First release of computerscare modules for Rack v1. Includes polyphonic updates to Father & Son, Debug, Oh Peas! and new polyphonic utility modules Knoly Pobs, Boly Puttons, Roly Pouter, Toly Pools, and Soly Pequencer
- Debug now has an output and accepts polyphonic clock & input signals. Now includes internal random number generator. It can now function as a sample & hold, real-time poly volt meter, or shift register.
- Father & Son Patch sequencer inputs & outputs now fully polyphonic. Currently all outputs are hard-coded to 16-channels poly signal.
- Oh Peas! Now accepts poly signals for input, range CV, offset CV
- Laundry Soup & I Love Cookies upgraded to v1 api (no polyphony)
- New module: Knoly Pobs: 16 knobs, poly output
- New module: Boly Puttons: 16 latch switches, poly output
- New module: Roly Pouter: re-arrange the channels of a poly signal
- New module: Toly Pools: set number-of-channels, and rotate poly signal
- New module: Soly Pequencer: Sequentially move through a poly signal. Allows 16 independent sequences if a poly clock is connected