuts menu button
Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render submit a KB content inquiry link ‑ Given Eholdings App Context when click on page name should render submit a KB content inquiry link
Given ExportFieldsSection should display the component ‑ Given ExportFieldsSection should display the component
Given ExportFieldsSection when selecting a field should call onChange ‑ Given ExportFieldsSection when selecting a field should call onChange
Given ExportFieldsSection when selecting a radiobutton should call onChange ‑ Given ExportFieldsSection when selecting a radiobutton should call onChange
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal should display the component ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal should display the component
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when clicking export should call doExport with correct data ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when clicking export should call doExport with correct data
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when export fails should show error message ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when export fails should show error message
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when export succeeds should show success message ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when export succeeds should show success message
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when none of the fields are selected should disable export button ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when none of the fields are selected should disable export button
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is an export limit and resources count does not exceed it should not disable export button ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is an export limit and resources count does not exceed it should not disable export button
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is an export limit and resources count exceeds it should disable export button ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is an export limit and resources count exceeds it should disable export button
Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is no export limit should not disable export button ‑ Given ExportPackageResourcesModal when there is no export limit should not disable export button
Given ExternalLink should show link ‑ Given ExternalLink should show link
Given FacetOptionFormatter should render nothing ‑ Given FacetOptionFormatter should render nothing
Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option label and count ‑ Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option label and count
Given FailedBackendErrorScreen should show error during fetch message ‑ Given FailedBackendErrorScreen should show error during fetch message
Given FailedBackendErrorScreen should show failed backend error message ‑ Given FailedBackendErrorScreen should show failed backend error message
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable should display FullTextRequestUsageTable label ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable should display FullTextRequestUsageTable label
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable should display Platform header ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable should display Platform header
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when platform type is nonPublisher should display No in the Publisher column ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when platform type is nonPublisher should display No in the Publisher column
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when platform type is publisher should display Yes in the Publisher column ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when platform type is publisher should display Yes in the Publisher column
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when start month is not Jan should display all 12 months starting with start month ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when start month is not Jan should display all 12 months starting with start month
Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when total value is of type string should anyway display right number in the Total column ‑ Given FullTextRequestUsageTable when total value is of type string should anyway display right number in the Total column
Given HiddenLabel should render HiddenLabel ‑ Given HiddenLabel should render HiddenLabel
Given HoldingStatus should call onAddToHoldings ‑ Given HoldingStatus should call onAddToHoldings
Given HoldingStatus should display selection status ‑ Given HoldingStatus should display selection status
Given HoldingStatus should have no a11y issues ‑ Given HoldingStatus should have no a11y issues
Given HoldingStatus should render an accordion ‑ Given HoldingStatus should render an accordion
Given HoldingStatus should render selected message ‑ Given HoldingStatus should render selected message
Given HoldingStatus when clicking on add to holdings button should call handleToggleResourceHoldings ‑ Given HoldingStatus when clicking on add to holdings button should call handleToggleResourceHoldings
Given HoldingStatus when model is loading should render spinner ‑ Given HoldingStatus when model is loading should render spinner
Given HoldingStatus when model is loading should show spinner ‑ Given HoldingStatus when model is loading should show spinner
Given HoldingStatus when resource is not selected should render add to holdings button ‑ Given HoldingStatus when resource is not selected should render add to holdings button
Given HoldingStatus when select update is in flight should not show add to holdings button ‑ Given HoldingStatus when select update is in flight should not show add to holdings button
Given IdentifiersFields should display the `add identifier` button ‑ Given IdentifiersFields should display the `add identifier` button
Given IdentifiersFields should display the legend title ‑ Given IdentifiersFields should display the legend title
Given IdentifiersFields should render the IdentifiersFields component ‑ Given IdentifiersFields should render the IdentifiersFields component
Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display correct dropdown options ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display correct dropdown options
Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display the identifier ID input ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display the identifier ID input
Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display the identifier type selection dropdown ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when click on the `add identifier` button should display the identifier type selection dropdown
Given IdentifiersFields when click on the trash icon of the identifiers repeatable field should delete repeatable field ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when click on the trash icon of the identifiers repeatable field should delete repeatable field
Given IdentifiersFields when identifier ID input string has more than 20 characters should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when identifier ID input string has more than 20 characters should show corresponding validation message
Given IdentifiersFields when selected identifier ID input but no value provided should show corresponding validation message ‑ Given IdentifiersFields when selected identifier ID input but no value provided should show corresponding validation message
Given IdentifiersList should not display an identifier subtype when it equals Empty ‑ Given IdentifiersList should not display an identifier subtype when it equals Empty
Given IdentifiersList should not display an identifier when its type is not ISBN or ISSN ‑ Given IdentifiersList should not display an identifier when its type is not ISBN or ISSN
Given IdentifiersList when list is inline should display compound type and identifiers ids in an inline way ‑ Given IdentifiersList when list is inline should display compound type and identifiers ids in an inline way
Given IdentifiersList when list is not inline should display compound type ‑ Given IdentifiersList when list is not inline should display compound type
Given IdentifiersList when list is not inline should display identifiers ids ‑ Given IdentifiersList when list is not inline should display identifiers ids
Given InternalLink when `to` is typeof object should render link ‑ Given InternalLink when `to` is typeof object should render link
Given InternalLink when `to` is typeof string should render link ‑ Given InternalLink when `to` is typeof string should render link
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error messag that detected unconfigured knowledge base ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error messag that detected unconfigured knowledge base
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error messag that knowledge base is required ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error messag that knowledge base is required
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than backend should be installed ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than backend should be installed
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than knowledge base it not configured ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than knowledge base it not configured
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than knowledge base it not detected ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message than knowledge base it not detected
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message user not assigned to knowledge base ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show error message user not assigned to knowledge base
Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show link to configure knowledge base ‑ Given InvalidBackendErrorScreen should show link to configure knowledge base
Given KeyValueColumns should render KeyValueColumns ‑ Given KeyValueColumns should render KeyValueColumns
Given List should render List ‑ Given List should render List
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Actions menu button ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Actions menu button
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Collapse all button ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Collapse all button
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Coverage settings accordion ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Coverage settings accordion
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Holdings status accordion ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Holdings status accordion
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Package settings accordion ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Package settings accordion
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Remove from holdings button under Actions menu ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display Remove from holdings button under Actions menu
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display package title in the pane header and as the headline ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display package title in the pane header and as the headline
Given ManagedPackageEdit should display proxy types dropdown ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should display proxy types dropdown
Given ManagedPackageEdit should render form to edit managed package ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit should render form to edit managed package
Given ManagedPackageEdit when cancel removing package from holdings should hide Selection Modal ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when cancel removing package from holdings should hide Selection Modal
Given ManagedPackageEdit when click Remove from holdings option under Actions menu should display Selection Modal ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when click Remove from holdings option under Actions menu should display Selection Modal
Given ManagedPackageEdit when click on the close icon button should handle onCancel ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when click on the close icon button should handle onCancel
Given ManagedPackageEdit when click on the close icon button when some fields were edited should show navigation modal ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when click on the close icon button when some fields were edited should show navigation modal
Given ManagedPackageEdit when confirm removing package from holdings should handle onSubmit ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when confirm removing package from holdings should handle onSubmit
Given ManagedPackageEdit when editing a field should enable form buttons ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when editing a field should enable form buttons
Given ManagedPackageEdit when editing a field when click on Cancel button should open redirect confirmation modal ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when editing a field when click on Cancel button should open redirect confirmation modal
Given ManagedPackageEdit when model is partially selected should display Add all titles to holdings button under Actions menu and in Holdings status accordion ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when model is partially selected should display Add all titles to holdings button under Actions menu and in Holdings status accordion
Given ManagedPackageEdit when model is partially selected when click on the Add all titles to holdings button should handle addPackageToHoldings ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when model is partially selected when click on the Add all titles to holdings button should handle addPackageToHoldings
Given ManagedPackageEdit when model update isPending should display `Removing...` button instead of `Yes, Remove` on Selection Modal ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when model update isPending should display `Removing...` button instead of `Yes, Remove` on Selection Modal
Given ManagedPackageEdit when proxyTypes are loaded should display updated info ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when proxyTypes are loaded should display updated info
Given ManagedPackageEdit when submit changes should handle onSubmit ‑ Given ManagedPackageEdit when submit changes should handle onSubmit
Given NoResultsMessage should show NoReslutsMessage ‑ Given NoResultsMessage should show NoReslutsMessage
Given NoteCreateRoute should render NoteCreateRoute ‑ Given NoteCreateRoute should render NoteCreateRoute
Given NoteEditRoute should render NoteEditRoute ‑ Given NoteEditRoute should render NoteEditRoute
Given NoteEditRoute when click on navigate back button should handle "history.goBack" ‑ Given NoteEditRoute when click on navigate back button should handle "history.goBack"
Given NoteViewRoute should render NoteViewRoute ‑ Given NoteViewRoute should render NoteViewRoute
Given NoteViewRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to the edit title page ‑ Given NoteViewRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to the edit title page
Given NoteViewRoute when click on navigate back button should redirect to eholdings page ‑ Given NoteViewRoute when click on navigate back button should redirect to eholdings page
Given PackageContentTypeField should show PackageContentTypeField ‑ Given PackageContentTypeField should show PackageContentTypeField
Given PackageCreateRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given PackageCreateRoute should render PackageCreateRoute ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute should render PackageCreateRoute
Given PackageCreateRoute when click on close icon and form is not pristine should handle history.goBack ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute when click on close icon and form is not pristine should handle history.goBack
Given PackageCreateRoute when request is not resolved should not redirect to new package record ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute when request is not resolved should not redirect to new package record
Given PackageCreateRoute when request is resolved should redirect to new package record ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute when request is resolved should redirect to new package record
Given PackageCreateRoute when submit form with some values and click save should handle mockCreatePackage action ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute when submit form with some values and click save should handle mockCreatePackage action
Given PackageCreateRoute when user adds a name, adds and delete date rage and clicks on Save&close button should call updateResource ‑ Given PackageCreateRoute when user adds a name, adds and delete date rage and clicks on Save&close button should call updateResource
Given PackageEdit should have no a11y issues ‑ Given PackageEdit should have no a11y issues
Given PackageEdit should render coverage settings ‑ Given PackageEdit should render coverage settings
Given PackageEdit should render package information ‑ Given PackageEdit should render package information
Given PackageEdit should render package settings ‑ Given PackageEdit should render package settings
Given PackageEdit should render page view ‑ Given PackageEdit should render page view
Given PackageEdit when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal ‑ Given PackageEdit when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal
Given PackageEdit when confirming package deselection should submit form ‑ Given PackageEdit when confirming package deselection should submit form
Given PackageEdit when editing a field should enable form buttons ‑ Given PackageEdit when editing a field should enable form buttons
Given PackageEdit when package is managed should have no a11y issues ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed should have no a11y issues
Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render coverage settings ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render coverage settings
Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render package settings ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render package settings
Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render page view ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed should render page view
Given PackageEdit when package is managed when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal
Given PackageEdit when package is managed when confirming package deselection should submit form ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed when confirming package deselection should submit form
Given PackageEdit when package is managed when editing a field should enable form buttons ‑ Given PackageEdit when package is managed when editing a field should enable form buttons
Given PackageEdit when request is rejected should show error message ‑ Given PackageEdit when request is rejected should show error message
Given PackageEditRoute should request all data ‑ Given PackageEditRoute should request all data
Given PackageEditRoute when a custom package is deselected should call destroyPackage ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when a custom package is deselected should call destroyPackage
Given PackageEditRoute when a managed package is deselected should call destroyPackage ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when a managed package is deselected should call destroyPackage
Given PackageEditRoute when click on close icon should redirect to the view package page ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when click on close icon should redirect to the view package page
Given PackageEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given PackageEditRoute when date range in the "Coverage Settings" section is removed and user clicks Save&Close button should update package with the empty customCoverage ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when date range in the "Coverage Settings" section is removed and user clicks Save&Close button should update package with the empty customCoverage
Given PackageEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should show spinner ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should show spinner
Given PackageEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error
Given PackageEditRoute when package is added to holdings should update package ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when package is added to holdings should update package
Given PackageEditRoute when package is destroyed should redirect back to search page ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when package is destroyed should redirect back to search page
Given PackageEditRoute when package is not pending anymore and needs update should redirect to the view package page ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when package is not pending anymore and needs update should redirect to the view package page
Given PackageEditRoute when packageId in url has changed should handle getpackage ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when packageId in url has changed should handle getpackage
Given PackageEditRoute when submit form with edited package should handle updatepackage ‑ Given PackageEditRoute when submit form with edited package should handle updatepackage
Given PackageFilterModal should display applied filters count ‑ Given PackageFilterModal should display applied filters count
Given PackageFilterModal when clicking on Reset all button should close the modal ‑ Given PackageFilterModal when clicking on Reset all button should close the modal
Given PackageFilterModal when clicking on badge should show modal ‑ Given PackageFilterModal when clicking on badge should show modal
Given PackageFilterModal when selected packages exist should show packages in multiselect ‑ Given PackageFilterModal when selected packages exist should show packages in multiselect
Given PackageFilterModal when submitting the form should call onSubmit with correct parameters ‑ Given PackageFilterModal when submitting the form should call onSubmit with correct parameters
Given PackageInformation should display a link to provider ‑ Given PackageInformation should display a link to provider
Given PackageInformation should display content type ‑ Given PackageInformation should display content type
Given PackageInformation should display package type ‑ Given PackageInformation should display package type
Given PackageInformation should display selected count ‑ Given PackageInformation should display selected count
Given PackageInformation should render an accordion ‑ Given PackageInformation should render an accordion
Given PackageInformation when package does not have content type should not display content type ‑ Given PackageInformation when package does not have content type should not display content type
Given PackageInformation when package does not have type should not display package type ‑ Given PackageInformation when package does not have type should not display package type
Given PackageNameField should show PackageNameField ‑ Given PackageNameField should show PackageNameField
Given PackageNameField when fill input with empty string should show validation message ‑ Given PackageNameField when fill input with empty string should show validation message
Given PackageNameField when fill input with unvalid value should show validation message ‑ Given PackageNameField when fill input with unvalid value should show validation message
Given PackageSearchList should display found package information ‑ Given PackageSearchList should display found package information
Given PackageSearchList should have a link to the found package ‑ Given PackageSearchList should have a link to the found package
Given PackageSearchList should render QuerySearchList component ‑ Given PackageSearchList should render QuerySearchList component
Given PackageSearchList when click on a package should call onClickItem ‑ Given PackageSearchList when click on a package should call onClickItem
Given PackageSelectField should debounce onFilter function ‑ Given PackageSelectField should debounce onFilter function
Given PackageSelectField should not render disabled options ‑ Given PackageSelectField should not render disabled options
Given PackageSelectField should render package select field options ‑ Given PackageSelectField should render package select field options
Given PackageSelectField should render package select field ‑ Given PackageSelectField should render package select field
Given PackageSettings should render access type display ‑ Given PackageSettings should render access type display
Given PackageSettings should render access types display ‑ Given PackageSettings should render access types display
Given PackageSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given PackageSettings should render an accordion
Given PackageSettings should render proxy display ‑ Given PackageSettings should render proxy display
Given PackageSettings when a package is not selected should render package not selected message ‑ Given PackageSettings when a package is not selected should render package not selected message
Given PackageShow should display package name in the pane and in the headline ‑ Given PackageShow should display package name in the pane and in the headline
Given PackageShow should render Agreements accordion ‑ Given PackageShow should render Agreements accordion
Given PackageShow should render CoverageSettings ‑ Given PackageShow should render CoverageSettings
Given PackageShow should render HoldingStatus ‑ Given PackageShow should render HoldingStatus
Given PackageShow should render Notes accordion ‑ Given PackageShow should render Notes accordion
Given PackageShow should render PackageInformation ‑ Given PackageShow should render PackageInformation
Given PackageShow should render PackageSettings ‑ Given PackageShow should render PackageSettings
Given PackageShow should render Tags accordion ‑ Given PackageShow should render Tags accordion
Given PackageShow should render UsageConsolidation accordion ‑ Given PackageShow should render UsageConsolidation accordion
Given PackageShow should show enabled Export package (CSV) menu action ‑ Given PackageShow should show enabled Export package (CSV) menu action
Given PackageShow titles accordion should be rendered ‑ Given PackageShow titles accordion should be rendered
Given PackageShow titles accordion should display number of packages ‑ Given PackageShow titles accordion should display number of packages
Given PackageShow titles accordion when closing should not invoke onToggleTitles ‑ Given PackageShow titles accordion when closing should not invoke onToggleTitles
Given PackageShow titles accordion when opening should call onToggleTitles ‑ Given PackageShow titles accordion when opening should call onToggleTitles
Given PackageShow when clicking on Export package should show Export modal ‑ Given PackageShow when clicking on Export package should show Export modal
Given PackageShow when clicking the expandAll button should call onToggleTitles ‑ Given PackageShow when clicking the expandAll button should call onToggleTitles
Given PackageShow when coming from creating a new custom package should show a corresponding success toast ‑ Given PackageShow when coming from creating a new custom package should show a corresponding success toast
Given PackageShow when coming from saving edits to the package should show a corresponding success toast ‑ Given PackageShow when coming from saving edits to the package should show a corresponding success toast
Given PackageShow when model is not partially selected should show `Add package to holdings` button ‑ Given PackageShow when model is not partially selected should show `Add package to holdings` button
Given PackageShow when model is partially selected should show `Add all titles to holdings` button ‑ Given PackageShow when model is partially selected should show `Add all titles to holdings` button
Given PackageShow when package is managed should render remove from holdings button ‑ Given PackageShow when package is managed should render remove from holdings button
Given PackageShow when package is managed when cancelling package deselection should deselection modal ‑ Given PackageShow when package is managed when cancelling package deselection should deselection modal
Given PackageShow when package is managed when clicking on remove from holdings button should show deselection modal ‑ Given PackageShow when package is managed when clicking on remove from holdings button should show deselection modal
Given PackageShow when package is managed when confirming package deselection should call toggleSelected ‑ Given PackageShow when package is managed when confirming package deselection should call toggleSelected
Given PackageShow when package is not selected should display that on the page ‑ Given PackageShow when package is not selected should display that on the page
Given PackageShow when package is not selected should render add to holdings button ‑ Given PackageShow when package is not selected should render add to holdings button
Given PackageShow when package is not selected when canceling selection should still show package as not selected ‑ Given PackageShow when package is not selected when canceling selection should still show package as not selected
Given PackageShow when package is not selected when clicking add to holdings button should show selection modal ‑ Given PackageShow when package is not selected when clicking add to holdings button should show selection modal
Given PackageShow when package is not selected when confirming selection should call addPackageToHoldings ‑ Given PackageShow when package is not selected when confirming selection should call addPackageToHoldings
Given PackageShow when titles are updating should show spinner ‑ Given PackageShow when titles are updating should show spinner
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getPackage ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getPackage
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getPackageTitles after delay before update ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getPackageTitles after delay before update
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getProvider ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getProvider
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getProxyTypes ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getProxyTypes
Given PackageShowRoute should handle getTags ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should handle getTags
Given PackageShowRoute should render PackageShowRoute ‑ Given PackageShowRoute should render PackageShowRoute
Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings should handle updatePackage ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings should handle updatePackage
Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated and a user navigates to another route should stop invoking interval calls of getPackageTitles ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated and a user navigates to another route should stop invoking interval calls of getPackageTitles
Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated and a user tries to update the package titles again should stop firing previous interval calls of getPackageTitles ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated and a user tries to update the package titles again should stop firing previous interval calls of getPackageTitles
Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated should call getPackageTitles until resources select status is updated ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when add package to holdings when package titles are updated should call getPackageTitles until resources select status is updated
Given PackageShowRoute when an update just resolved should handle unloadResources ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when an update just resolved should handle unloadResources
Given PackageShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to edit package page ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to edit package page
Given PackageShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle clearCostPerUseData ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle clearCostPerUseData
Given PackageShowRoute when fetch cost per use package titles should handle getCostPerUsePackageTitles ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when fetch cost per use package titles should handle getCostPerUsePackageTitles
Given PackageShowRoute when fetch package cost per use should handle getCostPerUse ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when fetch package cost per use should handle getCostPerUse
Given PackageShowRoute when load more cost per use package titles should handle getCostPerUsePackageTitles ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when load more cost per use package titles should handle getCostPerUsePackageTitles
Given PackageShowRoute when package id change between renders should handle getPackage ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package id change between renders should handle getPackage
Given PackageShowRoute when package search params change should handle getPackageTitles ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package search params change should handle getPackageTitles
Given PackageShowRoute when package search params change when packages are being fetched should not clear old ones ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package search params change when packages are being fetched should not clear old ones
Given PackageShowRoute when package was reached based on search should redirect to /eholdings with parameters ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package was reached based on search should redirect to /eholdings with parameters
Given PackageShowRoute when package was reached directly from url, not by search should redirect to /eholdings with searchType equals packages ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package was reached directly from url, not by search should redirect to /eholdings with searchType equals packages
Given PackageShowRoute when package was selected and is freshly saved should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package was selected and is freshly saved should handle removeUpdateRequests

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1107 tests found (test 377 to 769)

There are 1107 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 377 to 769.
Raw output
Given PackageShowRoute when package was unselected and is freshly saved should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when package was unselected and is freshly saved should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given PackageShowRoute when remove package from holdings when model is custom should handle destroyPackage ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when remove package from holdings when model is custom should handle destroyPackage
Given PackageShowRoute when remove package from holdings when model is not custom should handle updatePackage ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when remove package from holdings when model is not custom should handle updatePackage
Given PackageShowRoute when update Folio tags should handle UpdateFolioTags ‑ Given PackageShowRoute when update Folio tags should handle UpdateFolioTags
Given PackageTitleList should call onFetchPackageTitles when fetching more data ‑ Given PackageTitleList should call onFetchPackageTitles when fetching more data
Given PackageTitleList should display records correctly ‑ Given PackageTitleList should display records correctly
Given PackageTitleList should display the correct columns ‑ Given PackageTitleList should display the correct columns
Given PackageTitleList should have no a11y issues ‑ Given PackageTitleList should have no a11y issues
Given PackageTitleList when clicking on the title link should set location.state.eholdings to true ‑ Given PackageTitleList when clicking on the title link should set location.state.eholdings to true
Given PackagesFilter should pass dataOptions with missing option ‑ Given PackagesFilter should pass dataOptions with missing option
Given PackagesFilter should pass dataOptions ‑ Given PackagesFilter should pass dataOptions
Given PackagesFilter when it is first results loading should display spinner ‑ Given PackagesFilter when it is first results loading should display spinner
Given PackagesFilter when the user returns to the Titles tab from Packages/Providers or from the result view should display spinner ‑ Given PackagesFilter when the user returns to the Titles tab from Packages/Providers or from the result view should display spinner
Given PackagesFilter when there are no results and no Packages filter options are selected should not display the filter ‑ Given PackagesFilter when there are no results and no Packages filter options are selected should not display the filter
Given PackagesFilter when there is no query should not display the filter ‑ Given PackagesFilter when there is no query should not display the filter
Given PackagesFilterAccordion when a user enters a character that needs to be escaped in the regexp should be treated ‑ Given PackagesFilterAccordion when a user enters a character that needs to be escaped in the regexp should be treated
Given PackagesFilterAccordion when packages data is loading should disable the filter ‑ Given PackagesFilterAccordion when packages data is loading should disable the filter
Given PackagesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button ‑ Given PackagesFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button
Given PackagesFilterAccordion when selecting an option should call onUpdate with the correct arguments ‑ Given PackagesFilterAccordion when selecting an option should call onUpdate with the correct arguments
Given PeerReviewedField should render peer reviewed field ‑ Given PeerReviewedField should render peer reviewed field
Given PrevNextButtons should disable previous button ‑ Given PrevNextButtons should disable previous button
Given PrevNextButtons should render PrevNextButtons ‑ Given PrevNextButtons should render PrevNextButtons
Given PrevNextButtons when click on next button should handle fetch ‑ Given PrevNextButtons when click on next button should handle fetch
Given PrevNextButtons when click on next button should handle setFocus ‑ Given PrevNextButtons when click on next button should handle setFocus
Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should disable previous button ‑ Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should disable previous button
Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should handle fetch ‑ Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should handle fetch
Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should handle setFocus ‑ Given PrevNextButtons when click on previous button should handle setFocus
Given ProviderEdit should show ProxySelectField ‑ Given ProviderEdit should show ProxySelectField
Given ProviderEdit when no any provider token should not show token field ‑ Given ProviderEdit when no any provider token should not show token field
Given ProviderEdit when no packages selected should show message ‑ Given ProviderEdit when no packages selected should show message
Given ProviderEdit when root proxy request is not resolved should not show ProxySelectField ‑ Given ProviderEdit when root proxy request is not resolved should not show ProxySelectField
Given ProviderEditRoute should handle Cancel ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute should handle Cancel
Given ProviderEditRoute should handle GetProxyTypes ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute should handle GetProxyTypes
Given ProviderEditRoute should handle getProvider with providerId ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute should handle getProvider with providerId
Given ProviderEditRoute should handle onSubmit ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute should handle onSubmit
Given ProviderEditRoute should render page ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute should render page
Given ProviderEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given ProviderEditRoute when providerId is not prevProps.match.params.providerId should handle getProvider ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute when providerId is not prevProps.match.params.providerId should handle getProvider
Given ProviderEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given ProviderEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page
Given ProviderInformation should display accordion content by default ‑ Given ProviderInformation should display accordion content by default
Given ProviderInformation should display correct number of selected packages ‑ Given ProviderInformation should display correct number of selected packages
Given ProviderInformation should display correct number of total packages ‑ Given ProviderInformation should display correct number of total packages
Given ProviderInformation should render an accordion ‑ Given ProviderInformation should render an accordion
Given ProviderListItem should display provider name ‑ Given ProviderListItem should display provider name
Given ProviderListItem should display selected count ‑ Given ProviderListItem should display selected count
Given ProviderListItem should display total packages count ‑ Given ProviderListItem should display total packages count
Given ProviderListItem should invoke onClick callback ‑ Given ProviderListItem should invoke onClick callback
Given ProviderListItem should not invoke onClick callback ‑ Given ProviderListItem should not invoke onClick callback
Given ProviderListItem should render ProviderListItem link ‑ Given ProviderListItem should render ProviderListItem link
Given ProviderListItem should render skeleton when item is not provided ‑ Given ProviderListItem should render skeleton when item is not provided
Given ProviderSearchList should display found provider information ‑ Given ProviderSearchList should display found provider information
Given ProviderSearchList should have a link to the found provider ‑ Given ProviderSearchList should have a link to the found provider
Given ProviderSearchList should render QuerySearchList component ‑ Given ProviderSearchList should render QuerySearchList component
Given ProviderSearchList when click on a provider should call onClickItem ‑ Given ProviderSearchList when click on a provider should call onClickItem
Given ProviderSettings if proxy types have not loaded should display spinner ‑ Given ProviderSettings if proxy types have not loaded should display spinner
Given ProviderSettings if proxy types have not loaded should not display proxy display ‑ Given ProviderSettings if proxy types have not loaded should not display proxy display
Given ProviderSettings if root proxy has not loaded should display spinner ‑ Given ProviderSettings if root proxy has not loaded should display spinner
Given ProviderSettings if root proxy has not loaded should not display proxy display ‑ Given ProviderSettings if root proxy has not loaded should not display proxy display
Given ProviderSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given ProviderSettings should render an accordion
Given ProviderSettings should render proxy display ‑ Given ProviderSettings should render proxy display
Given ProviderSettings should render token display ‑ Given ProviderSettings should render token display
Given ProviderSettings when model is loading should render a spinner ‑ Given ProviderSettings when model is loading should render a spinner
Given ProviderSettings when record has not token and proxy should not render an accordion ‑ Given ProviderSettings when record has not token and proxy should not render an accordion
Given ProviderShow should render correct link ‑ Given ProviderShow should render correct link
Given ProviderShow should show pane title ‑ Given ProviderShow should show pane title
Given ProviderShow when click on "Collapse All should collapse all accordions ‑ Given ProviderShow when click on "Collapse All should collapse all accordions
Given ProviderShow when click on accordion header should close current accordion ‑ Given ProviderShow when click on accordion header should close current accordion
Given ProviderShow when record freshly saved should render toast notification ‑ Given ProviderShow when record freshly saved should render toast notification
Given ProviderShow when use collapse all shortcut should call expandAllFunction ‑ Given ProviderShow when use collapse all shortcut should call expandAllFunction
Given ProviderShow when user has not edit permissions should not render edit button ‑ Given ProviderShow when user has not edit permissions should not render edit button
Given ProviderShowRoute should handle Edit ‑ Given ProviderShowRoute should handle Edit
Given ProviderShowRoute should handle clearProviderPackages ‑ Given ProviderShowRoute should handle clearProviderPackages
Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getProvider ‑ Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getProvider
Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getProviderPackages ‑ Given ProviderShowRoute should handle getProviderPackages
Given ProxyDisplay should return inherited proxy ‑ Given ProxyDisplay should return inherited proxy
Given ProxyDisplay when inheritedProxyId is empty should render spinner ‑ Given ProxyDisplay when inheritedProxyId is empty should render spinner
Given ProxyDisplay when proxy id is empty should render spinner ‑ Given ProxyDisplay when proxy id is empty should render spinner
Given ProxyDisplay when proxy is not inherited should return not inherited proxy ‑ Given ProxyDisplay when proxy is not inherited should return not inherited proxy
Given ProxyDisplay when proxy is not listed in proxy-types list should display error message ‑ Given ProxyDisplay when proxy is not listed in proxy-types list should display error message
Given ProxySelectField should display inherited proxy ‑ Given ProxySelectField should display inherited proxy
Given ProxySelectField should render proxy select field ‑ Given ProxySelectField should render proxy select field
Given ProxySelectField when theres only one proxy should disable field ‑ Given ProxySelectField when theres only one proxy should disable field
Given PublicationTypeField should display options ‑ Given PublicationTypeField should display options
Given PublicationTypeField should render PublicationTypeField ‑ Given PublicationTypeField should render PublicationTypeField
Given PublicationTypeField should render peer reviewed field ‑ Given PublicationTypeField should render peer reviewed field
Given PublicationTypeField when fill field with value with more then 250 characters should display a validation message ‑ Given PublicationTypeField when fill field with value with more then 250 characters should display a validation message
Given QueryNotFound should render children ‑ Given QueryNotFound should render children
Given QuerySearchList should handle fetch ‑ Given QuerySearchList should handle fetch
Given QuerySearchList should show not found message ‑ Given QuerySearchList should show not found message
Given QuerySearchList when request has failed should show an error ‑ Given QuerySearchList when request has failed should show an error
Given QuerySearchList when request returns the collection and items are not rejected should handle renderItem ‑ Given QuerySearchList when request returns the collection and items are not rejected should handle renderItem
Given ResourceCoverageFields should render coverage fields ‑ Given ResourceCoverageFields should render coverage fields
Given ResourceCoverageFields when clicking add a custom coverage should add a new custom coverage field ‑ Given ResourceCoverageFields when clicking add a custom coverage should add a new custom coverage field
Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource has custom coverages should render correct coverage field data ‑ Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource has custom coverages should render correct coverage field data
Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource has custom coverages should render custom coverages select as checked ‑ Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource has custom coverages should render custom coverages select as checked
Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource title is custom should render custom coverage fields ‑ Given ResourceCoverageFields when resource title is custom should render custom coverage fields
Given ResourceEdit should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceEdit should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceEdit should render coverage settings ‑ Given ResourceEdit should render coverage settings
Given ResourceEdit should render holding status ‑ Given ResourceEdit should render holding status
Given ResourceEdit should show title name ‑ Given ResourceEdit should show title name
Given ResourceEdit when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal ‑ Given ResourceEdit when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal
Given ResourceEdit when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEdit when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal
Given ResourceEdit when model has not loaded should render spinner ‑ Given ResourceEdit when model has not loaded should render spinner
Given ResourceEdit when request is rejected should show error message ‑ Given ResourceEdit when request is rejected should show error message
Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected should render Custom labels accordion ‑ Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected should render Custom labels accordion
Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected should render resource settings ‑ Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected should render resource settings
Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected when clicking selection toggle button should show selection modal
Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected when editing a field should enable form buttons ‑ Given ResourceEdit when resource is selected when editing a field should enable form buttons
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should render coverage settings ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should render coverage settings
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should render holding status ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should render holding status
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should show title name ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom should show title name
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when model has not loaded should render spinner ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when model has not loaded should render spinner
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when request is rejected should show error message ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when request is rejected should show error message
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is not selected and editing it and saving should show selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is not selected and editing it and saving should show selection modal
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected should render Custom labels accordion ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected should render Custom labels accordion
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected should render resource settings ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected should render resource settings
Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected when editing a field and saving should call onSubmit ‑ Given ResourceEdit when title is custom when resource is selected when editing a field and saving should call onSubmit
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should display remove last title warning ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should display remove last title warning
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should display remove title warning ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should display remove title warning
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should show confirm button in selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal should show confirm button in selection modal
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal when close selection modal should handle closeSelectionModal ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal when close selection modal should handle closeSelectionModal
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal when model updating on pending should show removing button in selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle selection modal when model updating on pending should show removing button in selection modal
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should check dates radio button ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should check dates radio button
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should display custom URL ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should display custom URL
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should not display action menu ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle should not display action menu
Given ResourceEditCustomTitle when coverage statement is not empty should check coverage statement radio button ‑ Given ResourceEditCustomTitle when coverage statement is not empty should check coverage statement radio button
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal should show confirm button in selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal should show confirm button in selection modal
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal when close selection modal should handle closeSelectionModal ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal when close selection modal should handle closeSelectionModal
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal when model updating on pending should show removing button in selection modal ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle selection modal when model updating on pending should show removing button in selection modal
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle should check dates radio button ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle should check dates radio button
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when coverage statement is not empty should check coverage statement radio button ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when coverage statement is not empty should check coverage statement radio button
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when saving a managed resource in a custom package should save url ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when saving a managed resource in a custom package should save url
Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when saving a managed resource in a managed package should not edit url ‑ Given ResourceEditManagedTitle when saving a managed resource in a managed package should not edit url
Given ResourceEditRoute should render page ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute should render page
Given ResourceEditRoute should request all data ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute should request all data
Given ResourceEditRoute when a managed package is deselected should handle mockUpdateResource ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when a managed package is deselected should handle mockUpdateResource
Given ResourceEditRoute when click on Close button should redirect to the view resource page ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when click on Close button should redirect to the view resource page
Given ResourceEditRoute when click on Save & close button should render Custom labels accordion and handle updateResource ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when click on Save & close button should render Custom labels accordion and handle updateResource
Given ResourceEditRoute when date range in the "Coverage Settings" section is removed and user clicks Save&Close button should update package with the empty customCoverage ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when date range in the "Coverage Settings" section is removed and user clicks Save&Close button should update package with the empty customCoverage
Given ResourceEditRoute when id in url has changed should handle getResource ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when id in url has changed should handle getResource
Given ResourceEditRoute when package is destroyed should redirect back to search page ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when package is destroyed should redirect back to search page
Given ResourceEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page
Given ResourceEditRoute when user clicks on Save & close button should call updateResource with default embargo period ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when user clicks on Save & close button should call updateResource with default embargo period
Given ResourceEditRoute when user deletes last date range row and clicks on Save&close button should call updateResource ‑ Given ResourceEditRoute when user deletes last date range row and clicks on Save&close button should call updateResource
Given ResourceInformation should display a link to package ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display a link to package
Given ResourceInformation should display a link to provider ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display a link to provider
Given ResourceInformation should display a link to title ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display a link to title
Given ResourceInformation should display add token button ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display add token button
Given ResourceInformation should display an alternates titles ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display an alternates titles
Given ResourceInformation should display contributors list ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display contributors list
Given ResourceInformation should display package content type ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display package content type
Given ResourceInformation should display package details type ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display package details type
Given ResourceInformation should display peer reviewed field ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display peer reviewed field
Given ResourceInformation should display publication type ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display publication type
Given ResourceInformation should display publisher name ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display publisher name
Given ResourceInformation should display subjects ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display subjects
Given ResourceInformation should display title description ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display title description
Given ResourceInformation should display title edition ‑ Given ResourceInformation should display title edition
Given ResourceInformation should render an accordion ‑ Given ResourceInformation should render an accordion
Given ResourceSettings should have no a11y issues ‑ Given ResourceSettings should have no a11y issues
Given ResourceSettings should render access type display ‑ Given ResourceSettings should render access type display
Given ResourceSettings should render an accordion ‑ Given ResourceSettings should render an accordion
Given ResourceSettings should render proxy display ‑ Given ResourceSettings should render proxy display
Given ResourceSettings should show proxied url ‑ Given ResourceSettings should show proxied url
Given ResourceSettings when package is custom should render Custom URL field ‑ Given ResourceSettings when package is custom should render Custom URL field
Given ResourceSettings when package is custom should show custom url ‑ Given ResourceSettings when package is custom should show custom url
Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should display a managed link ‑ Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should display a managed link
Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should not render Custom URL field ‑ Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should not render Custom URL field
Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should show managed url ‑ Given ResourceSettings when package is managed should show managed url
Given ResourceSettings when resource is hidden should display resource hidden message ‑ Given ResourceSettings when resource is hidden should display resource hidden message
Given ResourceSettings when resource is not selected should display resource hidden message ‑ Given ResourceSettings when resource is not selected should display resource hidden message
Given ResourceSettings when selecting a proxy should enable submit button ‑ Given ResourceSettings when selecting a proxy should enable submit button
Given ResourceSettings when there is no proxiedUrl in the proxy should not show proxied url ‑ Given ResourceSettings when there is no proxiedUrl in the proxy should not show proxied url
Given ResourceShow should show enabled Export title package (CSV) menu action ‑ Given ResourceShow should show enabled Export title package (CSV) menu action
Given ResourceShow should show pane title ‑ Given ResourceShow should show pane title
Given ResourceShow when clicking on Export package should show Export modal ‑ Given ResourceShow when clicking on Export package should show Export modal
Given ResourceShow when resource is freshly saved should display notification toast ‑ Given ResourceShow when resource is freshly saved should display notification toast
Given ResourceShow when resource is not selected when clicking on add to holdings should toggle selection ‑ Given ResourceShow when resource is not selected when clicking on add to holdings should toggle selection
Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should cancel selection ‑ Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should cancel selection
Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should confirm selection ‑ Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should confirm selection
Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should show confirmation modal ‑ Given ResourceShow when resource is selected when clicking on remove from holdings should show confirmation modal
Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getProxyTypes ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getProxyTypes
Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getResource ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getResource
Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getTags ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute should handle getTags
Given ResourceShowRoute should render ResourceShowRoute ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute should render ResourceShowRoute
Given ResourceShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to edit resource page ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to edit resource page
Given ResourceShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle clearCostPerUseData ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle clearCostPerUseData
Given ResourceShowRoute when fetch package cost per use should handle getCostPerUse ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when fetch package cost per use should handle getCostPerUse
Given ResourceShowRoute when resource id has changed should handle getResource ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when resource id has changed should handle getResource
Given ResourceShowRoute when resource is loading should show spinner ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when resource is loading should show spinner
Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was destroyed should redirect to package show page ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was destroyed should redirect to package show page
Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was updated should redirect to show resource page ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was updated should redirect to show resource page
Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was updated when isSelected was changed should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when resource was updated when isSelected was changed should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been selected should handle updateResource ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been selected should handle updateResource
Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been unselected should handle updateResource ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been unselected should handle updateResource
Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been unselected when package is custom should handle destroyResource ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when toggle selected status when resource has been unselected when package is custom should handle destroyResource
Given ResourceShowRoute when update Folio tags should handle UpdateFolioTags ‑ Given ResourceShowRoute when update Folio tags should handle UpdateFolioTags
Given RootProxySelectField should display `test-name` dropdown list option ‑ Given RootProxySelectField should display `test-name` dropdown list option
Given RootProxySelectField should not render RootProxySelectField ‑ Given RootProxySelectField should not render RootProxySelectField
Given RootProxySelectField should render Root Proxy Server title ‑ Given RootProxySelectField should render Root Proxy Server title
Given RootProxySelectField should render dropdown list ‑ Given RootProxySelectField should render dropdown list
Given ScrollView should display PrevNextButtons ‑ Given ScrollView should display PrevNextButtons
Given ScrollView should render items ‑ Given ScrollView should render items
Given ScrollView when length prop is not passed should display all items ‑ Given ScrollView when length prop is not passed should display all items
Given ScrollView when page changes should render new items ‑ Given ScrollView when page changes should render new items
Given ScrollView when there are more than 100 items should render only 100 items ‑ Given ScrollView when there are more than 100 items should render only 100 items
Given SearchBadge should render badge count ‑ Given SearchBadge should render badge count
Given SearchBadge when badge count is 0 or less should not render badge count ‑ Given SearchBadge when badge count is 0 or less should not render badge count
Given SearchFilters should render available filters ‑ Given SearchFilters should render available filters
Given SearchFilters when editing filter value should call onUpdate ‑ Given SearchFilters when editing filter value should call onUpdate
Given SearchForm when access types data is loading should show spinner ‑ Given SearchForm when access types data is loading should show spinner
Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled should have search field disabled ‑ Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled should have search field disabled
Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled should only display tags already added to records in the tag options ‑ Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled should only display tags already added to records in the tag options
Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled when no tags are provided should display an empty message instead of options ‑ Given SearchForm when search by tags enabled when no tags are provided should display an empty message instead of options
Given SearchForm when search field filled with value should handle onSearchChange action ‑ Given SearchForm when search field filled with value should handle onSearchChange action
Given SearchForm when search field filled with value when click on submit should handle onSearch action ‑ Given SearchForm when search field filled with value when click on submit should handle onSearch action
Given SearchForm when search type is titles should show field to search select ‑ Given SearchForm when search type is titles should show field to search select
Given SearchForm when search type is titles when change search select value should handle onSearchFieldChange action ‑ Given SearchForm when search type is titles when change search select value should handle onSearchFieldChange action
Given SearchKnowledgeBase should show delete button ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase should show delete button
Given SearchKnowledgeBase should show edit kb credentials title ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase should show edit kb credentials title
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when active create mode should not show delete button ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when active create mode should not show delete button
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when active create mode should show new kb credentials title ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when active create mode should show new kb credentials title
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when click on delete button should show delete confirmation modal ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when click on delete button should show delete confirmation modal
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when click on delete button when click on delete button should handle onDelete action ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when click on delete button when click on delete button should handle onDelete action
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when config is null should not render settings knowledge base form ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when config is null should not render settings knowledge base form
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill api key field with empty value should show validation error ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill api key field with empty value should show validation error
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill customer id field with empty value should show validation error ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill customer id field with empty value should show validation error
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill name field with empty value should show validation error ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill name field with empty value should show validation error
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill name field with value more than 255 characters should show validation error ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when fill name field with value more than 255 characters should show validation error
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credentials are loading should show spinner ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credentials are loading should show spinner
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credentials return error should show error notification ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credentials return error should show error notification
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credetials has been saved should show success toast notification ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credetials has been saved should show success toast notification
Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credetials has been updated should show success toast notification ‑ Given SearchKnowledgeBase when kb credetials has been updated should show success toast notification
Given SearchModal should display close modal button ‑ Given SearchModal should display close modal button
Given SearchModal should display modal title ‑ Given SearchModal should display modal title
Given SearchModal should display reset all button ‑ Given SearchModal should display reset all button
Given SearchModal should display search button ‑ Given SearchModal should display search button
Given SearchModal should display search input ‑ Given SearchModal should display search input
Given SearchModal should render SearchModal component ‑ Given SearchModal should render SearchModal component
Given SearchModal when change filter should change state and enable search button ‑ Given SearchModal when change filter should change state and enable search button
Given SearchModal when change search field should change state and enable search button ‑ Given SearchModal when change search field should change state and enable search button
Given SearchModal when click on close button should close search modal ‑ Given SearchModal when click on close button should close search modal
Given SearchModal when click on reset all button should reset search ‑ Given SearchModal when click on reset all button should reset search
Given SearchModal when click on search button should update search with passed filter values ‑ Given SearchModal when click on search button should update search with passed filter values
Given SearchModal when click the button open the modal should invoke onToggle callback ‑ Given SearchModal when click the button open the modal should invoke onToggle callback
Given SearchModal when query contains access types filter should filter by access type ‑ Given SearchModal when query contains access types filter should filter by access type
Given SearchModal when search by access types enabled should update search with corresponding filter value ‑ Given SearchModal when search by access types enabled should update search with corresponding filter value
Given SearchModal when search by tags enabled should update search with corresponding filter value ‑ Given SearchModal when search by tags enabled should update search with corresponding filter value
Given SearchPackageListItem should display provider name ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should display provider name
Given SearchPackageListItem should display title count ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should display title count
Given SearchPackageListItem should invoke onClick callback ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should invoke onClick callback
Given SearchPackageListItem should not invoke onClick callback ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should not invoke onClick callback
Given SearchPackageListItem should render HiddenLabel component ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should render HiddenLabel component
Given SearchPackageListItem should render SearchPackageListItem link ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should render SearchPackageListItem link
Given SearchPackageListItem should render TagsLabel component ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should render TagsLabel component
Given SearchPackageListItem should render skeleton when item is not provided ‑ Given SearchPackageListItem should render skeleton when item is not provided
Given SearchPaneset should call history push for Packages ‑ Given SearchPaneset should call history push for Packages
Given SearchPaneset should call history push for Titles ‑ Given SearchPaneset should call history push for Titles
Given SearchPaneset should not call history push for Providers ‑ Given SearchPaneset should not call history push for Providers
Given SearchPaneset should render search-pane ‑ Given SearchPaneset should render search-pane
Given SearchPaneset when component is loading should show loading message ‑ Given SearchPaneset when component is loading should show loading message
Given SearchPaneset when resultView is not present should show enter query message ‑ Given SearchPaneset when resultView is not present should show enter query message
Given SearchPaneset when some filters are choosed and they are hide should show ExpandFiltersPaneButton ‑ Given SearchPaneset when some filters are choosed and they are hide should show ExpandFiltersPaneButton
Given SearchPaneset when some filters are choosed and they are hide when click on ExpandFiltersPaneButton should handle updateFilters ‑ Given SearchPaneset when some filters are choosed and they are hide when click on ExpandFiltersPaneButton should handle updateFilters
Given SearchRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given SearchRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given SearchRoute should handle getTags ‑ Given SearchRoute should handle getTags
Given SearchRoute when form is loading should show spinner in search input ‑ Given SearchRoute when form is loading should show spinner in search input
Given SearchRoute when search type is packages should render PackagesSearchList ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is packages should render PackagesSearchList
Given SearchRoute when search type is packages should render providers search filters ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is packages should render providers search filters
Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when click on item from list should handle history.push action ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when click on item from list should handle history.push action
Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when enter the value to search field and click on search should handle history push ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when enter the value to search field and click on search should handle history push
Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchPackages action ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is packages when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchPackages action
Given SearchRoute when search type is providers should render ProvidersSearchList ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is providers should render ProvidersSearchList
Given SearchRoute when search type is providers should render providers search filters ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is providers should render providers search filters
Given SearchRoute when search type is providers when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchProviders action ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is providers when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchProviders action
Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should cache selected package data to restore missing filter option ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should cache selected package data to restore missing filter option
Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should render TitlesSearchList ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should render TitlesSearchList
Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should render providers search filters ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is titles should render providers search filters
Given SearchRoute when search type is titles when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchTitles action ‑ Given SearchRoute when search type is titles when loaded more then 100 records and click on next button should handle searchTitles action
Given SelectionStatus should display `add all to holdings` button ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display `add all to holdings` button
Given SelectionStatus should display `add package to holdings` button ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display `add package to holdings` button
Given SelectionStatus should display `not selected` selection status message ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display `not selected` selection status message
Given SelectionStatus should display `partially selected` selection status message ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display `partially selected` selection status message
Given SelectionStatus should display `selected` selection status message ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display `selected` selection status message
Given SelectionStatus should display selection status message ‑ Given SelectionStatus should display selection status message
Given SelectionStatus should not display add to holdings button ‑ Given SelectionStatus should not display add to holdings button
Given SelectionStatus should not display selection status message ‑ Given SelectionStatus should not display selection status message
Given SelectionStatus should render SelectionStatus component ‑ Given SelectionStatus should render SelectionStatus component
Given Settings Display should render children ‑ Given Settings Display should render children
Given Settings Display when clicking on KB credentials header should redirect to kb credentials page ‑ Given Settings Display when clicking on KB credentials header should redirect to kb credentials page
Given Settings Display when pressing create new shortcut should redirect to create kb credentials page ‑ Given Settings Display when pressing create new shortcut should redirect to create kb credentials page
Given Settings Form Display should render children ‑ Given Settings Form Display should render children
Given Settings Form Display should render title ‑ Given Settings Form Display should render title
Given Settings Form Display when form is invalid should disable save button ‑ Given Settings Form Display when form is invalid should disable save button
Given Settings Form Display when form is pristine should disable cancel button ‑ Given Settings Form Display when form is pristine should disable cancel button
Given Settings Form Display when form is pristine should disable save button ‑ Given Settings Form Display when form is pristine should disable save button
Given Settings Form Display when update is pending should disable cancel button ‑ Given Settings Form Display when update is pending should disable cancel button
Given Settings Form Display when update is pending should disable save button ‑ Given Settings Form Display when update is pending should disable save button
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display New button ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display New button
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display `Access status types` in the pane header and as the headline ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display `Access status types` in the pane header and as the headline
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display access status type info ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display access status type info
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display delete icon ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display delete icon
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display edit icon ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display edit icon
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display table columns titles ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should display table columns titles
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should render SettingsAccessStatusTypes component ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes should render SettingsAccessStatusTypes component
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when add new access status type should handle onCreate ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when add new access status type should handle onCreate
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on New button should display fields to add a new access status type ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on New button should display fields to add a new access status type
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on New button when cancel creating new access status type should hide fields to add a new access status type ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on New button when cancel creating new access status type should hide fields to add a new access status type
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on cancel button on delete confirmation modal should hide confirmation modal ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on cancel button on delete confirmation modal should hide confirmation modal
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on delete icon should display a confirmation modal ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when click on delete icon should display a confirmation modal
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when delete access status type should handle confirmDelete and show success toast message ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when delete access status type should handle confirmDelete and show success toast message
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when delete access status type should handle onDelete ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when delete access status type should handle onDelete
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when edit existing access status type should handle onUpdate ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when edit existing access status type should handle onUpdate
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when max number of access status types reached should disable New button ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when max number of access status types reached should disable New button
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when metadata of access status type is passed should display metadata info ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when metadata of access status type is passed should display metadata info
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when there are errors when error message does not end with not found should not display a toast with an error message ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when there are errors when error message does not end with not found should not display a toast with an error message
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when there are errors when error message ends with not found should display a toast with an error message ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypes when there are errors when error message ends with not found should display a toast with an error message
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute should handle getAccessTypes ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute should handle getAccessTypes
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute when data is not loaded should show spinner ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute when data is not loaded should show spinner
Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute when kbId changes should call getAccessTypes with new kbId ‑ Given SettingsAccessStatusTypesRoute when kbId changes should call getAccessTypes with new kbId
Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display `Assigned users` in the pane header and as the headline ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display `Assigned users` in the pane header and as the headline
Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display assigned users info ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display assigned users info
Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display table column titles ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display table column titles
Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display unassign user icon button ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers should display unassign user icon button
Given SettingsAssignedUsers should render SettingsAccessStatusTypes component ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers should render SettingsAccessStatusTypes component
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when assignedUsers array is empty should display an empty message ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when assignedUsers array is empty should display an empty message
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on `Assign user` button should handle onSelectUser ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on `Assign user` button should handle onSelectUser
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button should show a confirmation modal ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button should show a confirmation modal
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button when click on cancel button on confirm unassign user modal should close modal and do not unassign user ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button when click on cancel button on confirm unassign user modal should close modal and do not unassign user
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button when click on confirm button on confirm unassign user modal should close modal and handle onDeleteUser ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when click on unassign user icon button when click on confirm button on confirm unassign user modal should close modal and handle onDeleteUser
Given SettingsAssignedUsers when the request is pending should show spinner ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsers when the request is pending should show spinner
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute should handle getKBCredentialsUsers ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute should handle getKBCredentialsUsers
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers and/or userGroups are not loaded should show spinner ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers and/or userGroups are not loaded should show spinner
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers contains an `assigned to another credentials` error should display an `already assigned` message ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers contains an `assigned to another credentials` error should display an `already assigned` message
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers contains errors should show toast with an error message ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when assignedUsers contains errors should show toast with an error message
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on `Assign user` button should handle postKBCredentialsUser ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on `Assign user` button should handle postKBCredentialsUser
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on `hide already assigned message` button should hide an `already assigned` message ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on `hide already assigned message` button should hide an `already assigned` message
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on unassign user button should handle deleteKBCredentialsUser ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when click on unassign user button should handle deleteKBCredentialsUser
Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when user is already assigned to current KB should not handle postKBCredentialsUser ‑ Given SettingsAssignedUsersRoute when user is already assigned to current KB should not handle postKBCredentialsUser
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Display label` label ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Display label` label
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Show on full text finder` label ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Show on full text finder` label
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Show on publication finder` label ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display `Show on publication finder` label
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display five custom label fields ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display five custom label fields
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display full text finder checkbox with correct value ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display full text finder checkbox with correct value
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display input field with display label ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display input field with display label
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display pane header title ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display pane header title
Given SettingsCustomLabels should display publication finder checkbox with correct value ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should display publication finder checkbox with correct value
Given SettingsCustomLabels should render footer ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should render footer
Given SettingsCustomLabels should render form ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels should render form
Given SettingsCustomLabels when click on Remove custom labels on the confirmation modal should handle updateCustomLabels ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when click on Remove custom labels on the confirmation modal should handle updateCustomLabels
Given SettingsCustomLabels when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal
Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels are updated should handle confirmUpdate ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels are updated should handle confirmUpdate
Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels are updated should show success toast message ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels are updated should show success toast message
Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels data is empty should have all form fields empty ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when custom labels data is empty should have all form fields empty
Given SettingsCustomLabels when submit form with empty display label should show confirmation modal ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when submit form with empty display label should show confirmation modal
Given SettingsCustomLabels when submit form without empty display labels should handle updateCustomLabels ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when submit form without empty display labels should handle updateCustomLabels
Given SettingsCustomLabels when there are errors should show error toast message ‑ Given SettingsCustomLabels when there are errors should show error toast message
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute should handle getKbCredentialsKey ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute should handle getKbCredentialsKey
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when change form value and click `Save` should handle patchKBCredentials ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when change form value and click `Save` should handle patchKBCredentials
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when click on `Delete` button should handle deleteKBCredentials ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when click on `Delete` button should handle deleteKBCredentials
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was deleted should handle confirmDeleteKBCredentials ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was deleted should handle confirmDeleteKBCredentials
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was deleted should redirect to /settings/holdings ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was deleted should redirect to /settings/holdings
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was saved should handle confirmPostKBCredentials ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was saved should handle confirmPostKBCredentials
Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was updated should handle confirmPatchKBCredentials ‑ Given SettingsKnowledgeBaseRoute when kb was updated should handle confirmPatchKBCredentials
Given SettingsRootProxy should display Root proxy server dropdown ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should display Root proxy server dropdown
Given SettingsRootProxy should display Root proxy server label ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should display Root proxy server label
Given SettingsRootProxy should display customer message ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should display customer message
Given SettingsRootProxy should display pane header title ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should display pane header title
Given SettingsRootProxy should display warning message ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should display warning message
Given SettingsRootProxy should render footer ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should render footer
Given SettingsRootProxy should render form ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy should render form
Given SettingsRootProxy when an error happens should display corresponding toast message ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy when an error happens should display corresponding toast message
Given SettingsRootProxy when proxy types are loading should not display Root proxy server dropdown ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy when proxy types are loading should not display Root proxy server dropdown
Given SettingsRootProxy when proxy types are loading should not display Root proxy server label ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy when proxy types are loading should not display Root proxy server label
Given SettingsRootProxy when root proxy is updated should display corresponding toast message ‑ Given SettingsRootProxy when root proxy is updated should display corresponding toast message
Given SettingsRootProxyRoute should render route view ‑ Given SettingsRootProxyRoute should render route view
Given SettingsRootProxyRoute should request initial data ‑ Given SettingsRootProxyRoute should request initial data
Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when View form was submitted should call rootProxySubmitted ‑ Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when View form was submitted should call rootProxySubmitted
Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when kbId has changed should request new data ‑ Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when kbId has changed should request new data
Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when root proxy was updated should call confirmUpdateRootProxy ‑ Given SettingsRootProxyRoute when root proxy was updated should call confirmUpdateRootProxy
Given SettingsRoute should display correct page title ‑ Given SettingsRoute should display correct page title
Given SettingsRoute should handle getKbCredentials ‑ Given SettingsRoute should handle getKbCredentials
Given SettingsRoute should render children ‑ Given SettingsRoute should render children
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getCurrencies ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getCurrencies
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentials ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentials
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentialsClientId ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentialsClientId
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentialsClientSecret ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should handle getUcCredentialsClientSecret

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1107 tests found (test 770 to 1107)

There are 1107 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 770 to 1107.
Raw output
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should not fill clientId and clientSecret fields with any value ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute should not fill clientId and clientSecret fields with any value
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when currency was not choosed should show error message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when currency was not choosed should show error message
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when customer key is empty should show error message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when customer key is empty should show error message
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when customer uc credentials is present should show asterisks in clientId and clientSecret fields ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when customer uc credentials is present should show asterisks in clientId and clientSecret fields
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when credentials id is not present should handle postUsageConsolidation ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when credentials id is not present should handle postUsageConsolidation
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when credentials id is present should handle patchUsageConsolidation ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when credentials id is present should handle patchUsageConsolidation
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when ucCredentials is not present should handle updateUcCredentials ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when ucCredentials is not present should handle updateUcCredentials
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when ucCredentials is present should not handle updateUcCredentials ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when the form was filled and click on save button when ucCredentials is present should not handle updateUcCredentials
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a system error should show toast message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a system error should show toast message
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a usageConsolidation error should show toast message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a usageConsolidation error should show toast message
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a validation error should show toast message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation credentials were not saved and it is a validation error should show toast message
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation is loaded should handle getUsageConsolidationKey ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation is loaded should handle getUsageConsolidationKey
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation is loading should show spinner ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation is loading should show spinner
Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation settings was successfully saved should show toast message ‑ Given SettingsUsageConsolidationRoute when usage consolidation settings was successfully saved should show toast message
Given SummaryTable should display default summary table columns ‑ Given SummaryTable should display default summary table columns
Given SummaryTable when entity type is not title should not display Holdings Summary label ‑ Given SummaryTable when entity type is not title should not display Holdings Summary label
Given SummaryTable when entity type is title should display Holdings Summary label ‑ Given SummaryTable when entity type is title should display Holdings Summary label
Given SummaryTable when noCostPerUseAvailable is true should not display summary table ‑ Given SummaryTable when noCostPerUseAvailable is true should not display summary table
Given Tags should display entity tags ‑ Given Tags should display entity tags
Given Tags should display select label ‑ Given Tags should display select label
Given Tags when adding an existing tag should call updateEntityTags ‑ Given Tags when adding an existing tag should call updateEntityTags
Given Tags when adding an new tag should call updateFolioTags ‑ Given Tags when adding an new tag should call updateFolioTags
Given Tags when removing a tag should call updateEntityTags ‑ Given Tags when removing a tag should call updateEntityTags
Given TagsAccordion should display accordion label ‑ Given TagsAccordion should display accordion label
Given TagsAccordion when accordion is closed should display number of tags ‑ Given TagsAccordion when accordion is closed should display number of tags
Given TagsFilterAccordion should display options as selected if there are such options in dataOptions ‑ Given TagsFilterAccordion should display options as selected if there are such options in dataOptions
Given TagsFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when tags is array ‑ Given TagsFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when tags is array
Given TagsFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when tags is string ‑ Given TagsFilterAccordion when selected some items should show clear filters button when tags is string
Given TagsFilterAccordion when tags data is loading should show spinner ‑ Given TagsFilterAccordion when tags data is loading should show spinner
Given TagsLabel should render TagsLabel ‑ Given TagsLabel should render TagsLabel
Given TitleCreate should display footer buttons ‑ Given TitleCreate should display footer buttons
Given TitleCreate should display the `package information` title ‑ Given TitleCreate should display the `package information` title
Given TitleCreate should display the `title information` title ‑ Given TitleCreate should display the `title information` title
Given TitleCreate should display the first menu pane ‑ Given TitleCreate should display the first menu pane
Given TitleCreate should render the ContributorField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the ContributorField component
Given TitleCreate should render the DescriptionField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the DescriptionField component
Given TitleCreate should render the EditionField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the EditionField component
Given TitleCreate should render the IdentifiersFields component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the IdentifiersFields component
Given TitleCreate should render the NameField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the NameField component
Given TitleCreate should render the PackageSelectField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the PackageSelectField component
Given TitleCreate should render the PeerReviewedField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the PeerReviewedField component
Given TitleCreate should render the PublicationTypeField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the PublicationTypeField component
Given TitleCreate should render the PublisherNameField component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the PublisherNameField component
Given TitleCreate should render the TitleCreate component ‑ Given TitleCreate should render the TitleCreate component
Given TitleCreate when an error occurs should show toast with the message ‑ Given TitleCreate when an error occurs should show toast with the message
Given TitleCreate when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal ‑ Given TitleCreate when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal
Given TitleCreateRoute should handle getCustomPackages ‑ Given TitleCreateRoute should handle getCustomPackages
Given TitleCreateRoute when click on close icon and form is not pristine should handle history.goBack ‑ Given TitleCreateRoute when click on close icon and form is not pristine should handle history.goBack
Given TitleCreateRoute when fill form with some values and click save should handle createTitle action ‑ Given TitleCreateRoute when fill form with some values and click save should handle createTitle action
Given TitleCreateRoute when request is not resolved should not redirect to new title record ‑ Given TitleCreateRoute when request is not resolved should not redirect to new title record
Given TitleCreateRoute when request is resolved should redirect to new title record ‑ Given TitleCreateRoute when request is resolved should redirect to new title record
Given TitleEdit should show cancel button ‑ Given TitleEdit should show cancel button
Given TitleEdit should show save button ‑ Given TitleEdit should show save button
Given TitleEdit when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal ‑ Given TitleEdit when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal
Given TitleEdit when request has an error should show toast message ‑ Given TitleEdit when request has an error should show toast message
Given TitleEditRoute should handle getTitle ‑ Given TitleEditRoute should handle getTitle
Given TitleEditRoute when click on close icon should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when click on close icon should redirect to the view title page
Given TitleEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given TitleEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should show spinner ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is not rejected should show spinner
Given TitleEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when model is not loaded when request is rejected should display an error
Given TitleEditRoute when submit form with edited title should handle updateTitle ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when submit form with edited title should handle updateTitle
Given TitleEditRoute when title is not custom should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when title is not custom should redirect to the view title page
Given TitleEditRoute when title is not pending anymore and needs update should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when title is not pending anymore and needs update should redirect to the view title page
Given TitleEditRoute when titleId in url has changed should handle getTitle ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when titleId in url has changed should handle getTitle
Given TitleEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page ‑ Given TitleEditRoute when update request resolves should redirect to the view title page
Given TitleListItem should display contributors ‑ Given TitleListItem should display contributors
Given TitleListItem should display hidden label ‑ Given TitleListItem should display hidden label
Given TitleListItem should display identifiers ‑ Given TitleListItem should display identifiers
Given TitleListItem should display publication type and publisher name ‑ Given TitleListItem should display publication type and publisher name
Given TitleListItem should display selected and tags labels ‑ Given TitleListItem should display selected and tags labels
Given TitleListItem should invoke onClick callback ‑ Given TitleListItem should invoke onClick callback
Given TitleListItem should not display hidden label ‑ Given TitleListItem should not display hidden label
Given TitleListItem should not invoke onClick callback ‑ Given TitleListItem should not invoke onClick callback
Given TitleListItem should render TitleListItem headline ‑ Given TitleListItem should render TitleListItem headline
Given TitleListItem should render TitleListItem link ‑ Given TitleListItem should render TitleListItem link
Given TitleListItem should render skeleton when item prop is not provided ‑ Given TitleListItem should render skeleton when item prop is not provided
Given TitleNameField should render title name field ‑ Given TitleNameField should render title name field
Given TitleNameField when fill input with more that 400 characters should show validation error ‑ Given TitleNameField when fill input with more that 400 characters should show validation error
Given TitleNameField when input value is empty should show validation error ‑ Given TitleNameField when input value is empty should show validation error
Given TitleSearchList should display found title information ‑ Given TitleSearchList should display found title information
Given TitleSearchList should have a link to the found title ‑ Given TitleSearchList should have a link to the found title
Given TitleSearchList should render QuerySearchList component ‑ Given TitleSearchList should render QuerySearchList component
Given TitleSearchList when click on a title should call onClickItem ‑ Given TitleSearchList when click on a title should call onClickItem
Given TitleShow packages accordion filter packages modal window should be called when click on the Filter packages button ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion filter packages modal window should be called when click on the Filter packages button
Given TitleShow packages accordion filter packages modal window should filter packages when click on the Search button ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion filter packages modal window should filter packages when click on the Search button
Given TitleShow packages accordion should be rendered ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion should be rendered
Given TitleShow packages accordion should display number of packages ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion should display number of packages
Given TitleShow packages accordion should not display packages ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion should not display packages
Given TitleShow packages accordion should render ScrollView component ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion should render ScrollView component
Given TitleShow packages accordion when package filters were selected on the previous page and package filters were also selected on the current page should filter packages according to filters applied only on the current page ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion when package filters were selected on the previous page and package filters were also selected on the current page should filter packages according to filters applied only on the current page
Given TitleShow packages accordion when package filters were selected on the previous page should filter the packages on the current page ‑ Given TitleShow packages accordion when package filters were selected on the previous page should filter the packages on the current page
Given TitleShow should display `Collapse all` button ‑ Given TitleShow should display `Collapse all` button
Given TitleShow should display an alternate titles ‑ Given TitleShow should display an alternate titles
Given TitleShow should display title name in the pane and in the headline ‑ Given TitleShow should display title name in the pane and in the headline
Given TitleShow should render NotesSmartAccordion component ‑ Given TitleShow should render NotesSmartAccordion component
Given TitleShow should render UsageConsolidationAccordion component ‑ Given TitleShow should render UsageConsolidationAccordion component
Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should be called when clicked on the `Add to custom package` button ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should be called when clicked on the `Add to custom package` button
Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display AddTitleToPackage component ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display AddTitleToPackage component
Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Cancel button ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Cancel button
Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Saving button ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Saving button
Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Submit button ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion add title to custom package modal window should display Submit button
Given TitleShow title information accordion should be collapsed after click on the heading ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should be collapsed after click on the heading
Given TitleShow title information accordion should be rendered ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should be rendered
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Custom` for title type ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Custom` for title type
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Managed` for title type ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Managed` for title type
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `No` for title peer reviewed ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `No` for title peer reviewed
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Yes` for title peer reviewed ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display `Yes` for title peer reviewed
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title author ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title author
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title edition ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title edition
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title identifiers list ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title identifiers list
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title publication type ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title publication type
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title publisher ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title publisher
Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title subjects ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should display title subjects
Given TitleShow title information accordion should render `Add to custom package` button ‑ Given TitleShow title information accordion should render `Add to custom package` button
Given TitleShow when all sections are collapsed should all be expanded after click on the `Expand all` button ‑ Given TitleShow when all sections are collapsed should all be expanded after click on the `Expand all` button
Given TitleShow when coming from creating a new custom package should show a corresponding success toast ‑ Given TitleShow when coming from creating a new custom package should show a corresponding success toast
Given TitleShow when coming from saving edits to the package should show a corresponding success toast ‑ Given TitleShow when coming from saving edits to the package should show a corresponding success toast
Given TitleShowRoute should handle getCustomPackages ‑ Given TitleShowRoute should handle getCustomPackages
Given TitleShowRoute should handle getTitle ‑ Given TitleShowRoute should handle getTitle
Given TitleShowRoute when click on Add to custom package button should handle createResource ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when click on Add to custom package button should handle createResource
Given TitleShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to the edit title page ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when click on Edit button should redirect to the edit title page
Given TitleShowRoute when click on Fetch title cost per use button should handle getCostPerUse ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when click on Fetch title cost per use button should handle getCostPerUse
Given TitleShowRoute when click on Filter packages button should handle getCustomPackages ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when click on Filter packages button should handle getCustomPackages
Given TitleShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when component is unmounted should handle removeUpdateRequests
Given TitleShowRoute when create request resolves should redirect to the view resource page ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when create request resolves should redirect to the view resource page
Given TitleShowRoute when titleId in url has changed should handle getTitle ‑ Given TitleShowRoute when titleId in url has changed should handle getTitle
Given TitlesTable when data is loading should show loading message ‑ Given TitlesTable when data is loading should show loading message
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully and when click on column header should handle onSortTitles ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully and when click on column header should handle onSortTitles
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully should render table ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully should render table
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 0 should show NoValue component ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 0 should show NoValue component
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 0.5 should show "< 1 %" ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 0.5 should show "< 1 %"
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 10 should show "10 %" ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when percent is 10 should show "10 %"
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when total results more then page size and click on Next button and click on Previous button should handle fetchPage ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when total results more then page size and click on Next button and click on Previous button should handle fetchPage
Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when total results more then page size and click on Next button should handle fetchPage ‑ Given TitlesTable when data was loaded successfully when total results more then page size and click on Next button should handle fetchPage
Given TitlesTable when package titles for cost per use was not loaded should not render table ‑ Given TitlesTable when package titles for cost per use was not loaded should not render table
Given TitlesTable when package titles for cost per use was not loaded should show toast error message ‑ Given TitlesTable when package titles for cost per use was not loaded should show toast error message
Given TitlesTable when table is hidden should not render table ‑ Given TitlesTable when table is hidden should not render table
Given Toast should display error type toast ‑ Given Toast should display error type toast
Given Toast should display success type toast ‑ Given Toast should display success type toast
Given Toast should display warn type toast ‑ Given Toast should display warn type toast
Given Toast should invoke onClose callback after 5000ms when initially rendered ‑ Given Toast should invoke onClose callback after 5000ms when initially rendered
Given Toast should invoke onClose callback ‑ Given Toast should invoke onClose callback
Given Toast should render children ‑ Given Toast should render children
Given Toast should render close button ‑ Given Toast should render close button
Given Toaster should destroy toast after 5000ms ‑ Given Toaster should destroy toast after 5000ms
Given Toaster should display toast message ‑ Given Toaster should display toast message
Given Toaster should not display toast message ‑ Given Toaster should not display toast message
Given Toaster should render Toaster component ‑ Given Toaster should render Toaster component
Given ToggleSwitch should be checked ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should be checked
Given ToggleSwitch should be disabled by disabled prop ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should be disabled by disabled prop
Given ToggleSwitch should be disabled by isPending prop ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should be disabled by isPending prop
Given ToggleSwitch should invoke input.onChange callback ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should invoke input.onChange callback
Given ToggleSwitch should invoke onChange callback ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should invoke onChange callback
Given ToggleSwitch should not be checked ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should not be checked
Given ToggleSwitch should not be disabled ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should not be disabled
Given ToggleSwitch should render ToggleSwitch component ‑ Given ToggleSwitch should render ToggleSwitch component
Given TokenDisplay should display message of token not set for the package ‑ Given TokenDisplay should display message of token not set for the package
Given TokenDisplay should display message of token not set for the provider ‑ Given TokenDisplay should display message of token not set for the provider
Given TokenDisplay should display token information ‑ Given TokenDisplay should display token information
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should display AddToken message for package on the button ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should display AddToken message for package on the button
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should display AddToken message for provider on the button ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should display AddToken message for provider on the button
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should render button ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is not provided should render button
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when fill textarea with more than 500 characters should show validation error ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when fill textarea with more than 500 characters should show validation error
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render package textarea ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render package textarea
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render token field package help text ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render token field package help text
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render token field package prompt text ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to package should render token field package prompt text
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render provider textarea ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render provider textarea
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render token field provider help text ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render token field provider help text
Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render token field provider prompt text ‑ Given TokenField when tokenValue prop is provided when type equals to provider should render token field provider prompt text
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display Actions button ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display Actions button
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display accordion headline ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display accordion headline
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display info popover button in the header ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display info popover button in the header
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display usage condolidation filters ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should display usage condolidation filters
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should render UsageConsolidationAccordion ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion should render UsageConsolidationAccordion
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on Actions button should display View and Export options ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on Actions button should display View and Export options
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on Actions button when click on View option should handle onViewTitles ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on Actions button when click on View option should handle onViewTitles
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on View button under filters should handle onFilterSubmit ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on View button under filters should handle onFilterSubmit
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on accordion headline should handle onToggle ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on accordion headline should handle onToggle
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on info popover button in the header should not handle onToggle ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when click on info popover button in the header should not handle onToggle
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is failed should display an error message ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is failed should display an error message
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is loading should render spinner ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is loading should render spinner
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is not loaded and is not failed should not render content ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when costPerUseData is not loaded and is not failed should not render content
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when isOpen set to false should not display usage condolidation filters ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when isOpen set to false should not display usage condolidation filters
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is not package/title/resource should not render content ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is not package/title/resource should not render content
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is package should display table columns titles ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is package should display table columns titles
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is resource should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle component ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is resource should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle component
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is title should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle component ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when record type is title should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle component
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when there are usageConsolidation errors should display error toast message ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when there are usageConsolidation errors should display error toast message
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when usageConsolidation data credentialsId is not provided should not render usage consolidation accordion ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when usageConsolidation data credentialsId is not provided should not render usage consolidation accordion
Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when usageConsolidation is failed should not render usage consolidation accordion ‑ Given UsageConsolidationAccordion when usageConsolidation is failed should not render usage consolidation accordion
Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should not render DOMelement when is null ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should not render DOMelement when is null
Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render NoCostPerUseAvailable when noCostPerUseAvailable and isPlatformsDataEmpty are true ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render NoCostPerUseAvailable when noCostPerUseAvailable and isPlatformsDataEmpty are true
Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render Summary Table and FullTextRequestUsageTable when costPerUseData hold appropriate values ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render Summary Table and FullTextRequestUsageTable when costPerUseData hold appropriate values
Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render a div with message when isFailed of costPerUseData is true ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentResource should render a div with message when isFailed of costPerUseData is true
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render UsageConsolidationContentTitle
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render packageName table column link ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render packageName table column link
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render visible columns ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle should render visible columns
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when it is failed should show an error message ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when it is failed should show an error message
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when no cost-per-use available and platforms data is empty should render NoCostPerUseAvailable ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when no cost-per-use available and platforms data is empty should render NoCostPerUseAvailable
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no holdings summary should not render holdings summary ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no holdings summary should not render holdings summary
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no rowData coverages should render NoValue component instead of list ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no rowData coverages should render NoValue component instead of list
Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no title-cost-per-use data property in props should render null ‑ Given UsageConsolidationContentTitle when there is no title-cost-per-use data property in props should render null
Given VisibilityField should display a `no` radio button ‑ Given VisibilityField should display a `no` radio button
Given VisibilityField should display a `yes` radio button ‑ Given VisibilityField should display a `yes` radio button
Given VisibilityField should display a legend headline ‑ Given VisibilityField should display a legend headline
Given VisibilityField should render the VisibilityField component ‑ Given VisibilityField should render the VisibilityField component
Given VisibilityField when `true` passed to a `disabled` prop should display disabled radio buttons ‑ Given VisibilityField when `true` passed to a `disabled` prop should display disabled radio buttons
Given VisibilityField when a node passed to a `disabled` prop should display disabled radio buttons ‑ Given VisibilityField when a node passed to a `disabled` prop should display disabled radio buttons
Given VisibilityField when check radio buttons should store `false` in the form in case of a selected `no` option ‑ Given VisibilityField when check radio buttons should store `false` in the form in case of a selected `no` option
Given VisibilityField when check radio buttons should store `true` in the form in case of a selected `yes` option ‑ Given VisibilityField when check radio buttons should store `true` in the form in case of a selected `yes` option
Given useExportPackageTitle should call fetch with correct data ‑ Given useExportPackageTitle should call fetch with correct data
Given useExportPackageTitle when export fails should call onError callback ‑ Given useExportPackageTitle when export fails should call onError callback
Given useExportPackageTitle when export is successful should call onSuccess callback ‑ Given useExportPackageTitle when export is successful should call onSuccess callback
Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage should send callout with In progress message ‑ Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage should send callout with In progress message
Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage should send callout with Success message ‑ Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage should send callout with Success message
Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage when responce status is 4XX should send callout with Service error message ‑ Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage when responce status is 4XX should send callout with Service error message
Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage when responce status is 504 should send callout with Timeout error message ‑ Given useFetchExportTitlesFromPackage when responce status is 504 should send callout with Timeout error message
Given useMultiColumnListSort should return default values ‑ Given useMultiColumnListSort should return default values
Given useMultiColumnListSort when handle "onChange" action with a different name as currentColumn should set ascending sortOrder by default and selected sortedColumn ‑ Given useMultiColumnListSort when handle "onChange" action with a different name as currentColumn should set ascending sortOrder by default and selected sortedColumn
Given useMultiColumnListSort when handle "onChange" action with the same name as currentColumn should return ascending sortOrder and selected sortedColumn ‑ Given useMultiColumnListSort when handle "onChange" action with the same name as currentColumn should return ascending sortOrder and selected sortedColumn
KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call onEdit function if user has permission ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call onEdit function if user has permission
KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call toggleAllSections on collapse all shortcut ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call toggleAllSections on collapse all shortcut
KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call toggleAllSections on expand all shortcut ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should call toggleAllSections on expand all shortcut
KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should not call onEdit function if user has not permission ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper Edit shortcuts should not call onEdit function if user has not permission
KeyShortcutsWrapper should call focusSearchField function ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper should call focusSearchField function
KeyShortcutsWrapper should call handleSaveKeyFormSubmit function ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper should call handleSaveKeyFormSubmit function
KeyShortcutsWrapper should call openCreateNewEntity function ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper should call openCreateNewEntity function
KeyShortcutsWrapper should render children ‑ KeyShortcutsWrapper should render children
PackageCreate should display Coverage settings headline ‑ PackageCreate should display Coverage settings headline
PackageCreate should display Package information headline ‑ PackageCreate should display Package information headline
PackageCreate should display correct dropdown options for package content type ‑ PackageCreate should display correct dropdown options for package content type
PackageCreate should display dropdown field for package content type ‑ PackageCreate should display dropdown field for package content type
PackageCreate should display footer buttons ‑ PackageCreate should display footer buttons
PackageCreate should display input for package name ‑ PackageCreate should display input for package name
PackageCreate should display the first menu pane ‑ PackageCreate should display the first menu pane
PackageCreate should not display close button in the first menu pane ‑ PackageCreate should not display close button in the first menu pane
PackageCreate should render CoverageFields component ‑ PackageCreate should render CoverageFields component
PackageCreate should render Package create page ‑ PackageCreate should render Package create page
PackageCreate when an error occurs should show toast with the message ‑ PackageCreate when an error occurs should show toast with the message
PackageCreate when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal ‑ PackageCreate when click on close icon and form is not pristine should show navigation modal
SearchSection should render search box ‑ SearchSection should render search box
SearchSection when hitting clear icon should clear search box ‑ SearchSection when hitting clear icon should clear search box
SearchSection when search by tags filter is enabled should disable search box ‑ SearchSection when search by tags filter is enabled should disable search box
SearchSection when search is submitted should fetch data ‑ SearchSection when search is submitted should fetch data
SearchSection when search option changes should not fetch data ‑ SearchSection when search option changes should not fetch data
SearchSection when search query changes should not fetch data ‑ SearchSection when search query changes should not fetch data
clearPackageTitlesAction should return an action object ‑ clearPackageTitlesAction should return an action object
clearProviderPackagesAction should return an action object ‑ clearProviderPackagesAction should return an action object
data reducer when action type is RESOLVE and requests resource is "tags" and request path is /eholdings/tags/summary should return data without duplicate tags and irrelevant tags ‑ data reducer when action type is RESOLVE and requests resource is "tags" and request path is /eholdings/tags/summary should return data without duplicate tags and irrelevant tags
data reducer when action type is RESOLVE and requests resource is "tags" and request path is /tags should return data without duplicate tags ‑ data reducer when action type is RESOLVE and requests resource is "tags" and request path is /tags should return data without duplicate tags
getPackageTitlesAction should return an action object ‑ getPackageTitlesAction should return an action object
getPackageTitlesFailureAction should return an action object ‑ getPackageTitlesFailureAction should return an action object
getPackageTitlesSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ getPackageTitlesSuccessAction should return an action object
getProviderPackagesAction should return an action object ‑ getProviderPackagesAction should return an action object
getProviderPackagesFailureAction should return an action object ‑ getProviderPackagesFailureAction should return an action object
getProviderPackagesSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ getProviderPackagesSuccessAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientIdAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientIdAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientIdFailureAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientIdFailureAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientIdSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientIdSuccessAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientSecretAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientSecretAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientSecretFailureAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientSecretFailureAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsClientSecretSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsClientSecretSuccessAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsFailureAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsFailureAction should return an action object
getUcCredentialsSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ getUcCredentialsSuccessAction should return an action object
helpers formatTagsData when request is to get all tags when body.tags doesnt exist should return the formatted data ‑ helpers formatTagsData when request is to get all tags when body.tags doesnt exist should return the formatted data
helpers formatTagsData when request is to get all tags when body.tags exists should return formatted data ‑ helpers formatTagsData when request is to get all tags when body.tags exists should return formatted data
helpers formatTagsData when request is to get tags already added to records should return the formatted data ‑ helpers formatTagsData when request is to get tags already added to records should return the formatted data
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle CLEAR_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle CLEAR_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_FAILURE action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_FAILURE action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_SUCCESS action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle DELETE_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_SUCCESS action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS_FAILURE action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS_FAILURE action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS_SUCCESS action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle GET_KB_CREDENTIALS_USERS_SUCCESS action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_FAILURE action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_FAILURE action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_SUCCESS action ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer should handle POST_KB_CREDENTIALS_USER_SUCCESS action
kbCredentialsUsersReducer when handle other action should return current state ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer when handle other action should return current state
kbCredentialsUsersReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state ‑ kbCredentialsUsersReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state
packageTitlesApi getCollection should handle doRequest action ‑ packageTitlesApi getCollection should handle doRequest action
packageTitlesApi getCollection should handle getHeaders action ‑ packageTitlesApi getCollection should handle getHeaders action
packageTitlesReducer should handle CLEAR_PACKAGE_TITLES action ‑ packageTitlesReducer should handle CLEAR_PACKAGE_TITLES action
packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES action ‑ packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES action
packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES_FAILURE action ‑ packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES_FAILURE action
packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES_SUCCESS action ‑ packageTitlesReducer should handle GET_PACKAGE_TITLES_SUCCESS action
packageTitlesReducer when handle other action should return current state ‑ packageTitlesReducer when handle other action should return current state
packageTitlesReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state ‑ packageTitlesReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state
providerPackagesApi getCollection should handle doRequest action ‑ providerPackagesApi getCollection should handle doRequest action
providerPackagesApi getCollection should handle getHeaders action ‑ providerPackagesApi getCollection should handle getHeaders action
providerPackagesReducer should handle CLEAR_PROVIDER_PACKAGES action ‑ providerPackagesReducer should handle CLEAR_PROVIDER_PACKAGES action
providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES action ‑ providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES action
providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES_FAILURE action ‑ providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES_FAILURE action
providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES_SUCCESS action ‑ providerPackagesReducer should handle GET_PROVIDER_PACKAGES_SUCCESS action
providerPackagesReducer when handle other action should return current state ‑ providerPackagesReducer when handle other action should return current state
providerPackagesReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state ‑ providerPackagesReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentials should handle doRequest action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentials should handle doRequest action
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentials should handle getHeaders action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentials should handle getHeaders action
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientId should handle doRequest action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientId should handle doRequest action
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientId should handle getHeaders action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientId should handle getHeaders action
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle doRequest action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle doRequest action
ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle getHeaders action ‑ ucCredentialsApi getUcCredentialsClientSecret should handle getHeaders action
ucCredentialsApi updateUcCredentials should handle doRequest action ‑ ucCredentialsApi updateUcCredentials should handle doRequest action
ucCredentialsApi updateUcCredentials should handle getHeaders action ‑ ucCredentialsApi updateUcCredentials should handle getHeaders action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID_FAILURE action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID_FAILURE action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_ID_SUCCESS action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET_FAILURE action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET_FAILURE action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET_SUCCESS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_CLIENT_SECRET_SUCCESS action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_FAILURE action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_FAILURE action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle GET_UC_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS_FAILURE action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS_FAILURE action
ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS action ‑ ucCredentialsReducer should handle UPDATE_UC_CREDENTIALS_SUCCESS action
ucCredentialsReducer when handle other action should return current state ‑ ucCredentialsReducer when handle other action should return current state
ucCredentialsReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state ‑ ucCredentialsReducer when handle other action when state is empty should return current state
updateUcCredentialsAction should return an action object ‑ updateUcCredentialsAction should return an action object
updateUcCredentialsFailureAction should return an action object ‑ updateUcCredentialsFailureAction should return an action object
updateUcCredentialsSuccessAction should return an action object ‑ updateUcCredentialsSuccessAction should return an action object
useHistoryBack hook when coming from eHoldings page should call history.goBack ‑ useHistoryBack hook when coming from eHoldings page should call history.goBack
useHistoryBack hook when coming outside of eHoldings should call navigateBack ‑ useHistoryBack hook when coming outside of eHoldings should call navigateBack
usePackageFilterSelectOptions hook should automatically set selectedOptions once ‑ usePackageFilterSelectOptions hook should automatically set selectedOptions once
useSectionToggle hook should invert section state ‑ useSectionToggle hook should invert section state
useSectionToggle hook should set all sections state to expanded ‑ useSectionToggle hook should set all sections state to expanded
useSectionToggle hook should set passed state ‑ useSectionToggle hook should set passed state
utilities filterCountFromQuery when filter param is not provided should return correct filter count ‑ utilities filterCountFromQuery when filter param is not provided should return correct filter count
utilities filterCountFromQuery when filter param is provided should return correct filter count ‑ utilities filterCountFromQuery when filter param is provided should return correct filter count
utilities getAccessTypeIdsAndNames should return correct access status types ‑ utilities getAccessTypeIdsAndNames should return correct access status types
utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains allowed characters should return the same string ‑ utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains allowed characters should return the same string
utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains allowed special characters (: ; - . ! ~ ' ( ) [ ]) should return the same string ‑ utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains allowed special characters (: ; - . ! ~ ' ( ) [ ]) should return the same string
utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains just non-allowed special characters should return an empty string ‑ utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains just non-allowed special characters should return an empty string
utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains special characters other than allowed (: ; - . ! ~ ' ( ) [ ]) should return a string without these special characters ‑ utilities getMatchedStringInUTF8 when string contains special characters other than allowed (: ; - . ! ~ ' ( ) [ ]) should return a string without these special characters
utilities handleSaveKeyFormSubmit should dispatch Submit event ‑ utilities handleSaveKeyFormSubmit should dispatch Submit event
utils expandIdentifiers when identifiers is not present should return empty array ‑ utils expandIdentifiers when identifiers is not present should return empty array
utils expandIdentifiers when identifiers is present should return correct mapped array ‑ utils expandIdentifiers when identifiers is present should return correct mapped array
utils mergeIdentifiers should return correct mapped array ‑ utils mergeIdentifiers should return correct mapped array