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Pure gwt composite to create easily a tagcloud of almost anything.
- Either create a cloud of words, or images.
- Prepoluate the tag cloud directly from a List, or Tag by Tag.
- Make the cloud colored or not (randomly).
- Customize the colors of the words.
- Customize the orientation of the text (horizontal/vertical).
The model and control layer are already done for you :
- JDO(s) App Engine ready.
- RPC Services for CRUD operations included.
A fast and easy to use pure-GWT composite, [ once the jar added to your project] , you're ready.
If even, you wanna use the [ RPC Service], it's powered by Datanucleus through JDO. Totally "App Engine-ready" ;)
- shuffled position of the tags.
- weighted position of the tags. (highest occurencies in the middle)
For any questions or remarks, do not hesistate to [ send me an email].