This repo contains study materials for the Microsoft AI-102 (Certified Associate AI Engineer) exam.
ai102-study-guide-ipspec - The IP Specialist AI-102 Study Guide. The Kindle version (as of Oct. 2023) is only $10, so it's a great resource even though a bit out of date. Some of the service names and engineering workflow have changed a bit since publication, but the conceptual parts are still very current. If anything having to dig around in the portal a little more helps you learn the hands-on part better, since you can't just tune out and copy-and-paste. I am typing up the code samples for the labs since I have not been able to find a repo or other resource where they can be downloaded. But again that gives you a more in-depth understanding of what you're doing.
Microsoft Learn - The study guide above, while well written and very useful, is not official Microsoft material. While I still recommend the IP Specialist guide referenced above, there is still no substitute for the official Microsoft-provided study material...
- Microsoft's AI-102-Engineer repo contains resources for the exam, primarily code for labs (which are not as useful as they could be, since they're shorn of context, but they're still a useful resource)