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Installation of mysql server

anjalysuresh edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 11 revisions
  1. First thing let’s upgrade the packages:
   sudo apt-get update
   sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  1. Install mysql and dependencies
   sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  1. Go to /etc/mysql/mysql/conf.d/mysqld.cnf
   Set bind-address =
  1. Access mysql using mysql -u root -p enter the password

  2. Create the database collaboration.

   mysql> create database collaboration;
   mysql> exit;
  1. Provide permissions to remote nodes or external users -

    Execute the following commands .

   mysql -u root -p

   mysql> use collaboration;

   mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO edx@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'edx123'

   mysql> flush privileges;

   mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO edx@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'edx123'  

   mysql> flush privileges;
  1. Go to /etc/mysql/my.cnf of above two vms and give the following information.

    host= of mysql server)


    database = collaboration

    user = edx

    password = edx123

    default-character-set = utf8


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