A basic music bot that integrates with discord and perform various functions.
- discord
- youtube-dl
You need a valid discord bot token to use this bot.
The token need to be placed in this line of "main.py" file.
- Add support for various music platforms such as spotify. So, that the users can play their favourite playlists.
- Add a chatbot facility.
- Implement machine learning to keep playing music after the queue for the music becomes empty. The post queue songs will be based on the user's past preferences.
- Add role automation for easy server management.
Make sure that your machine has FFMPEG installed. To download FFMPEG on your machine click here Make sure to add path of FFMPEG bin folder to your environment variables. This step is important to make the bot play music from youtube.
pip install discord
pip install youtube-dl
This project makes use of FFMPEG to play music via the bot's voice output. FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. At its core is the command-line ffmpeg tool itself, designed for processing of video and audio files.
You can reach out to me via email on ankit.rr528@gmail.com or on discord via username and tag - G A B B A R#2180