Releases: frc6995/Robot-2023
End of Beach Blitz
San Diego Regional
DEV NOTES 3/26/2023
I was going to write something momentous here. Two months to the day since we started the arm code, we have a highly reliable, automated scoring machine that does everything we wanted and more. Our main challenge going forward is keeping our drivers from going mad with power.
Caleb said the code is perfect. Two Innovation in Control awards say the code is pretty cool. I guess that means I'm out of a job.
Two competitions, twenty-five matches, several late-night workshops of integration hell. And a hundred and thirteen commits on a single branch, because that's how it is sometimes.
Is it perfect? Of course not, code is never perfect. One of these days we'll pull out the things that didn't work or weren't needed. As is always the nature of the game, we committed one of the classic blunders. But this time, the quick hacks ended up getting commented back out, so shh...nobody needs to know. At this point, I wouldn't risk changing anything.
In conclusion, we're happy with it, it's late, I need sleep.
TLDR. Works gud. No touchy.