This app is built with JDBC and JSP using Native SQL
This App designed make easier training for Teacher and Students find each other. First we are going to Login(SignIn-SignUp) page. They are in the same page but showing with apropriate button click. App wants Email, Password, Surname And Name from User for SignUp, Email and Password for SignIn
When we input correct information it redirect us to the main page
Main page :main page have app name which on click it redirect to the main page and under it have Name and Surname of User. Right of the Qeydi Icon we have another SignUp block. Down the page has all the information about Teachers and when click the button right it redirect us apropriate teacher cv(same Like Cv page ). Only Teacher information showing in main page.
Registration page: Registration page is for Teachers information which Teacher enter pedagogical experience and other information about it. If User have any account and verify acoount with its email and password can be register like teacher.
Reset page: Reset page for reset password and set new one. Request email, old password, new password and repeat new password from user(new password must be same with ist repeated)
Cv page: prepare cv from information given by teacher