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promela grammar can parse models now
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AdamZsofi committed Feb 19, 2024
1 parent 24720c7 commit cdeecb6
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Showing 2 changed files with 207 additions and 60 deletions.
265 changes: 205 additions & 60 deletions subprojects/frontends/promela-frontend/src/main/antlr/promela.g4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,69 +1,214 @@
// WARNING only works on PREPROCESSSED promela files (no #define)
// use cpp -p to preprocess promela file with macros
grammar promela;

spec : module+ EOF;
module : proctype | init | mtype | decl_lst;
separator : ';' | '->';
spec : (module(Separator)*)+;

proctype: ('active' ('[' constant ']')?)? 'proctype' name '(' (decl_lst)? ')' '{' sequence* '}';
init: 'init' '{' sequence* '}';
mtype : 'mtype' ('=' )? '{' name (',' name)* '}' (';')?;
decl_lst : one_decl (';' one_decl)* (';')?;
one_decl: typeID ivar (',' ivar)*;
typeID: 'boolean' | 'int' | 'mtype' | 'chan' | 'short' | 'byte' | 'bit' | 'pid';
module : proctype
| init
| never
| trace
| utype
| mtype
| decl_lst;

sequence: step (separator step)* (';')?;
step : one_decl | stmnt;
ivar: name ('[' any_expr ']')? ('=' any_expr | '=' ch_init)?;
: (active)? 'proctype' Name '(' (decl_lst)? ')' (priority)? (enabler)? '{' sequence '}';

ch_init : '[' any_expr ']' 'of' '{' typeID (',' typeID)* '}';
varref : name ('[' any_expr ']')? ('.' name)?;
init : 'init' (priority)? '{' sequence '}';

never : 'never' '{' sequence '}';

trace : 'trace' '{' sequence '}';

utype : 'typedef' Name '{' decl_lst '}';

mtype : 'mtype' '='? '{' Name (',' Name)* '}';

decl_lst: one_decl (Separator one_decl)*;

: (visible)? typename ivar (',' ivar)*
| (visible)? unsigned_decl;

: 'unsigned' Name ':' Const('=' any_expr)?;

: 'bit' | 'bool' | 'byte' | 'short' | 'int' | 'mtype' | 'chan' | Name;

active : 'active' '['Const']';

priority: 'priority' Const;

enabler : 'provided' '(' expr ')';

visible : 'hidden' | 'show';

sequence: step (Separator step)*;

step : stmnt ('unless' stmnt)?
| decl_lst
| ('xr') varref (',' varref)*
| ('xs') varref (',' varref)*;

ivar : Name ('['Const']')? (('=' any_expr)|('=' ch_init))?;

ch_init : '['Const']' 'of' '{' typename (',' typename)* '}';

varref : Name ('[' any_expr ']')? ('.' varref)?;

send : varref '!' send_args
| varref '!!' send_args;

receive : varref '?' recv_args
| varref '??' recv_args
| varref '?' '<' recv_args '>'
| varref '??' '<' recv_args '>';

poll : varref '?' '[' recv_args ']'
| varref '??' '[' recv_args ']';

send_args: arg_lst | any_expr '(' arg_lst ')';

send_args: arg_lst | any_expr '(' (arg_lst)? ')';
receive : varref '?' recv_args;
arg_lst : any_expr (',' any_expr)*;
assignx: varref ('=' any_expr | '++' | '--' | '!' send_args | '?' recv_args);

: 'if' ifoption 'fi'
| 'do' dooption 'od'
| 'atomic' '{' sequence '}'
| '{' sequence '}'
| assignx
| 'printf' '(' '"' name '"' ')'
| 'goto' name
| 'skip'
| 'break'
| name ':' stmnt
| 'run' name '(' (arg_lst)? ')'
| 'assert' any_expr;

recv_args: recv_arg (',' recv_arg)* | recv_arg '(' recv_args ')';
recv_arg: varref | 'eval' '(' varref ')' | ('-'?) constant;

dooption : ':' ':' (guard '->')? sequence (':' ':' (guard '->')? sequence)*;
ifoption: ':' ':' (guard '->')? sequence (':' ':' (guard '->')? sequence);
guard: any_expr | receive | 'else';

binarop: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '>' ('=')? | '<' ('=')? | '==' | '!=' | '&' ('&')? | MOD | '^' | '||';
unarop: '~' | '-' | '!';

any_expr: '(' any_expr ('->' any_expr ':' any_expr)? ')' (binarop any_expr)?
| unarop any_expr (binarop any_expr)?
| 'len' '(' varref ')' (binarop any_expr)?
| varref ('?' '[' recv_args ']')? (binarop any_expr)?
| constant (binarop any_expr)?
| 'timeout' (binarop any_expr)?
| chanpoll (binarop any_expr)?;

chanpoll: 'full' '(' varref ')'
| 'empty' '(' varref ')'
| 'nfull' '(' varref ')'
| 'nempty' '(' varref ')' ;
name: ID (ID | NUMBER)*;

WS : (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ {skip();} ;
ID : ('a'..'z' |'A'..'Z' |'_' )+ ;
NUMBER : '0'..'9'+;
MOD : '%';

constant : 'true' | 'false' | 'skip' | NUMBER;

recv_arg: varref | 'eval' '(' varref ')' | ('-')? Const;

assign : varref '=' any_expr
| varref '++'
| varref '--';

stmnt : 'if' promela_options 'fi'
| 'do' promela_options 'od'
| 'for' '(' range ')' '{' sequence '}'
| 'atomic' '{' sequence '}'
| 'd_step' '{' sequence '}'
| 'select' '(' range ')'
| '{' sequence '}'
| send
| receive
| assign
| 'else'
| 'break'
| 'goto' Name
| Name ':' stmnt
| 'print' '(' String (',' arg_lst)? ')'
| 'assert' expr
| expr;

range : Name ':' any_expr '..' any_expr
| Name 'in' Name;

promela_options : ('::' sequence)+;

andor : '&&' | '||';

binarop : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%'
| '&' | '^' | '|'
| '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=' | '==' | '!='
| '<<' | '>>' | andor;

unarop : '~' | '-' | '!';

any_expr: '(' any_expr ')'
| any_expr binarop any_expr
| unarop any_expr
| '(' any_expr '->' any_expr ':' any_expr ')'
| 'len' '(' varref ')'
| poll
| varref
| Const
| 'timeout'
| 'np_'
| 'enabled' '(' any_expr ')'
| 'pc_value' '(' any_expr ')'
| Name '[' any_expr ']' '@' Name
| 'run' Name '(' (arg_lst)? ')' (priority)?
| 'get_priority' '(' expr ')'
| 'set_priority' '(' expr ',' expr ')';

expr : any_expr
| '(' expr ')'
| expr andor expr
| chanpoll '(' varref ')';

chanpoll: 'full' | 'empty' | 'nfull' | 'nempty';

String : '"' ~["]* '"';
Name : Alpha (Alpha|Number)*;
Const : 'true' | 'false' | 'skip' | (Number)+;
Alpha : [a-zA-Z_]; // grammar is case insensitive, A-Z is superfluous
Number : [0-9];
LeftParen : '(';
RightParen : ')';
LeftBracket : '[';
RightBracket : ']';
LeftBrace : '{';
RightBrace : '}';
Less : '<';
LessEqual : '<=';
Greater : '>';
GreaterEqual : '>=';
LeftShift : '<<';
RightShift : '>>';
Plus : '+';
PlusPlus : '++';
Minus : '-';
MinusMinus : '--';
Star : '*';
Div : '/';
Mod : '%';
And : '&';
Or : '|';
AndAnd : '&&';
OrOr : '||';
Caret : '^';
Not : '!';
Tilde : '~';
Separator: Semi | Arrow;
Question : '?';
Colon : ':';
DoubleColon : Colon Colon;
Semi : ';';
Comma : ',';
Assign : '=';
StarAssign : '*=';
DivAssign : '/=';
ModAssign : '%=';
PlusAssign : '+=';
MinusAssign : '-=';
LeftShiftAssign : '<<=';
RightShiftAssign : '>>=';
AndAssign : '&=';
XorAssign : '^=';
OrAssign : '|=';
Equal : '==';
NotEqual : '!=';
Arrow : '->';
Dot : '.';
Underscore : '_';
: '#' ~[\r\n]* -> skip // Match and skip comments starting with '#'
: [ \t\n]+
-> skip
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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