The E-Rezept TestSuite is divided into several parts and is intended to cover the upper part of the test pyramid.
See for all information regarding the (newest) releases.
To get started with the test suite, it is important to understand the architecture of the testsuites and their core modules:
Primarily serves as a test data generator to assist in manual/exploratory testing of the e-prescription.
For further information, please see the full documentation
Is the end-to-end test suite and focuses mainly on acceptance tests.
These test scenarios are described with the description language Gherkin. The feature-files describing the test scenarios are located at primsys-bdd/src/test/resources/features
For further information, please see the full documentation
The "product testsuite" is focused on system testing and the coverage of specific requirements.
The test cases are utilising JUnit5 and are located at erp-fd-product-test/src/integration-test
For further information, please see the full documentation
This testsuite focuses the end-to-end integration with the E-Rezept-App-iOS by using Appium.
The feature-files describing these test scenarios are located at erp-app-bdd/src/test/resources/features
For further information, please see the full documentation
To be able to build testsuites, make sure you have all the following required prerequisites on your development machine:
- Java 17 and Maven
In order to be able to run the testsuites, you must also ensure that the following prerequisites are met on your development computer
- Reachability of the TI
- Authorization1
Because this information1 is very sensitive and must be authorized per user, it is not publicly available here. Within, e.g., the configuration files; you can easily identify these fields:
- name: TU
discoveryDocumentUrl: https://...
fdBaseUrl: https://...
subscriptionServiceUrl: wss://...
userAgent: DUMMY VALUE # <-- not public
discoveryDocumentUrl: https://...
fdBaseUrl: https://...
xapiKey: DUMMY VALUE # <-- not public
userAgent: DUMMY VALUE # <-- not public
If you are interested in running testsuite, please use the contact options below.
All modules and consequently the whole project can be built using maven
mvn clean install -DskipTests
or just to run the unit tests
mvn clean test
To execute the testsuites, maven is used as well:
Run the E2E Testsuite
mvn -f primsys-bdd/pom.xml clean verify -Dskip.unittests
respectively, run the System Testsuite
mvn -f erp-fd-product-test/pom.xml clean verify -Dskip.unittests
respectively, run the App Testsuite
mvn -f erp-app-bdd/pom.xml clean verify -Dskip.unittests
For further information on executing the testsuites, please see the full documentation
If you want to contribute, please check our
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