Yearn Strategy Smart Contract for interact with Yearn Vaults using NodeJs and Truffle.
This project was forked from https://github.com/yearn/brownie-strategy-mix (brownie-python)
Now you can run, edit and deploy your yearn strategy with Truffle and NodeJs.
Clone or donwload this repositorie.
Go to path and run on terminal:
npm install
After running, all dependecies will be downloaded.
truffle compile
After running, contract information — including ABI — will be available at the build/contracts/
You can run tests which can be found in the test directory /test
runing on terminal:
truffle test
Or run tests within a specific file:
truffle test <file_path>
Create .env file on root with:
MNENOMIC = // Your metamask's recovery words
INFURA_API_KEY = // Your Infura API Key after its registration
VAULT = "Yearn Vault Address"
Run migrate command, you can see the networks names and cingurations at truffle-config.js
truffle migrate --network <network_name>
Contract address and transaction ID will be shown on screen.
- Yearn Brownie Strategy Mix Github