- Fork this repository to your profile from top right of this page.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone || git clone
Open the cloned folder, make new folder with yourGitHubUsername and move all files, folders of your app to that folder. (Copy my .gitingore file to your new folder)
Now add all files to commit and push to your forked repository.
git add .
git commit -m "Adding myFirstApplication"
git push origin default
Open your GitHub profile on any browser and head to your forked repository page.
You will see one 'Contribute' button. Click on it.
You will see a pull request form. Fill in the form and click on 'Create pull request' button.
(Make sure the branch you are trying to merge is the same as your forked repository branch. say default for now)
Most likely I will be merging the PR to default branch in less than a 24 hours. You can still contact me if you have any doubt.