Merge pull request #24 from gavanlamb/fix/GH-23-fix-iso-8601 #14
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Jun 16, 2024 in 0s
All 87 tests pass in 33s
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
87 tests found
There are 87 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
InvalidGitHubActionsInputError ‑ should create an instance of InvalidGitHubActionsInputError with the correct properties
InvalidGitHubActionsInputError ‑ should have a stack trace
addComment ‑ errors should be caught
addComment ‑ should create the comment when the body is not null and a comment does not exist
addComment ‑ should delete the comment when the body is null and a comment exists
addComment ‑ should not add a comment if add-pr-comment input is false
addComment ‑ should not add a comment if the run is not for a pull request
addComment ‑ should not create the comment when the body is null and a comment does not exist
addComment ‑ should update the comment when the body is not null and a comment exists
addComment ‑ should use head ref name when pr-comment-name is not supplied
createCheck ‑ should create a check run successfully
createCheck ‑ should not suppress exceptions if client code throws
createCheck ‑ should throw an error if the check run creation fails
createCheckRun ‑ should catch exceptions and log errors
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run when inputs are valid
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with a name of Dotnet Outdated when the check-run-name is null
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with a name of name when the check-run-name is name
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with conclusion equal to failure when fail-check-run-if-contains-outdated is true and hasAny is true
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with conclusion equal to success when fail-check-run-if-contains-outdated is false and hasAny is false
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with conclusion equal to success when fail-check-run-if-contains-outdated is false and hasAny is true
createCheckRun ‑ should create a check run with conclusion equal to success when fail-check-run-if-contains-outdated is true and hasAny is false
createCheckRun ‑ should not create a check run if add-check-run input is false
createComment ‑ should create a comment successfully
createComment ‑ should throw an error if the request fails
createOctokitClient ‑ should create the Octokit client successfully
createOctokitClient ‑ should pass correct config to the Octokit client
default ‑ should call run when loaded
deleteComment ‑ should delete a comment successfully
deleteComment ‑ should throw an error if the request fails
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "FALSE"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "False"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "fAlse"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "faLse"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "falSe"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "falsE"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return false if the input is "false"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return the default value if "" is provided
getBooleanInput ‑ should return the default value if "null" is provided
getBooleanInput ‑ should return the default value if "undefined" is provided
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "TRUE"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "True"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "tRue"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "trUe"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "truE"
getBooleanInput ‑ should return true if the input is "true"
getBooleanInput ‑ should throw an InvalidGitHubActionsInputError when the input is "F A L S E"
getBooleanInput ‑ should throw an InvalidGitHubActionsInputError when the input is "T R U E"
getBooleanInput ‑ should throw an InvalidGitHubActionsInputError when the input is "invalid"
getDetailedView ‑ should return a detailed markdown view for a given configuration
getDetailedView ‑ should return a detailed markdown view for a given configuration when topLevelPackages is empty
getDetailedView ‑ should return a detailed markdown view for a given configuration when topLevelPackages is undefined
getDetailedView ‑ should return a detailed markdown view for a given configuration when transitivePackages is empty
getDetailedView ‑ should return a detailed markdown view for a given configuration when transitivePackages is undefined
getDetailedView ‑ should return a message indicating all frameworks contains no items
getDetailedView ‑ should return a message indicating all packages are up-to-date when there are no updates
getDetailedView ‑ should return an empty detailed view when there are no projects
getFileName ‑ should handle files with multiple dots
getFileName ‑ should return the file name without extension
getFileName ‑ should return the file name without extension for a file without a path
getFileName ‑ should return the file name without extension for a file without an extension
getIntegerInput ‑ should return null when the input is ""
getIntegerInput ‑ should return null when the input is "null"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return null when the input is "undefined"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return the correct integer when the input is "-3"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return the correct integer when the input is "0"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return the correct integer when the input is "3.14"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return the correct integer when the input is "3.94"
getIntegerInput ‑ should return the correct integer when the input is "5"
getIntegerInput ‑ should throw an error when the input is "!@#$%^&*()"
getIntegerInput ‑ should throw an error when the input is "abc"
getStringArrayInput ‑ should return array for comma-separated input
getStringArrayInput ‑ should return empty array for empty input
getStringInput ‑ should return null when the input is ""
getStringInput ‑ should return the string when the input is " "
getStringInput ‑ should return the string when the input is "test"
getStringInputAndValidateAgainstAllowedValues ‑ should return null for empty input
getStringInputAndValidateAgainstAllowedValues ‑ should return valid value within allowed values
getStringInputAndValidateAgainstAllowedValues ‑ should throw error for invalid input
listComments ‑ should retrieve comments successfully
listComments ‑ should throw an error if the request fails
listOutdatedPackages ‑ should be called with all arguments when specified
listOutdatedPackages ‑ should be called with basic arguments when specified
listOutdatedPackages ‑ should throw an error exit code is not 0
run ‑ should catch exceptions and fail execution
run ‑ should create message and call methods to create check and comment
updateComment ‑ should throw an error if the request fails
updateComment ‑ should update a comment successfully