Given a graph with no cycles in it, there must be a serial schedule corresponding to it.
The steps of constructing a precedence graph are :-
Create a node for every transaction in the schedule.
Find the precedence relationships in conflicting operations. Conflicting operations are (read-write) or (write-read) or (write–write) on the same data item in two different transactions. But how to find them?
2.1 For a transaction Ti which reads an item A, find a transaction Tj that writes A later in the schedule. If such a transaction is found, draw an edge from Ti to Tj.
2.2 For a transaction Ti which has written an item A, find a transaction Tj later in the schedule that reads A. If such a transaction is found, draw an edge from Ti to Tj.
2.3 For a transaction Ti which has written an item A, find a transaction Tj that writes A later than Ti. If such a transaction is found, draw an edge from Ti to Tj.
- If there is any cycle in the graph, the schedule is not serialisable.