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2019 FRC Deep Space Robot Code - FRC Team 6995

This Repository is for FRC 6995, 2019 Robot using VS Code

This repository has been archived. All further development will be put twoards the 2020 season.

This repository is the code for the 2019 robot of the First Robotics Challenge (FRC) team, 6995 NOMAD. Official FRC Java programming documentation

Requirements for running this code

This repository is only supported for development on a 64-bit Windows 10 environment. Development Environment

Software Environment

•	Programming Language: Java

•	IDE: Visual Studio

•	Version Control: Git and GitHub

•	FRC Driver Station: FRC Update Suite from National Instruments

Installation Instructions

1. Installation of Java and Visual Studio Code

a. Install Java/Visual Studio Code using the instructions found here: 
the following components will be installed by following the instructions above:

    •	Visual Studio Code 
		The supported IDE for 2019 robot code development. The offline installer sets up a separate
		copy of VSCode for WPILib development, even if you already have VSCode on your machine. This 
		is done because some of the settings that make the WPILib setup work may break existing workflows 
		if you use VSCode for other projects.

    •	C++ Compiler 
		The toolchains for building C++ code for the roboRIO

    •	Gradle
		The specific version of Gradle used for building/deploying C++ or Java robot code
    •	Java JDK/JRE
		A specific version of the Java JDK/JRE that is used to build Java robot code and to run any of 
		the Java based Tools (Dashboards, etc.). This exists side by side with any existing JDK installs 
		and does not overwrite the JAVA_HOME variable

    •	WPILib Tools
		SmartDashboard, Shuffleboard, Robot Builder, Outline Viewer, Pathweaver

    •	WPILib Dependencies
		OpenCV, etc.

    •	VSCode Extensions
		WPILib extensions for robot code development in VSCode

2. FRC Driver Station Software -

Install the FRC Update Suite from National Instruments which will allow you to communicate with the roboRIO- This needs the team-specific license number (Serial Number) available in Samepage (see below).

a. Create a user account on if you don’t already have one. 

b. Follow the instructions to install the software here: 

c. To extract the FRC Update Suite zip files you will need the decryption key from kick off 
which is $Robots&in#SPACE!!

d. To install and activate the NI Vision Acquisition Software you will need our 2019 Serial 
Number which is located on Samepage under 'Software Instructions/Help'.

3. Git – We use Git and GitHub for version control.

a. Download Git for Windows from Run the installer, and before clicking the 
Finish button select the checkbox to Launch the BASH shell, then click the Finish button. When the BASH 
shell window appears type the following: 

	1. cd ~

	2. mkdir git

	3. cd git

	4. git clone  
	5. This should create ~/Git/2019-DEEP-SPACE/, which contains the latest master version of the 
	FRC 6995 DEEP SPACE source code.

b. For more detailed instructions for setting up Git for the first time see

4. CTRE Phoenix Library/Tuner (for Talons)

Download and install the latest version of the CTRE Phoenix Framework Installer (link below). As of 
2/10/2019 it is Be sure to install the Phoenix Tuner along with roboRIO-FRC-C++/Java (Phoenix

You can find directions on using the Phoenix Library and Tuner at

Be sure to check their blog posts during build season for any updates

5. Installed FRC Radio Utility

You will need a utility to program the FRC radio on the robot. This is only needed when we first install a new 
radio or when we come home from competition. Everyone should have this utility available on their computer for 
support purposes.

6. Checking for Updates throughout the Season

Be sure to check for updates on software/firmware throughout the season.

1. WPILib Library updates - Within Visual Studio Code open the WPILib Command Palette (the W at the top right) then 
choose WPILib: Check for WPILib Updates.

2. FRC Update Suite - Be sure you have the most recent version of the FRC Update Suite.

3. CTRE Phoenix Library - Download and install the latest version of the CTRE Phoenix Framework Installer (link below). 
Be sure to install the Phoenix Tuner along with roboRIO-FRC-C++/Java (Phoenix Library).

4. Limelight - Download the latest firmware for the Limelight (link below).


2019 FRC Deep Space Robot Code - FRC Team 6995






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