University practical task. Util for listing files from specified directory. Just like normal ls, but for minimalists and limited with just four arguments 🐤
Command Line: ls [-l] [-h] [-r] [-o output.file] directory_or_file
When executed without any arguments — list files' names in current directory
Argument | Description |
-l, --long | listing files in long format (with permissions for current user in bitmask, size in bytes and last moddified time) |
-h | when with -l, print human readable sizes (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) and permissions in rwx |
-r, --recursive | list subdirectories recursively |
-o, --output | redirect output to specified file |
--help | print help message |
I used in this project Commons CLI library to parsing arguments.
Library was installed by adding this line to the build.gradle scipt in dependences {}
For tests I used junit 5.5.0-M1