rm sentry-node-cli-linux.zip sentry-node-cli-linux
sudo apt update
curl -L -o sentry-node-cli-linux.zip https://github.com/xai-foundation/sentry/releases/latest/download/sentry-node-cli-linux.zip
#Unzip New Release
unzip sentry-node-cli-linux.zip
#Delete Old Screen and Create New One (You can see your old screen with "screen -ls" command)
screen -X -S <youroldscreen> quit
screen -S xai
- 1-Type in the public address of the wallet you want to designate as the operator
- 2-Type in the private key of the wallet that purchased the Sentry Key
- Type in the private key of the wallet you would like to designate as the Operator. Then hit 'Enter'
- CTRL+A+D to detach from screen
screen -r xai