- Login
- Register
- Forgot Password
- Reset Password Email
- Email Verification
- Update Profile Information
- Update Password
- Two Factor Authentication
- Confirm Password
- CRUD Products
- CRUD Categories
- Role Management (User & Admin)
- Verified User Management
- Role user can create, read, and update product
- Role user only can read category
- Role admin can get full access
- Create, update, and delete features are only possible when the user is verified.
- Cloning repository
- Doing an "npm install" on the client folder
- Doing an "composer install" on the api folder
- Cloning the .env.example file and rename it to .env, then set the .env file, such as database, email provider, client application URL, etc. Recommended to use mailtrap as email provider
- Migrating and seeding database
- Running folder api and client