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Transition a Jira issue to a target state.


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Jira Issue Transition - Github Action

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A GitHub action to update properties of an existing Jira issue.


name: Jira Issue Transition

on: [..]

    name: Transition Jira issue
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Jira Login
        uses: frieder/gha-jira-login@v1
          JIRA_BASE_URL: ${{ vars.JIRA_BASE_URL }}
          JIRA_USER_EMAIL: ${{ vars.JIRA_USER_EMAIL }}
          JIRA_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.JIRA_API_TOKEN }}

      - name: Transition Issue
        uses: frieder/jira-issue-transition@v1
          retries: 1
          retryDelay: 10
          timeout: 2000
          failOnError: true
          # Either one of the following three formats for 'issue' is valid (spaces are trimmed)
          issue: XYZ-123
          issue: XYZ-1, XYZ-2
          issue: |
          # Either one of the following two formats for 'transition' is valid 
          transition: In Progress
          transition: 21
          # following are properties that can be set if defined in the transition screen & required by validator
          assignee: 123456:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-1234567890ab
          comment: Plaintext only
          components: |
            = component1
            = component2
            + component3
            - component2
          customfields: |
            10050: some value
            10051: 2023-01-01
          description: Plaintext only
          duedate: 2023-02-01
          fixversions: |
            = 1.0
            = 1.1
            + 2.0
            - 1.1
          labels: |
            = foo
            = foo2
            = bar2
            + bar
            - foo2
            - bar2
          priority: Lowest
          resolution: Won't Do
          summary: Some new fancy title

Conditional Transition

The action is always executed regardless of whether the issue is already in the target state. It is however possible to prevent a transition from being applied based on the current state of the ticket. To do this you can use the jira-issue-info action to pull the information from the ticket and then apply conditions on the transition steps. Following is an example how this can be done.

  - name: Jira Login
    uses: frieder/gha-jira-login@v1
      JIRA_BASE_URL: ${{ vars.JIRA_BASE_URL }}
      JIRA_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.JIRA_API_TOKEN }}

  - name: Get Issue Properties
    uses: frieder/jira-issue-info@v1
      issue: XYZ-123
    id: issue

  # Dummy Workflow: To Do --> Start Work (transition id = 42) --> In Progress

  - name: Transition Issue To 'In Progress'
    # is only executed when the ticket is not in 'In Progress' state already
    if: fromJSON(steps.issue.outputs.json) != 'In Progress'
    # or
    if: steps.issue.outputs.status != 'In Progress'
    uses: frieder/jira-issue-transition@v1
      issue: XYZ-123
      transition: Start Work | 42

Configuration Options

Option: retries

Required no
Default 1

This option allows to define a number of retries when the HTTP call to the Jira REST API fails (e.g. due to connectivity issues). By default, the action will attempt one retry and after that report the action as failed.

Option: retryDelay

Required no
Default 10

In case the retries option is > 0, this option defines the time (in seconds) the action will wait in between the requests.

Option: timeout

Required no
Default 2000

The time (in milliseconds) the action will wait for a request to finish. If the request does not finish in time it will be considered failed.

Option: failOnError

Required no
Default true

When set to true (default) the action will report back as failed whenever at least one issue could not be transitioned. When set to false it means the action will never fail regardless of whether there are failed issue transitions. For the latter case the action will register outputs with additional information about which issues failed and which were transitioned successfully. Also see the output section at the end of this readme.

The option failOnError is only covering the actual API requests to transition the defined tickets. If it is set to false and an error occurs outside the requests (e.g. when reading the inputs from the workflow file), the action will still fail.

Option: issue

Required yes

The ID of the Jira ticket (e.g. XYZ-123).

Option: transition

Required yes

The ID or the name of the transition that should be applied to the Jira issue.

The benefit of using the name of a transition over its ID is that different workflows are supported. However the action will then query the transition ID for each issue separately which results in additional requests that slow down the execution time and increase the chances for the action to fail. When the transition ID is immutable (same workflow for all issues) consider using the transition ID directly over the name (speed and robustness over convenience).

To get the ID of a transition check the workflow in text mode or check the REST API.

Option: summary

Required no

Updates the summary (title) of the ticket.
The option is ignored when blank.

Option: description

Required no

Updates the description of the ticket.
The option is ignored when blank.

This option only allows for a simple plaintext to be set. If some rich description with links, paragraphs, bullet points, images is required a custom logic must be used which is not covered (nor planned!) by this action.

Option: assignee

Required no

Updates the assignee of the ticket. For this the ID of the respective user is required.

To get the ID of yourself just open the profile page and check the URL for the ID. Another possibility is to use the Jira REST API.

The option is ignored when blank. To remove the assignee set the value to REMOVE.

Option: priority

Required no

Updates the priority of the ticket. Possible values are the actual names of the priorities as defined in By default, these names are:

  • Lowest
  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Highest

The option is ignored when blank.

Option: duedate

Required no

Updates the due date of the ticket. The format must be in ISO 8601 format - yyyy-MM-dd.
The option is ignored when blank. To remove the assignee set the value to REMOVE.

Option: components

Required no

Make sure your project template supports components or this option will not work. Also make sure the components exist in Jira (check your project's settings) before using them in this action.

Allows to set|add|remove components to a Jira ticket. A set of components must be provided with one entry per line. Depending on the prefix different actions are performed.

  • = When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a SET action.
  • + When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like an ADD action.
  • - When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a REMOVE action.
  • no prefix - When a line does not have any prefix as described above it will be ignored.

In order for this to work all entries will first be grouped and assigned to one of the three groups. Afterwards it will create a body payload that includes the SET group first followed by the ADD group and then the REMOVE group. Check the Jira REST API for more information.

When a SET group is available it will basically replace whatever was available before. The ADD group will then add additional entries on top of the new values from the SET group. The REMOVE group will be applied last and will remove entries that were added by the two other groups. The usual use-case however is to either use SET or a combination of ADDand REMOVE groups. In most cases it does not make sense to mix all three groups in one step.

The option is ignored when blank.

Option: fixversions

Required no

Make sure your project template supports versions or this option will not work. Also make sure the versions exist in Jira (check your project's releases) before using them in this action.

Allows to set|add|remove fix versions for a Jira ticket. A set of versions must be provided with one entry per line. Depending on the prefix different actions are performed.

  • = When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a SET action.
  • + When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like an ADD action.
  • - When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a REMOVE action.
  • no prefix - When a line does not have any prefix as described above it will be ignored.

In order for this to work all entries will first be grouped and assigned to one of the three groups. Afterwards it will create a body payload that includes the SET group first followed by the ADD group and then the REMOVE group. Check the Jira REST API for more information.

When a SET group is available it will basically replace whatever was available before. The ADD group will then add additional entries on top of the new values. The REMOVE group will then remove entries that were added by the two other groups. The usual use-case however is to either use SET or a combination of ADDand REMOVE groups. It does not make sense to mix all three groups in one step.

The option is ignored when blank.

Option: labels

Required no

Allows to set|add|remove labels to a Jira ticket. A set of labels must be provided with one entry per line. Depending on the prefix different actions are performed.

  • = When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a SET action.
  • + When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like an ADD action.
  • - When a line is prefixed with this character it will be treated like a REMOVE action.
  • no prefix - When a line does not have any prefix as described above it will be ignored.

In order for this to work all entries will first be grouped and assigned to one of the three groups. Afterwards it will create a body payload that includes the SET group first followed by the ADD group and then the REMOVE group. Check the Jira REST API for more information.

When a SET group is available it will basically replace whatever was available before. The ADD group will then add additional entries on top of the new values. The REMOVE group will then remove entries that were added by the two other groups. The usual use-case however is to either use SET or a combination of ADDand REMOVE groups. It does not make sense to mix all three groups in one step.

When a value for a non-existing component is used the Jira REST API will create such a component.

The option is ignored when blank.

Option: customfields

Required no

Updates the value of custom fields in the Jira ticket. It expects a set of IDs for the custom fields along with their associated value, separated by a colon (:). One entry per line.

The value of a custom field can contain colons (:) as only the first occurance of a colon per line is interpreted as a delimiter.

The option is ignored when blank.


This action provides some information via outputs for post-processing. Following is an overview of the keys registered with the action's output.

  1. hasErrors - A boolean value indicating whether there are issues that have not been updated successfully. This is useful when the failOnError option is set to false and one still wants to check if there have been failed transition attempts (e.g. for reporting back to MSTeams or Slack).
  2. successful - A list of IDs of issues that have successfully been updated. The format is the same as used with the issues option (either comma or line separated).
  3. failed - A list of IDs of issues that failed to get updated. This may be useful to add comments to the tickets in question or to report those tickets to a Slack or MSTeams channel. The format is again the same as with the issues option.

Test Action

This action can be tested during development with the use of

Please adapt the values accordingly both in the workflow file and in the CLI command.

act -W .github/workflows/pr.yml \
    -j check \
    -s JIRA_URL=*** \
    -s JIRA_EMAIL=*** \
    -s JIRA_TOKEN=***