####Currently only supports openfmri group-level analysis
####How to Use
- Install CIFTI version of nibabel (DISCLAIMER: best to make dedicated environment for this script at the moment)
- Clone repo (including 32k Atlas)
- Use commented command at the top to run windowless
- Specify options with the following flags:
- -d (required): path to group results (up to tasks)
- -t (required): tasks separated by spaces
- -o: path to output directory (default is current working directory)
- -a: path to
folder (default is current working directory) - -i: flag to make uninflated brain output (default is inflated)
- -s: flag to make whole brain output (default is split)
- -ss: flag to remove quad split
- -th: set threshold (must be a float) (default is 2.3)
- -dt: set display threshold (int) (default is 6)
#####Sample Use om_py_plot_surfs.py -d /om/project/voice/processedData/groupAnalysis/may2016_model101/one_sample/model101 -t task001 task002 -ss -th 3.0 -dt 5
- Add
input to show brain coverage - Mutable image size
- Handle flexible directory structure - Subject Level QA, Group Analysis, Etc