π Golang Lightning Backend Framework
WARNING: Library under active development - expect significant API changes.
- Router usage
- Model usage
- Database Create
- Database Delete
- Database Update
- Database List
- Database Get
- Controller usage
- Service usage
- Client usage
- tunnel usage
- Package usage
- lru
- cmap
- sqlite,postgres,mysql
- redis
- elastic
- mongo
- minio
- mqtt
- task
type StandardLogger interface {
Debug(args ...any)
Info(args ...any)
Warn(args ...any)
Error(args ...any)
Fatal(args ...any)
Debugf(format string, args ...any)
Infof(format string, args ...any)
Warnf(format string, args ...any)
Errorf(format string, args ...any)
Fatalf(format string, args ...any)
type StructuredLogger interface {
Debugw(msg string, keysAndValues ...any)
Infow(msg string, keysAndValues ...any)
Warnw(msg string, keysAndValues ...any)
Errorw(msg string, keysAndValues ...any)
Fatalw(msg string, keysAndValues ...any)
type ZapLogger interface {
Debugz(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
Infoz(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
Warnz(msg string, feilds ...zap.Field)
Errorz(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
Fatalz(msg string, fields ...zap.Field)
type Logger interface {
With(fields ...string) Logger
WithControllerContext(*ControllerContext, consts.Phase) Logger
WithServiceContext(*ServiceContext, consts.Phase) Logger
WithDatabaseContext(*DatabaseContext, consts.Phase) Logger
type Database[M Model] interface {
Create(objs ...M) error
Delete(objs ...M) error
Update(objs ...M) error
UpdateById(id string, key string, value any) error
List(dest *[]M, cache ...*[]byte) error
Get(dest M, id string, cache ...*[]byte) error
First(dest M, cache ...*[]byte) error
Last(dest M, cache ...*[]byte) error
Take(dest M, cache ...*[]byte) error
Count(*int64) error
Cleanup() error
Health() error
type DatabaseOption[M Model] interface {
WithDB(any) Database[M]
WithTable(name string) Database[M]
WithDebug() Database[M]
WithQuery(query M, fuzzyMatch ...bool) Database[M]
WithQueryRaw(query any, args ...any) Database[M]
WithAnd(...bool) Database[M]
WithOr(...bool) Database[M]
WithTimeRange(columnName string, startTime time.Time, endTime time.Time) Database[M]
WithSelect(columns ...string) Database[M]
WithSelectRaw(query any, args ...any) Database[M]
WithIndex(index string) Database[M]
WithTransaction(tx any) Database[M]
WithJoinRaw(query string, args ...any) Database[M]
WithLock(mode ...string) Database[M]
WithBatchSize(size int) Database[M]
WithScope(page, size int) Database[M]
WithLimit(limit int) Database[M]
WithExclude(map[string][]any) Database[M]
WithOrder(order string) Database[M]
WithExpand(expand []string, order ...string) Database[M]
WithPurge(...bool) Database[M]
WithCache(...bool) Database[M]
WithOmit(...string) Database[M]
WithTryRun(...bool) Database[M]
WithoutHook() Database[M]
type Model interface {
GetTableName() string // GetTableName returns the table name.
GetID() string
SetID(id ...string) // SetID method will automatically set the id if id is empty.
GetCreatedBy() string
GetUpdatedBy() string
GetCreatedAt() time.Time
GetUpdatedAt() time.Time
SetCreatedBy(s string)
SetUpdatedBy(s string)
SetCreatedAt(t time.Time)
SetUpdatedAt(t time.Time)
Expands() []string // Expands returns the foreign keys should preload.
Excludes() map[string][]any
MarshalLogObject(zapcore.ObjectEncoder) error // MarshalLogObject implement zap.ObjectMarshaler
type Hooker interface {
CreateBefore() error
CreateAfter() error
DeleteBefore() error
DeleteAfter() error
UpdateBefore() error
UpdateAfter() error
ListBefore() error
ListAfter() error
GetBefore() error
GetAfter() error
type Service[M Model] interface {
CreateBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
CreateAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
DeleteBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
DeleteAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
UpdateBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
UpdateAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
UpdatePartialBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
UpdatePartialAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
ListBefore(*ServiceContext, *[]M) error
ListAfter(*ServiceContext, *[]M) error
GetBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
GetAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchCreateBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchCreateAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchDeleteBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchDeleteAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchUpdateBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchUpdateAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchUpdatePartialBefore(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
BatchUpdatePartialAfter(*ServiceContext, ...M) error
Import(*ServiceContext, io.Reader) ([]M, error)
Export(*ServiceContext, ...M) ([]byte, error)
Filter(*ServiceContext, M) M
FilterRaw(*ServiceContext) string
type Cache[T any] interface {
Set(key string, values T)
Get(key string) (T, bool)
Peek(key string) (T, bool)
Remove(key string)
Exists(key string) bool
Keys() []string
Count() int
type ESDocumenter interface {
Document() map[string]any
GetID() string