FlightSurety is a sample application project for Udacity's Blockchain course.
These are the software versions I have tested the project with
- Node v10.15.3
- npm 6.4.1
- yarn 1.15.2
This repository contains Smart Contract code in Solidity (using Truffle), tests (also using Truffle), dApp scaffolding (using HTML, CSS and JS) and server app scaffolding.
To install:
git clone
cd FlightSurety
npm install
truffle compile
This requires running two components in two shells The first is a local Ethereum node (using Ganache) whilst running the tests
In shell #1 start Ganache:
ganache-cli -a 50 -e 1000 -m "quote ensure arrive vote dinosaur illegal wood equal disagree teach tray planet"
The flag -a 50
will create 50 funded test addresses on your local node
The specific -m mnemonic is needed since the address of first airline is passed for migration of Data Contract.
In shell #2 launch the Contract and Oracle tests:
rm -f ./src/dapp/src/build/contracts/*.json
truffle test ./test/flightSurety.js
truffle test ./test/oracles.js
In shell #1 start Ganache (as was done for tests above):
ganache-cli -a 50 -e 1000 -m "quote ensure arrive vote dinosaur illegal wood equal disagree teach tray planet"
The flag -a 50
will create 50 funded test addresses on your local node
The specific -m mnemonic is needed since the address of first airline is passed for migration of Data Contract.
In shell #2 compile/migrate the contracts AND launch the Oracles Service Removing an old build (if it exists) is sometimes necessary for migrations to work:
rm -f ./src/dapp/src/build/contracts/*.json
truffle migrate --reset
npm run server
In shell #3 start the Web App Server
cd src/dapp
yarn install
yarn start
Finally access the application in a browser
(Port 3000 is reserved for the Server API)
To build dapp for prod:
npm run dapp:prod
Deploy the contents of the ./dapp folder