This library was developed using the Nordic Semiconductor's NRF5 SDK version 12.3. It should work with all the 12.X versions.
It's an synchronous library based on the Nordic's nrf_drv_twi library available in the SDK, in the folder $(SDK_ROOT)/components/libraries/twi.
- Fully operational implementation for HTU21D sensor
- Fully operational implementation for BMP180 sensor
- Basic implementation for TSL2561 sensor. No support for custom integration time, interrupts and CL package lux calculation.
- BMP180 Pressure and Temperature sensor (compatible with BMP085)
- HTU21D High Precision Temperature and Humidity sensor
- TSL2561 Light-to-Digital converter
The sample projects were developed with the Eclipse Neon 3 IDE and GNU ARM GCC. If you need a step by step environment setup, just check this Nordic's tutorial.
IMPORTANT: On these examples, the SDK must be one folder above the repository!
These examples simply call the necessary methods to get readings for each sensor. With a debugger and setting breakpoints after the readings you will be able to check the data.