OBSOLETE: PLEASE USE https://github.com/foundriesio/fio-se05x-cli
This Secured Utility allows the user to import pre-provised keys and certificates from the NXP SE050 via OP-TEE into the pkcs11 database.
Examples of usage:
* RSA-2048 key with the NXP SE050 id 0xf0000110 pkcs11-se050-import --keyp 0xf0000110 --id 87 --pin 87654321 --token-label aktualizr --key-type RSA:2048 * NXP SE050 Certficate with the id 0xf0000123 pkcs11-se050-import --cert 0xf0000123 --id 45 --pin 87654321
From the root directory do as follows:
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- export TEEC_EXPORT=/path/to/optee-client/out/libteec export CFLAGS="-I/path/to/optee-client/libteec/include/linux/ -I/path/to/optee-client/public/" make
Have fun:
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