ctfs: An R package version of the “CTFS R Package” 
This package is deprecated. Instead use https://forestgeo.github.io/fgeo/
# install.packages("devtools")
Function names: replaced “.” by “_" in the names of some functions to overcome conflicts with R’s S3 system (http://adv-r.had.co.nz/OO-essentials.html#s3).
Documentation: edited some documentation to make it clearer, or added documentation that was missing (e.g. some arguments where documented in some but not all functions that used those arguments).
ctfs is an R package sensu stricto, but not the CTFS R Package.
To install ctfs see the section Installation and to learn how to use it see help files as you would normally do for any R package, i.e. with
. Alternatively, go to https://forestgeo.github.io/ctfs/. -
To install the CTFS R Package and to learn how to use it, go to http://ctfs.si.edu/Public/CTFSRPackage/.
Added some functions, to facilitate development. E.g. to identify undocumented arguments, or to build a website automatically. These functions are in
, where*
is anything. These functions depend on some packages additional to those on which the original CTFS R Package depend (such packages are now declared inDESCRIPTIONS
, underImports: