This library is an interface to Blizzard APIS.
See for more information.
This library requires PHP 8.1 or newer with the following modules:
- mbstring
- curl
- redis (Only if using the Redis cache interface)
You can add this library to your compose project by adding
as a requirement on your compose.json
or from the command line:
php composer.phar require francis-schiavo/blizzard_api
You must configure the package with a valid pair of credentials. You can obtain them here:
The code sample below show how to configure the library.
use BlizzardApi\Enumerators\Region;
BlizzardApi\Configuration::$apiKey = '<YOUR APPLICATION ID>';
BlizzardApi\Configuration::$apiSecret = '<YOUR APPLICATION SECRET>';
BlizzardApi\Configuration::$region = Region::US;
This is how you can get a list of all available wow playable races:
$api_client = new \BlizzardApi\Wow\GameData\PlayableRace();
$data = $api_client->index();
You can pass an instance of RedisCache to use Redis to cache API requests locally:
# PHP Redis module
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
# BlizzardApi\Cache
use BlizzardApi\Cache\RedisCache;
$cache = new RedisCache($redis);
# Pass the constructor `cache` parameter.
$api_client = new \BlizzardApi\Wow\GameData\PlayableRace(cache: $cache);
$data = $api_client->index();
For some WoW endpoints there is a search
method available, you can easily
compose a valid query as shown here:
# Pass the constructor `cache` parameter.
$api_client = new \BlizzardApi\Wow\GameData\Item(cache: $cache);
$data = $api_client->search(function($queryOptions) {
$searchOptions->where('name.en_US', 'Booterang')->order_by('id');