This repository uses an SVM Classification algorithm to detect the signal type of simulated modulated signals.
Run to use Curtis's set of features , run to use Jake's set of features
There are other slight differences between the two, in terms of plotting and test code.
You will need a "data" directory at the top level with the RadioML Pickel File: RML2016.10a_dict.pkl
- Language - Python (v3.10.11)
- Libraries
- scikit-learn (v1.5.2)
- PyWavelets (1.7.0)
- Pandas (1.4.4)
- seaborn (0.13.2)
- matplotlib (3.9.2)
- Libraries
NOTE: These were the version used during testing, it is likely a later minor version should be fine. Be careful with older versions or major newer versions.