Welcome to the ELTE PROJECT repository! This project showcases a web development endeavor completed as part of coursework for the Web Development course at Eorvos Lorand University, Faculty of Informatics - Computer Science.
The ELTE PROJECT is a static website template featuring a clean and modern design. It includes multiple sections such as a homepage, client information, about us, career opportunities, and a contact page. The layout is structured using HTML and styled with CSS.
Photos used in the project are sourced from: https://fotogrph.com/
-Responsive Design: The website is designed to be responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction across various devices and screen sizes.
- Navigation Menu: An intuitive navigation menu allows users to easily navigate through different sections of the website.
- Content Sections: The template includes various content sections such as welcome messages, featured content, and a sidebar with additional information.
- Stylish Buttons: Stylish buttons are incorporated throughout the website to encourage user engagement and interaction.
- Image Integration: Images are strategically placed to enhance visual appeal and convey information effectively.