This solution based on the next assumptions not to complicate the task
- No authorization
- Don't use SSL or TLS, just HTTP
- Backend doesn't use any DB to store reports(but can be easily modified to support DB)
├── back - backend source code
├── front - frontend source code
This solution has been deployed in k8s cluster.
Go to
To return to initial state of reports go to
Build frontend following instruction
Build backend following instruction
Run backend container using the following command
$ docker run --net=host -d --env BACK_HTTP_PORT=3000 --name mcki-back mcki-back:1.0
- Run frontend container using the following command
$ docker run --net host -d --env PORT=8080 --env BACKEND_ADDR=localhost --env BACKEND_PORT=3000 --name mcki-front mcki:1.0
Open the page http://localhost:8080 in your browser
Stop containers
$ docker container stop mcki-back
$ docker container stop mcki-front