This document outlines the structure, setup and functionalities of HotelMT app. It's is designed for developpers, contributors and users to understand the project and how it works.
Name: HotelMT
Description: An online Application that help in room or suite booking a hotel. Target audience: Developers, programmers, students, and anyone interested in learning and practicing coding. Tech stack: Full stack application.
This app help for hotel room booking. There is a possibility for room, suite or residence booking.
This project was built using the following technologies;
Frontend: NextJs, TypeScript, TailwindCss, CMS: next-sanity,, next-auth, Assets: Storing images, icons, and other static files
Knowledge about JS:
- Basic data structures
- Arrays
- Functions
- Constructors
- Knowledge of webpack (optional)
- To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone this repository with
using your terminal or command line. - Change to the project directory by entering: cd hotel-booking in the terminal.
- $ git clone
- $
cd hotel-booking
- $ `git checkout feature/[name_of_the _feature]
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
in your command line
- Hotel Room Management CRUD with Sanity.IO
- Hotel Room Review
- Room Booking
- Checkout with Stripe
- Stripe webhook
- Light / Dark Mode with React Context
- Search (Room Type / Name)
- Authentication with Auth.JS
- Typescript
- useSwr Hook
- Deployment to Vercel
👤 avom Brice
- GitHub: @frckbrice
- Twitter: @evaristeavom
- LinkedIn: avom evariste
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the [issues page](link to issue page on GitHub).
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.