6.25.0 Community Edition
1924 commits
to master
since this release
frepple-6.25.0-doc.tgz: Documentation
ubuntu18-frepple-6.25.0.deb: Installer for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
ubuntu20-frepple-6.25.0.deb: Installer for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
docker container: Pull ghcr.io/frepple/frepple:6.25.0
Source code: Source code in code zip or gzip format
Release notes are available on https://frepple.org/docs/current/release-notes.html
Full changelog 6.24.0...6.25.0
89 commits, 87 by the frepple team, 1 by a github bot, 1 contributions from the community.