This package is a Julia interface to the PRIMA library, a Reference Implementation for Powell's Methods with Modernization and Amelioration, by Zaikun Zhang who re-implemented and improved algorithms originally by M.J.D. Powell for minimizing a multi-variate objective function possibly under constraints and without derivatives.
Formally, these algorithms are designed to solve problems of the form:
min f(x) subject to x ∈ Ω ⊆ ℝⁿ
where f: Ω → ℝ
is the function to minimize, Ω ⊆ ℝⁿ
is the set of feasible
variables, and n ≥ 1
is the number of variables. The most general feasible
set is:
Ω = { x ∈ ℝⁿ | xl ≤ x ≤ xu, Aₑ⋅x = bₑ, Aᵢ⋅x ≤ bᵢ, and c(x) ≤ 0 }
where xl ∈ ℝⁿ
and xu ∈ ℝⁿ
are lower and upper bounds, Aₑ
and bₑ
implement linear equality constraints, Aᵢ
and bᵢ
implement linear
inequality constraints, and c: ℝⁿ → ℝᵐ
implements m
non-linear constraints.
The five Powell's algorithms of the PRIMA
library are provided by the PRIMA
(Unconstrained Optimization BY Quadratic Approximations) is for unconstrained optimization, that isΩ = ℝⁿ
. -
is also for unconstrained optimization. According to M.J.D. Powell,newuoa
is superior touobyqa
. -
(Bounded Optimization BY Quadratic Approximations) is for simple bound constrained problems, that isΩ = { x ∈ ℝⁿ | xl ≤ x ≤ xu }
. -
(LINearly Constrained Optimization) is for constrained optimization problems with bound constraints, linear equality constraints, and linear inequality constraints. -
(Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximations) is for general constrained problems with bound constraints, non-linear constraints, linear equality constraints, and linear inequality constraints.
All these algorithms are trust region methods where the variables are updated
according to an affine or a quadratic local approximation interpolating the
objective function at a given number of points (set by keyword npt
by some of
the algorithms). No derivatives of the objective function are needed. These
algorithms are well suited to problems with a non-analytic objective function
that takes time to be evaluated.
The table below summarizes the characteristics of the different Powell's methods ("linear" constraints includes equality and inequality linear constraints).
Method | Model | Constraints |
newuoa |
quadratic | none |
uobyqa |
quadratic | none |
bobyqa |
quadratic | bounds |
lincoa |
quadratic | bounds, linear |
cobyla |
affine | bounds, linear, non-linear |
These methods are called as follows:
using PRIMA
x, fx, nf, rc = uobyqa(f, x0; kwds...)
x, fx, nf, rc = newuoa(f, x0; kwds...)
x, fx, nf, rc = bobyqa(f, x0; kwds...)
x, fx, nf, rc, cstrv = cobyla(f, x0; kwds...)
x, fx, nf, rc, cstrv = lincoa(f, x0; kwds...)
where f
is the objective function and x0
is the initial solution.
Constraints and options may be specified by keywords kwds...
(see below). The
result is the 4-tuple (x, fx, nf, rc)
or the 5-tuple (x, fx, nf, rc, cstrv)
where x
is the (approximate) solution found by the algorithm, fx
is the
value of f(x)
, nf
is the number of calls to f
, rc
is a status code (an
enumeration value of type PRIMA.Status
), and cstrv
is the amount of
constraint violation.
For example, rc
can be:
if the radius of the trust region becomes smaller or equal the value of keywordrhobeg
, in other words, the algorithm has converged in terms of variable precision; -
if the objective function is smaller of equal the value of keywordftarget
, in other words, the algorithm has converged in terms of function value.
There are other possibilities which all indicate an error. Calling:
yields a textual explanation about the reason that leads the algorithm to stop.
For all algorithms, except cobyla
, the user-defined function takes a single
argument, the variables of the problem, and returns the value of the objective
function. It has the following signature:
function objfun(x::Vector{Cdouble})
return f(x)
The cobyla
algorithm can account for m
non-linear constraints expressed by
c(x) ≤ 0
. For this algorithm, the user-defined function takes two arguments,
the x
variables x
and the values taken by the constraints cx
, it shall
overwrite the array of constraints with cx = c(x)
and return the value of the
objective function. It has the following signature:
function objfuncon(x::Vector{Cdouble}, cx::Vector{Cdouble})
copyto!(cx, c(x)) # set constraints
return f(x) # return value of objective function
The keywords allowed by the different algorithms are summarized by the following table.
Keyword | Description | Algorithms |
rhobeg |
Initial trust region radius | all |
rhoend |
Final trust region radius | all |
ftarget |
Target objective function value | all |
maxfun |
Maximum number of function evaluations | all |
iprint |
Verbosity level | all |
npt |
Number of points in local model | bobyqa , lincoa , newuoa |
xl |
Lower bound | bobyqa , cobyla , lincoa |
xu |
Upper bound | bobyqa , cobyla , lincoa |
nonlinear_ineq |
Non-linear inequality constraints | cobyla |
linear_eq |
Linear equality constraints | cobyla , lincoa |
linear_ineq |
Linear inequality constraints | cobyla , lincoa |
Assuming n = length(x)
is the number of variables, then:
(default value1.0
) is the initial radius of the trust region. -
(default value1e-4*rhobeg
) is the final radius of the trust region. The algorithm stops when the trust region radius becomes smaller or equalrhoend
is returned. -
(default value-Inf
) is another convergence setting. The algorithm stops as soon asf(x) ≤ ftarget
is returned. -
(default valuePRIMA.MSG_NONE
) sets the level of verbosity of the algorithm. Possible values arePRIMA.MSG_EXIT
. -
) is the maximum number of function evaluations allowed for the algorithm. If the number of calls tof(x)
exceeds this value, the algorithm is stopped and the statusPRIMA.MAXFUN_REACHED
is returned. -
(default value2n + 1
) is the number of points used to approximate the local behavior of the objective function and such thatn + 2 ≤ npt ≤ (n + 1)*(n + 2)/2
. The default value corresponds to the one recommended by M.J.D. Powell. -
(defaultfill(+Inf, n)
andfill(-Inf, n)
) are the elementwise lower and upper bounds for the variables. Feasible variables are such thatxl ≤ x ≤ xu
(elementwise). -
) may be specified with the numberm
of non-linear inequality constraints expressedc(x) ≤ 0
. If the caller is interested in the values ofc(x)
at the returned solution, the keyword may be set with a vector ofm
double precision floating-point values to storec(x)
. This keyword only exists forcobyla
. -
) may be specified as a tuple(Aₑ,bₑ)
to represent linear equality constraints. Feasible variables are such thatAₑ⋅x = bₑ
holds elementwise. -
) may be specified as a tuple(Aᵢ,bᵢ)
to represent linear inequality constraints. Feasible variables are such thatAᵢ⋅x ≤ bᵢ
holds elementwise.
The following 5 first references respectively describe Powell's algorithms
, uobyqa
, newuoa
, bobyqa
, and lincoa
while the last reference
provides a good and comprehensive introduction to these algorithms.
M.J.D. Powell, "A direct search optimization method that models the objective and constraint functions by linear interpolation" in Advances in Optimization and Numerical Analysis Mathematics and Its Applications, vol. 275, pp. 51-67 (1994).
M.J.D. Powell, "UOBYQA: unconstrained optimization by quadratic approximation", in Mathematical Programming, vol. 92, pp. 555-582 (2002) DOI.
M.J.D. Powell, "The NEWUOA software for unconstrained optimization without derivatives", in Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, pp. 255-297 (2006).
M.J.D. Powell, "The BOBYQA algorithm for bound constrained optimization without derivatives", Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge, England, Technical Report NA2009/06 (2009).
M.J.D. Powell, "On fast trust region methods for quadratic models with linear constraints", Technical Report of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University (2014).
T.M. Ragonneau & Z. Zhang, "PDFO: A Cross-Platform Package for Powell's Derivative-Free Optimization Solvers", arXiv (2023).